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Messages - mrblonde (1979)

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 165
Round 1 / Re: (Death) (Sub) agentflare 3 - (Water) Daguerreo 0
« on: October 14, 2011, 10:42:54 pm »
Ahhh just as i thought when Jay said a water stall. Hmmmm... seems like you might have enough damage to win but you'd have to get pretty fortunate. Got lucky picking our deck but that's the name of the game =). Also the Quanta cap certainly limits bolt decks (since you could only do max 80 dmg total with your bolts).

Good games guys and sorry to put you all through such a slow agonizing game.

Death / War schedule times - Round 2
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:53:15 pm »
Hi Guys in this thread i'd like you all to post when you are planning your round matchups and i will update this each round. This way we know potentially who we might have to sub for.

 ralouf1 vs  :darkness  -  Today GMT+2
 jippy99 vs  :water - Completed (WIN!)
 Gen. MrBlonde vs  :entropy
 PlayerOa vs  :life
 Lt. RootRanger vs  :earth
 Jaymanfu vs  :aether - Completed (WIN!)
 agentflare vs  :light
 xn0ize vs  :air

Death / Re: Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:46:14 am »
I think that using 2 deck with 0 creature this round is a very good idea ! it'll make every CC packed vs us totally useless.
I think that light stall is fine vs entropony because we have only good MU, except vs scramble shrieker cuz they have EQ but the rest of their deck are very good MU for us.
Yeah the EQ/grabby deck can be a pain but i tested 4-2 with it so it definitely can win vs it. I think it's a decent choice and i think it gives us a chance in every matchup except for of course CP/Dune.

Death / Re: Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:26:48 am »
I said that because I think that the creatures that will matter the most can be puffer fish. so diamond shield can perfectly stop it. Then as you said playing bw upped and titanium reduce the cost of both and that can help.. It's up to you
I changed my mind and actually upped the titaniums. Not really too worried about puffer fish though since i doubt they would choose to up that but then again who knows.

Anyways after some testing i have decided to go with the light stall vs entropy. This matchup sucks all over and i hope i'm making the right decision but here is my assessment.

Panda - 95%+ chance of winning.. really don't see how we lose
Mono-Entropy Rush - Went 3-0  and this deck should be a 75% favorite
Diss-Stall - As long as they don't go 42 cards we should win no problem
Grabbow - went 4-2 but i think at best it's 50/50.
CP/dunes - might as well just surrender. I don't think they used this deck at all last war though.

SO out of the top 5 decks i think they will use we should be a favorite in 3, slight underdog or neutral in 1, and a definite loss in the other. Our grabbow is iffy in any of the matchups and personally i really don't want to lose our grabbow so early and i'm sure it's likely expected.

So discuss this and if everyone thinks this is a terrible idea just let me know and i'll change it (or if someone has mod rights here they can change it)

Death / Re: Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 13, 2011, 08:38:56 am »
Just a thought, Don't you prefer to uppgarde titanium shield in this earth stall instead of bonewall ? those decks looks fine otherwise ;)
It's kind of a tossup. Upping BW's allows both shields to come out much faster. so 2 Titaniums@4 and 3 BW's@5 rather then 6/7. But yeah the 3 defense might be worth it.

Death / Re: Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:58:58 am »
Is the stall 44 cards so we can save all of our Earth cards and Shields if we lose?
If that's not what we plan to save, 44 cards would be too big in my opinion. Water doesn't have good synergy with RT and Eternity, and if they do have an RT or Eternity deck, they will use it against Gravity instead of us. They had a 40 card stall last war, but it didn't seem to do so well. I'm not sure they will use it again, and if they do, it might be a smaller version.
We can certainly trim it down to 40. I'll test it out a bit later tonight when i have time.

War Archive / Re: War #4 - Feedback
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:07:03 am »
Well here's my  :electrum.

1. Bigger vault - Allows us to have more versatility and more decks.
2. Less discards - I personally liked the 6 discards round 1. Basically it's a feeler round and you get to see the decks people are playing. Rounds 2/3/+ could be 18/24/30.

I personally don't mind long drawn out wars though.

My view is likely biased here since i've placed well every time and have won it the last 2 times.

1. I like Propaganda. I think it's fun for people to look at and it gives War another element (oh look a pun). I take personal pride in my Propaganda and really am my biggest critic since everyone really is pretty nice with their comments (they never say they hate my stuff just don't agree that the speech should be.. humorous).
2. I think all Propaganda should be done in team. Also a little more time to do Propaganda wouldn't hurt.
3. I like the idea of splitting the Propaganda in sections. Speech and Banner could be 2 categories. Songs IMO doesn't deserve it's own category unless we're making our own songs.  :P
4. The goal of Propaganda is to get votes. People have really gotten bent out of shape with speeches not being within the spirit of motivation or rallying your troops. I won't disagree that i have taken liberties with my speech portion but i'd also like to mention that i likely have spent more time then any two masters combined the last 2 wars in creating it. I also have had people requesting to be on my team just to be in the speech portion of my Propaganda (is that not a sort of rallying of troops?).

All in all i think Propaganda is a fun portion of War and it would be a shame to have it not included. I wouldn't cry if it was gone though as it would mean less work and more sleep for me.  ;)

I also think there should be unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. Like raging in chat or in posts about RNG should get penalties. Perhaps a warning/1 card/2 card/etc. This is just a game and an event that should be fun. Bad RNG will happen but we can still be good sports about it. Anyhow just my opinions so should be taken with a grain of salt.

Death / Re: Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 12, 2011, 09:50:04 pm »
Okay just an FYI. These decks are not set in stone right now. Any changes you think should be made let me know. Just wanted to get this up for discussion since we need to get this done sooner then later.

Death / Round 1 - Decks
« on: October 12, 2011, 09:37:36 pm »
Battles Round 1
1:entropy Rush6vs:death xn0ize
2:death agentflarevs:water Daguerreo

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52l 52l 52l 52l 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5li 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 7k2 7k2 7k2 8pq

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52l 52l 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 593 593 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 594 594 71b 77c 77c 8pm

Death / Re: Round 1 - Strategie
« on: October 12, 2011, 07:54:40 am »
Wings are good vs earth and a variety of other teams as long as they don't pack PC. I think the earth stall would be a good choice for water.

Entropy is such a pain to play. They can easily go with their pain in the arse grabbow or use that mono-entropy diss stall which really sucks. I'm thinking our grabbow might be the best bet. I don't think they will use panda vs us.

Death / Re: Round 1 - Strategie
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:24:31 pm »
The death/earth deck will need some changes.  I had to take 5 cards out due to the fact that we didn't have them in our vault.  Im not opposed to keeping it where it is, but I think a little bigger is better.
Yeah the earth deck definitely is not right but it's easy to fix and we just need to decide if its a deckout or actually going to be used to finish them off

Death / Re: Round 1 - Strategie
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:06:32 am »
It seems a good idea for entropy, give us this list.

Yeah for water, they can't break a big stall deck so let's play the earth stall or even the light stall, but we should keep it for a surprise in the next rounds.
Trust me, everyone pretty much knows we will run an earth stall and to be honest it's better if everyone knows anyhow.

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blarg: Rush6,xn0ize,agentflare,Daguerreo,MrBlonde