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Messages - mrblonde (1979)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Idea - Phasing Beast
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:59:05 pm »
Seems like decreasing health and dmg would fit better for a phoenix card that rebirth's. Immune to fire/fire shield but if it becomes frozen it permanently dies.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Temporal shield
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:54:29 pm »
Temporal Shield
7 :time
Shield: Temporal Shield blocks all physical damages. Draw a card if you have less than 7 in hand or destroy the top card if you don't.

This is somewhat a Time version of Dim Shield. Basically this shield makes you deck out instead of dying.
when you say temporal do you mean it lasts 1 turn or it permanently stays? Obviously overpowered if it permanently stays up. If it lasts 1 turn it would suck though. So perhaps every turn it's up it costs 7 time and 1 from each quanta or it is destroyed? Kind of like dissipation field?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: trading cards
« on: March 13, 2010, 09:25:17 pm »
I don't think a trading system would be bad but obviously some system would need to be put in place. 50K points seems a bit high. 25K seems a bit high as well. 10-15K before you could trade i think would be a good system. If you're willing to spend that much time to make an alt account just to get 1 rare i see no problem with it. Also a trading fee probably wouldn't be bad to implement also.

I also think a 1 time change your rare weapon would be nice.. especially for the new players who make a bad choice.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Another Rainbow
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:58:17 pm »
This is the one I tried so far ... mostly useless against Dark Matter, or Divine Glory (if they don't draw shit). After that it works reasonably well and the lack of firestorm doesn't matter at all - or at least I had never lost because lacking this spell.
You will miss the firestorm vs Incarnate, Fire Queen, Paradox and Ferox. Also it's basically an auto-loss vs Graviton without it. You won't be able to eat any of his creatures. With no permashield or any -2 shield vs Paradox you are taking a very easy victory away because you'll never be able to control his creatures. Same goes with FQ and Ferox to a lesser extent.

Honestly taking away firestorm out of any rainbow deck is going to make it very much weaker vs many of the FG's.

Duo-Decks / Re: Exploding the Rainbow
« on: March 12, 2010, 10:37:25 pm »
good deck
Man, I'm no mod, but I really think you should stop spamming posts like "good deck" or "I like it"...
You gotta get to 30 posts somehow right?  ;D Anyhow concerning this deck i am "absofrickinlutely" horrible with it. For some reason i must be doing something wrong with certain decks. Can't play PuppyChows original deck for a half decent percentage and 7-5 vs T50 with this deck. Guess i just need to practice more or something...

Forum Archive / Re: so far not a single card from t50
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:04:28 pm »
I played about 200 games vs T50 and not a single card.... even AI3 is kinder than that lol
I think I have the answer...

How many of those 200 games did you win?  0?
win rate is about 40% with AI4.. with AI3 (win rate is about 95% speed/poison deck) I get a card about every 6-7 games.
Not trying to be a jerk but are you sure you aren't exaggerating? If you've won 80 times the chances of you not getting a card at a 40% drop rate is roughly 1/50,000,000,000,000,000. At a 20% drop rate it's 1/5,000,000. If you aren't you need to play the unlucky lottery.

Forum Archive / Re: so far not a single card from t50
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:47:15 pm »
its all about luck
Ehhhh, yeah it's all about luck (but really it's all about the math) but c'mon getting that unlucky doesn't seem right. Here are my percentages

FG - 641 wins, 274 cards (42.75%)
AI3 - 4 wins, 2 cards (50%)
T50 - 288 wins, 137 cards (47.57%)

So the standard rate over the long term should be around 40% or so. T50 will always be higher because of people putting up farms which increase percentage. Soooo either there is a bit of exaggeration going on or you might be the unluckiest person ever. Or like Chaos Lord stated, you didn't win any games which i highly doubt, so actually what would be better is if you stated how many games you won.

Forum Archive / Re: Transition from AI3 to Top50
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:26:59 pm »
T50 - and I counted.  It was 22 losses in a row versus top 50 before I finally won a game.  (Let's see that cost 330 coins, one fifth of an upgraded card ... nice.) I expect strings of losses againts FG's, but when you buy an unupped deck someone claims works well against top50 and promptly lose 22 games, you start to reconsider your strategy. 
Interesting... hmmmm... like i said was playing around with the speed unupped earth deck (16 pillars, 2 short swords, 6 shriek, 6 grabs) and i won a few games lost a couple. Just seemed better then the aether/poison deck i made (14 pillers, 6 poison, 2 dragons, 6 immortals, 6 dim, 2 PU's, 2 lightning) which through 20 games i was 8-12 (so 40%).

the losses were mostly the rainbow decks with the bonewall(s)+6 sundial+phase shield(s)+fire shield(s)+fireball(s)+elite otyughs that held me off long enough for them to get out the unbeatable creature combos. Then there were all the speed decks I faced. If they have towers and you don't, their speed decks will beat you almost every time.
With the earth deck you really need to make sure you keep your creatures burrowed if they have anything that can kill them. Unupped the earth deck is very susceptible against rain of fire. A lot of times i have to count my dmg to make sure i can finish them in one turn. Haven't seen any decks with fire shield though. With speed decks.. well yeah it's gonna be tough to handle. The aether deck i used worked much better vs life decks because you can stall for a little bit. It's just tough to get enough dmg out in time.

And no, I'm not an idiot with regards to choices of card play. (I say this before somebody jumps in here like in the other threads and says it must be something you are doing wrong.) To be honest with the speed decks I tried, there's not much card choice in the matter for that to be an issue. I rarely lose against level 5 with my rainbow deck and I get enough FG wins to almost break even so I'd say I know when to play what cards and how to use them. If it weren't for wanting some green shards, I'd just stay in the FG's level 5 areas and take my chances there.
Yeah some decks are pretty much auto-pilot but there still are little things that if you don't do will make a huge difference. Personally i can't play PuppyChows deck for crap without modding it. Also the "exploding the rainbow" deck by Wu Li Mammoth i am absolutely horrible with. These decks do work though. Sometimes its just knowing how many cards are left in a deck and what they might have and if they can play it.

Anyhow i usually end up playing late at night as well so late Saturday night/Sunday early morning) i will put up a squid/SoG farm. I'm usually not around at all on Sunday's to play so it should be up all day and i'll make sure to put it back up whenever i'm done playing. I'm almost at perm T50 status so you should see me around a bit in there.  Good luck and play around in the trainer.

And a tip for the trainer, if you want weapons click the "all quest" button then click on Quest and you'll get to pick your weapon. And to get more just rinse and repeat.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pricing elements on Ipod
« on: March 11, 2010, 11:24:58 pm »
I would gladly pay for an iPhone/iPod version of elements... especially if it allowed me to link to my current account. Think of it like bejeweled blitz. It's a free facebook game but has been/is one of the top selling games on the iPhone and it costs $2.99. I don't think this does anything to the "free game" moniker of Elements.

Zanz should make money off the game so all you saying it should be free if it becomes an app....shame on you. Porting it over to the iPhone/Android takes time and money (to become a developer you have to pay $99.00 and honestly the setup is a pain). I'm just wondering how porting it over would work. It's tough enough to read some of the text if you aren't full screen as it is. Anyhow if Zanz did it i'd gladly pay pretty much whatever price he put up there. I've purchased tons of apps and would gladly support this game.

And if Zanz ever wanted to do some type of deal getting it over to those platforms i'm sure i could work something out. :)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Small Otydeck - AI5 and FG-farming
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:41:38 pm »
Can someone explain to me why people even care if threads are necroed? It's not like there are THAT many threads to read and respond too. Just my opinion though... Typically on message boards people are more concerned with repeat topics.

Forum Archive / Re: Transition from AI3 to Top50
« on: March 11, 2010, 06:58:11 pm »
I am honestly more frustrated by all the suggestions for unupgraded decks to try that don't really work.  After a string of more than 20 losses in a row followed by a single victory and a bunch more losses, it gets really old really fast. 
When you say you've lost 20 in a row do you mean vs T50's or FG's? Was playing around with the unupped earth deck and it doesn't seem to work too badly. I did try an aether/poison deck but i think the earth is more effective so perhaps it isn't a good idea.

Forum Archive / Re: Transition from AI3 to Top50
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:54:57 pm »
If you follow ScaredGirls unupgraded FG farmer you really only need 7 upgraded cards which is manageable. Then you have the enviable task of farming FG's which can be a pain in itself but that's the way to make real money.
This is true and actually what I have done.  However, in looking to improve my deck, I started looking at other rainbow decks, some of which require 6 or more rare cards (shards in particular is the problem).  So I wanted to find a way to try to get some shards, which can only be gotten by grinding top 50 (or by donating 5$ for a card, but apparently according to the thread I looked at about this the person processing the cards is missing in action so this isn't an option either).  Let's not even talk about the squids that once everyone could buy but now are only available in some people's top50 decks. 
I had to earn my squids the hard way just like you will, T50 and beating Scorpio(won 3 off of him). But if you like, this Sunday, i will put up a Squid + whatever you want farm (as long as i have it obviously).

I haven't seen an aether deck listed in the top50 threads I looked at. Do you have a link or some suggestions?
Don't quote me on this but a 6 dim shield, 4/6 PU,6 immortal or dragon build should be able to take down most life and earth decks although i certainly could be wrong. Also adding a Lobotomizer or 2 probably wouldn't hurt either since even if they get stolen they don't hurt you.  Life has no control and i'm thinking it should do okay vs Rainbow as well since there is nothing to steal or eat. I would try it out in the trainer first before purchasing cards though ( ).


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