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Messages - mrblonde (1979)

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Trial of Fire / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:30:50 pm »
First off, Naps is one of my favorite people to chat with whenever i'm on.  With that said she's left the forums, missed a match, and seems to have a lot of other stuff going on.

So basically i just want to know how you are going to lead :fire to victory next war and why you will be the best to lead. Also if you don't plan on leading War let me know this as well.

Trial of Entropy / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:26:05 pm »
Entropy is one of the most if not most powerful Element in War format. Why are you applying for this Element? Is it because of relative strength and you like to be the best? I would like a full on honest answer here. Some people like to play underdogs and others like to play OP classes/races/etc, there are no wrong answers. Which are you?

Trial of Earth / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:21:41 pm »
For that same reason last war during the prisoner's dilemma round I chose Honor even though it was probably more advantageous to choose Betrayal.  I believe that there should be honor even in war, and refuse to put a knife into anyone's back, even an enemies.
There certainly can be honor in death. Anyhow i digress, onto my question.

I feel Earth has underperformed a little bit in Wars. Am i wrong? Our am i overestimating the strength of :earth comparatively to other elements.

Trial of Air / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:16:28 pm »
Why do you think Air has been so chaotic when it comes to Masters?

Trial of Darkness / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:14:58 pm »
Who has been your favorite Master and why (you cannot choose me or yourself)? What qualities makes this person an ideal Master?

Trial of Aether / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:12:19 pm »
What card of aether would you choose to be nerfed and which to be buffed? And list these changes.

Trial of Death / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:23:53 pm »
Definitely my biggest contribution to the team was my work in the vault.  We had 0 penalties due to vault problems and I corrected numerous errors in decks that I found while working in the vault.  While I did not do this alone and I did have some help, I handled most of the load and spent countless nights before the end of deckbuilding phases adding, changing, and finalizing all of the decks, salvages, discards, and conversions that we had.  Blonde has stated a few times that he has never had a cleaner vault in all of his wars and was very pleased that he didn't have to touch it.  I also feel that I made big contributions during vault building.  I was always on to decide on which cards and which decks would be added and made helped build and test many of the decks that went into our vault.[/spoiler]

Decided to read Majofa's answers.

Trial of Death / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: February 13, 2012, 09:05:20 pm »
All questions will be answered in this post. Keep them coming =) I also will not be reading any of my other competitors answers until all questions have been completed and answered.

Q: "That said, if you were in Team Death, what was your team’s strongest point that led you to the final victory against Light? (Especially considering their immense deck variety and veteran players) If you weren’t on the team, do you think one deck archetype, battle, or card had led the team to a prosperous advantage? Most importantly, how do you feel about your Death banner not being placed up yet despite War ending several months ago? XD”
The strongest point that led us to the final victory against Light likely was the ability of being able to narrow down most of their decks and to build off of that. With the tourney structure it did make winning the whole thing, "easier" then if we had it in previous wars. More luck played a factor in this. The one battle that led us to a prosperous advantage was actually losing our final battle before the tourny started. This allowed us to not have to field 2 decks which allowed us to salvage all our cards.

Your most important question actually does not have much meaning to me (i say that with the greatest respect to you as a person). It was a great accomplishment but for me if its not displayed on the forum it's okay with me. If it was feasible for it to have been changed it would have and i certainly wouldn't quibble considering in the whole scheme of Elements i don't do a whole lot (besides be here) to contribute. And now since jijo asked when i would change my avatar i decided to put VRT's art to use.  :)

Would you associate Romeo and Juliet to :death?

Death won War #4. Do you feel like this happened by chance or that with the game balanced as it is now Death could win many more wars?

At this point, I feel like I should ask you to post a :death related song.
No, i wouldn't associate Romeo and Juliet to :death. I associate it more with a great love and unfortunate circumstances then death.

Good question. I feel that Death is not one of the strongest element is this format. But as us veterans know the best element does not always win as RNG/Luck plays a factor. Death has been consistantly one of the better Elements though and by no means do i feel we couldn't win more.

I'm a big AFI fan so i'll go with "Death of Season"

Q:"Do you think some event cards made team death to win or simply the decks archetypes were complex and good enough?"
I believe our deck archetypes were certainly complex and good enough (although IMO complex doesn't mean better). With that said the event cards certainly helped us more then hurt us as it got late in the event.
Q:  Death's victory in War symbolizes it being one of the most powerful Elements in PvP.  Meanwhile, Life is still labeled as one of the most inferior and least popular of Elements despite the two being Elemental opposites.  What do you think is the leading cause between the gap between the two Elements?  In other words:  What do you think Life lacks that Death does not?  Try to list as many flaws as you can using specific cards, Elemental themes, etc. to better support your points.
I am definitely a big believer that Life is one of the weaker elements when it comes to the war format. I know Life finished 3rd in War 2 but that had more to do with Entropy and Fire being so dominant and they could have just as easily finished on the bottom. Basically 3rd-11th in that war was really the same thing IMO (in no way am i trying to demean the placement). Death finished war I in 4th and that was not deserved either.

I think one of Death's biggest assets compared to Life is the metagame. Poison and Bonewall allows us to be a stalling Element if we so choose along with us being a great rushing element which makes us tougher to prepare for. Death is one of the poorer elements when it comes to CC but Life is definitely the worst with Light. Our CC poor as it may be does have synergy with our bonewall (and upped actually isn't that bad). Both of us need to go off element to get PC but we have a great workaround vs shields in poison. Yes you have scorpions but they aren't workarounds against shields and unupped are easily negated. The fire nerf also indirectly nerfed one of your better decks (firebolt). The biggest difference i see is that death has more "options" and can better use certain decks because of a larger arsenal. Your frogtal is a little better then our reclutal but we also stall better so it allows our decks to be more effective.

Good question though and i might come back to edit this when i have thought about it more.

The following questions/comments will be sharp and pointed. They may hurt your feelings, but they are meant to help me and the community see how you handled adversity and tough questions. So, don't take too much offense to it, I'm gonna be grilling everyone. Also, I don't hate any of you, it's just my RL interviewing being used for the community vote. :D

I feel that these questions should be more personal IMO. I have answered every question in every trial, silly, personal, or otherwise. I would prefer sharp and pointed over silly and pointless although i can be quite silly and pointless at times as well.  :D Anyhow no offense taken and grill away.

What percent of the work did you do in this last War?

Well this actually is an easy question that will likely become long winded. I have never hidden the fact that this last War my participation was very minimal... for parts of it. Now percent of work well thats a bit different. Really depends on how we determine exactly what work is. If we take everything that War encompasses i did my fair share. I spent a good amount of time on auction (less then last War though because of the awesome spreadsheets that were created this war although i did create a spreadsheet again this War). Also i highly doubt anyone spent nearly as much time on propaganda as i have and have won 1st twice in a row and 2nd (or was it third) in 3 propagandas. So when it came down to prep work prior to the start of War i did a good deal. I also helped create decks (pre-start) and did all the little administrative things at the beginning.

Now when it came to deck building and vault management after the start of War. Well that was all my team. But in all honesty it really wasn't my fault. Its really because my team was so active and plainly awesome. I was on every night at deadline to fix the vault and decks if needed but my team was there and had everything completed. The team put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this victory and did a wonderful job (obviously) and honestly made me quite superfluous. I basically had the envious job of being the overseer who didn't have to do much but in the end, ended up with the credit. Your brother Jaymanfu definitely was such a huge part of Death's victory and was our MVP. Every single person in our team though did their part and were integral in our success.

Now actually i would like to answer another question and i will pretend you are asking this as i'm sure this is a question you would like answered.

Quote from: majofa
"During the War you mentioned to me that this was likely your last War and you would be retiring. Have you changed your mind and why should i vote for you with you if you are halfway out the door?"
Good question Majofa and i'd be happy to answer that. At the time i was contemplating this i was pretty sure i was going to retire mainly because i felt that i was not doing enough during War and was not spending the necessary time. So i felt i was failing as a Master. I did not want to represent my element poorly. But after talking to Ralouf and others (who by the way hold me in way to high esteem) i have had a change of heart. He made me realize that i'm not necessarily failing if i don't do all the work. I have not been needed to be subbed for my entire Elements career (except maybe once but i think i was on vacation out of town for a few days, can't remember) and have always made sure that if the work needs to be done, it will get done. I may not be one of the most active Masters but i am dependable and consistant. As long as i am Master, the element of Death does not have to worry about me disappearing or rage quitting mid way through any event.

MrBlonde: Malignant currently reigns supreme as the top death challenger. Would you be happy to see Malignant being the person to dethrone you, as happy as you could be when/if you lose your title?
Other questions may be edited into this one.
i don't think i would be happy if anyone dethroned me.  ;) I absolutely love Malignant to "death" and i have spent more time pvping with him then probably anyone. As far as being a Master i think he would put the work in. He has always been available and was quiz moderator for a while. If i had to guess though i think Ralouf and Jippy would definitely be more active when it comes to leading war though.

As being in the trial where the winner of war will have a dominating upped card advantage, how do you feel about the current trial reward to the top placings of war? Do you think there should be a reward for war besides the banner+awards? If you had to pick another reward for war other than trial points, what would it be?
I think the current trial rewards should actually have a greater distribution. As of now 6 masters don't get any points for participating in War and 3 of them get 1 point. Also i would like to see any General who leads a team through the whole War get points towards that elements trials if they try out for it. I love ralouf's idea and marks/nymphs would be great as an additional reward. If i could pick another reward instead of trial points i would love it to be a mark.

To those members of Team Death: Congrats for winning war! That said, there were teams that had large early advantages (Earth/Time/Entropy) over you guys. Do you feel that your coming back to win was a result of luck, skill, event cards, or any combination of those? If you had to choose 1 team that you would have chosen to win war, other than yourself, who would it be?
Definitely a combination of those. The tourney at the end certainly made this a free for all which fortunately fell our way. If i had to choose one other team to win the war i would have to go with my counterpart Life.

Death! i love this element :D
MrBlonde: You are the longest ever-lasting master so far. What do you think has led you to this? How much time do you think you can keep it?
A lot of luck. Honestly should have lost in Trials 3. Also i have always ended up with the popular vote which helps in my upped cards and have never had a card disadvantage. How long doi think i can keep this title? Honestly no idea. I never feel that i'm the favorite when it comes to PvP skills and am just waiting for the rug to be pulled out. I must say though the way things have come about though the element of Death does seem to favor me.

My challenge to all competitors: Build me a deck (at least 50% death) that can get a Silver spin, oh and for added creativity, no Bonewalls, Poisons, or Mummies allowed. Good luck and have fun!
Apparently my reading comprehension skills are down. Now that i realize i have to win 5 in a row i had to make another deck. Grinding a bunch of silver myself i knew i had to find a way to bypass shields and i wanted to still use stalkers (original deck was CP stalker/recluse) i swapped the CP's for unstoppables. After one game though i realized i needed a little more time for the poisons to take effect, so what card allows me to do that oh so well? You guessed it, so here's my death version of Splat that went so nicely at 5-0.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 713 713 713 713 713 71a 71a 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 8pl

If death had no poison and there was no poison mechanic in the game what would you replace arsenic and poison with and how do you think this would effect death. Also do you think that poison was one of the big reasons death won the latest war. finally do you think that its fair for there to be only one element and only one card that counters poison what others element's do you think should be able to stop poison as well. (it cannot be an element that already has a card that causes poison)
If death did not have the poison mechanic frankly it would be one of the weakest elements IMO as we have no PC and our CC is not very good. What makes Death good (in war setting) is the threat of poisons and concurrently enhances the strength of decks that do not use poison. Without that threat it would be easy to counter death and working around shields would be extremely difficult. It would also take away decks such as Pandabonium as it does not work unupped without poison. No doubt poison was one of the reasons death won the latest War. If i had to replace poison and arsenic it would have to be something along the lines of a corruption card (reduces shields armor and reduces weapons attack) and perhaps a weaken card on creatures. We would need something thematic and powerful to replace poison.

I actually don't think it is unfair that only one element can counter poison. Poison works very slowly and in no way have i seen is it overpowered in any sense. Thematically-wise, life and light would make sense to be able to counter poison. But life has a card that causes poison and light honestly does not need anymore healing buffs. I also think time thematically could work with "reversing" poison effects but dune scorpions takes this element out as well. All the other elements just don't fit with countering poison. Maybe darkness as poison could strengthen them but honestly with their quanta denial and innate healing with vampires and drain life along with H4X shield it would be a buff that is not needed.

Death is currently one of the strongest element in both unupped/upped PvP environment, which is displayed by the outstanding performance in War 4. Do you think Death can continue its superior status until War 5? If not, what kind of mechanic/card combination/decks do you think will change this?
I feel that Death is certainly one of the stronger elements and certainly can continue doing well (i wouldn't say we are in superior status though, a lot of things fell into place last War). In War I we finished 4th, War II we were a frontrunner to win it with fire and entropy until a catastrophic round sending us to 11th, War III we finished 5th (i'm sure we could have finished higher but i was trying to win it all), and our 1st place finish in War IV shows that we certainly are one of the "stronger" and consistent elements in the war setting. I've also finished 2nd and 1st in the last two Masters Tourney (although RNG was certainly kind to me) so i feel that unupped and upped Death is in a good place when it comes to relative strength compared to the other Elements. So to answer your question, i definitely feel that Death does not need any improvements to continue its success. Also if we are allowed to add our shard to PvP that makes us much stronger as well.

Create a deck based on skeleton which doesn't use immolation or reverse time.
Well i was going to go with a Schrodinger's Cat deck but then decided that seemed a bit too obvious. So i decided to go with a deck i played with a while ago and went mono-death. Hopefully you don't mind that it's fully upped and based around Elite Skeleton. All those nasty little shields really mess up those 1 attack creatures. Anyhow i decided to test it via AI3 in the trainer and voila worked fairly well as you can see by the record. And as you can see by the screenie it is definitely based on skeletons  ;).

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 712 712 712 712 712 712 716 716 716 716 716 716 717 717 717 717 71a 71a 71b 71b 8pk

Say that you became a master of Death in real life, and got to choose a ''power''. What would it be?
The "power" i would choose would be the curse of "Eternal Youth" and "Immortality" as the Master of Death.

Life / Re: Epi-Scorpafrices
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:26:30 am »
yeah bonds don't really work well with this deck. Heals are just to give you that extra turn or two to survive.

After testing i really did have to lol a bit and definitely have to lean towards RNG fail for Higs. I tested 10 games each with my deck vs AI and higs deck vs AI (decks 3 and 4). So yeah... i run goot vs Higs.

Higs #3Higs #4
Speed Poison6-43-7
Speed Poison (AI)2-84-6

Trial Archive / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 2
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:05:03 am »
the amount of no plays in the masters tourney is a bit disappointing.
Yes.  But at the same time I don't think it's really surprising.  My last duel with Napalm was a surprise to me that it was completed simply because my schedule was filled with classes and work relating to those classes on the days that she was free.  This round I was scheduled to be with family for nearly the entire time, so the chances of me happening to catch nils was limited.  I'm not aware of the situation for everyone else, but I really would have appreciated the flexibility that longer rounds would have offered in regards to my schedule.
Yeah, completely understandable, didn't mean it to sound derogatory in any way. For events like this i do wish we had a bit more time.

Trial Archive / Re: 5th Trials - Phase 2
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:12:03 pm »
the amount of no plays in the masters tourney is a bit disappointing. oh well. good luck 10men and higs. =)

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blarg: MrBlonde