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52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52o 52o 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 710 710 71a 71b 71b 71b 7t9 7t9 7tb 8pt
Wow.. very intense close games. Don't let the score fool u, 2 of the games were down to the last turn.
Game 1 - I see the air mark and assume its a wings deck which of course it is. I toss out some mummies and a dagger and after i dmg him a bit he throws up a wings. Don't have a steal but figure since he only has a dinky short sword chipping away i'm not too worried and save my bone walls. Then out comes the eternity and he starts rewinding my mummies. It is quite nice that he has to do a double rewind. Anyways i had to do a lot of counting here for damage near the end and it was really really close because my dragon came sooooo late. Anyhow he managed to get out a momentumed scorp as well which was pretty interesting.
Game 2 - Another early eternity by Manuz so i didn't even bother playing anything. I did start off with 2 dragons though and a steal. With my bonewalls and the slow nature of his deck i was able to get enough pillars to fuel my bouncing dragons.
Game 3 - Manuz had a bad pillar draw and his start was really really slow and he didn't get out an eternity for a looonnng time. I also didn't find a dragon till 20 cards in or so. He was only able to bounce out one mummy because of his late eternity and he was forced to draw very aggressively to get his momentum (it was his last card) as my bonewalls and me stealing his wings wouldn't allow him to win otherwise. It came down to the last turn as he was forced to bounce out his own creatures and had to take my lone dragon damage and my 1 poison counter.
Great games Manuz and you played very well. Fortunately for us we picked a good deck to face yours.