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Messages - mrblonde (1979)

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 165
Death / Re: Round 4 S/D/C
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:16:16 am »
Water: Probably convert stuff, nothing important here Maybe 2 purifies otherwise a complete salvage
Life: Salvage novas, so we can discard some novas? Or a few discords can be good . Good idea likely to keep the novas and exchange them for death cards
Light: Salvage 2 dimshields, convert the rest? Perhaps a lightning as well?
UW: Luxury problem. We definetly want some death cards.  Grabbing the poisons and the arsenics wouldn't be a bad idea at all
Air: Convert stuff. Could salvage the 4 deflags instead of the novas in the life deck and keep death cards or grabbies instead for our grabbow discard

Wings deck: Keeping 3 Recluses and 3 Wings?
Grabbow: Keep 3 Recluses, 2 Deflags and a Fog Shield.

This is just my suggestions, they are no way the best ones.

Round 4 / Re: (Death) Jippy99 3-0 Malignant (Underworld)
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:10:05 am »
hurray! our first winning round!

Round 4 / (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Air) robotcracy 0
« on: November 04, 2011, 09:59:23 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52g 52g 52g 52g 52q 52q 52t 52t 590 590 590 590 5c1 61q 710 710 713 713 713 71b 71b 7dm 7dm 8pm

Pretty much just a bad matchup for Robo's deck. Not much he could really do and i never had a terrible draw. Always had an explosion in hand to deal with his fog shield.

Game 1 - When i saw the mark i thought it was going to be a UG deck. Had an explosion in my opening hand so i held it back even when his fog shield went up. As the game went on though he only played a dragonfly and a wyrm. I had a weird start. Had 2 novas in hand so i was able to play my spectre and arse turn one and a graboid turn two (never pulled a pillar oddly enough this game). I evolved the grabby as soon as i could mainly because if it was a UG deck i needed to get dmg out ASAP even at the risk of it getting raged or shockwaved. CC never came though and my spectre and 2 grabbies were able to finish him even though i never got death quanta and hand full of death cards. He also blew up my arse in turn 3.

Game 2 - Better draw this time. Had another 1st round arse (which he blew up again quickly) and basically it was much of the same except quicker. My dmg was just too quick and he never got up a fog even though i had an explosion in hand so it didn't matter. I did lightning one of his wyrms though and never saw anything but a couple dragonflies and wyrms.

Game 3 - Well, this was the first game that Robo had a good draw. 4 pillar start and i think 3 dragonflies. I also had a decent start but alas we desynched. I think this game would have been close.

Game 4 - Had a great 3 nova start and dumped a grabby and recluse turn one with an explosion for his fog. No arse but it was not needed (never got more then 2 poison counters anyways games 1 and 2). Robo had another 2 pillar draw and he just couldn't keep up with my dmg even though he was able to get out a dragon this time.

GG's robo, and it was just a tough deck for yours to handle.

Round 4 / Re: (Entropy) Rush6 3 - (Death) agentflare 0
« on: November 04, 2011, 12:26:54 am »
Interesting, the most economic upgrades coming back to bite you in the butt. One of those funny quirks about War you can't predict.
Funny thing is we had this exact discussion. Going through all there decks they only had used 2 maxwells so far i believe so we thought we were alright. Arghh....

Round 4 / Re: (death) ralouf1 3 - Gen.RavingRabbid (water) 0
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:58:40 pm »
GG's guys! Good matchup for this deck and I guess it's s good thing we added that duck. =)

Round 4 / Re: (Death) PlayerOa 3 - (Light) suxerz 2
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:12:48 pm »
(I told you we need to put a 5th shield no ? !!)
Apparently it was unnecessary.  :P

Round 4 / Re: (Death) PlayerOa 3 - (Light) suxerz 2
« on: November 03, 2011, 05:41:55 pm »
Wow.. i'm guessing we got fortunate light decided to not put the 6th dim shield in the deck. Looks like we got a bit lucky here. We'll take it! We surely need it.

Actually the more i look at it the more i go... how the heck did we win? 1 more shield, 1 more card and a miracle.

Death / Re: Round 4 Battles
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:53:26 am »
Why thank you Jippy!

Death / Re: Round 4 Battles
« on: November 02, 2011, 02:05:28 am »
well hopefully jippy root or blonde come on and wanna put this in the vault to see if checks out, unless someone else has ideas to change things up
I think the decks look fine ATM and i will put them in our vault later tonight when i get back on.

Death / Re: Round 4 Battles
« on: November 01, 2011, 12:15:58 am »
I like the deck vs :light. The deck vs :water i'm not too sure about. What i am really worried about is that speed poison deck.  Hmmm.. concerning what we need for pends i guess we just need to decide what 3 cards will help us the most since 7 minus the 10 cards we can take from creatures and perms. With 3 cards i'm guessing we could choose from the following cards (i'm leaning more towards perms), another wings (1 more wouldn't hurt in the wings deck), another dim shield, and perhaps a dusk shield for the darkness deck. I'd love to take more creatures but with our existing decks they don't really fit in.

Death / Re: Round 4 Battles
« on: October 30, 2011, 11:28:50 pm »
Those deck are really good ! just one question : why do you play upped wings instead of upped recluse vs entropy ,
That one extra quanta for wings really can make the difference. BUT with that said i think it's very close between the recluse and wings.

War Archive / Re: War #4 - Round 4
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:00:45 am »
Oh the irony...
 :death jippy vs :underworld malignant

The player i picked vs the player i dropped for him.

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blarg: MrBlonde