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Messages - mokasu (70)

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Anvil Archive / Re: Colossus | Ancient Colossus
« on: May 19, 2010, 08:05:34 am »
Is there any way the upgraded versions name could be changed to 'Grinning Colossus'?
Unfortunately, all you would have to do to kill him is...burn a rope? (Any Kong players getting this reference?)

Anyway, it still seems too strong, and just too big for elements. I like elements to be a thought out game, with strategies and countery stratedies, but this will turn it into 'lets get the creature with the biggest attack, since you cant kill him anyway'
You do know that this guy has to be woken up before he does anything?

Anyone ever played a Flying Titan deck? I mean freaking 70HP!!! That with Gravity Pull, and you cannot be killed, right? I think Flying Titan is totally OP and should be nerfed!

I know big numbers are scary, but game balance is more than just looking at the numbers.
nightmares...Flying Titan...AHAHHHH!!!  >:D

Time / Re: New Card: Shard of Readiness
« on: May 16, 2010, 04:12:29 am »
I wanna say that its OP,but hell...every freakin shard is a bit OP. Well,nice card anywayz.

Time / Re: New Card: Shard of Readiness
« on: May 16, 2010, 04:08:24 am »
Is it 0 for one turn, or as long as it's on the field?
its a spell,it dont stay on the field

Card Ideas and Art / King of Vampires/Drakulya(or Dracula)
« on: May 14, 2010, 03:30:40 am »
ummm....ill try to make the table and all that other stuff later.

King of Vampires

Summon cost: 12 :death
Effect: cost 3 :darkness,summon a Minor Vampire
Stat: 3/4

Drakulya(or Dracula)

Summon cost: 12 :death
Effect: cost 4 :darkness, summon a Vampire
Stat: 4/3

Religion / I Dont Need More "Higher Power" In My Life
« on: May 13, 2010, 02:42:43 am »
Ook....first of all,im not trying to piss anyone off. Second of all, i dont really care if i do. Third of all,why in the world do i hear about gods and other religion stuff inside a gaming forum anyway!?!?!  ???
I mean,its ok to talk about it somewhere else,but not here.Im not trying to tell ppl what to do,but i dont think we need to talk about it here.I respect god,and i like all the teachings of all the religion in the world,even though im an atheist.Its a weird thing,but i kinda get piss off when i see or hear ppl talk about religion and god,when they know thats theres no answer.What pisses me more is that sometimes,they're just talking about it to sound more....idk,smart? o.o
     Again,Im srry if i get anything wrong about this,im just trying to share how i feel about this thing.Blame my lack of knowledge. Isnt there enough war and conflict in history about reilion already? I really dont need anymore of that IN the GAMING world.

A better question would be:Is there alien?
which should be posted in the "off-topic" selection  :D

Religion / Re: Why God?
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:59:58 am »
Guys,i dont think theres need to even talk about his topic. Through out history,tons of wars happened cuz of their beliefs,so y bring it here? You believe in god,good. You dont believe in god,dont try to make others follow. Live it ur way  8)

Religion / Re: Why God?
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:03:54 pm »
Heres a simple answer for this simple question.Gods exist,becuz humans need something to believe in.
And also becuz humans use god to explain things they can't

Religion / Re: Why Atheism?
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:17:14 am »
A cheese ball without cheese isn't a cheese ball anymore. It's just a ball. Which is exactly my point :). A heaven that isn't perfect isn't heaven.
ummm...again,blame my lack of knowledge.If heaven is perfect,then why would humans be there? or even god.I believe they all make mistake,if theres mistakes,its not perfect.Besides,how can you if something's perfec? isnt it a matter of how u look at things?

Religion / Re: Why Atheism?
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:10:04 am »
God created man perfect, according to the Bible. As a stipulation of this, he gave man kind the *ability* to fail. Why? Because the ability to fail is pretty much the definition of free choice. Adam choose wrong, and listened to Eve and the serpent.

This made man imperfect.

Yes,the reason why humans are on top of the food chain is becuz of our "ability" to fail,and improve.
and Btw what do u call a "cheeseball" that have no cheese in it?

Religion / Re: Why Atheism?
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:06:10 am »
Ummm...Correct me on my lack of knowledge plz. Is everyone forgeting the "real" meaning of life? Life is something really simple,you live,you reproduce,you die...Nothing more, nothing less...I personally enjoy the teaching of religion,and gods,but it doesnt mean I believe in them. If you die,you die,nothing u can do about it.What I think about all this talking about "Why Atheism" is like someone is trying to say that life is something way beyond the cycle of life: Live,Reproduce,and Death.I'm not telling anyone to just live and die,they can do something more during their life time,but theres nothing more after u die.The fact that any type of reigion is created is becuz people need something to believe in becuz they cant explain whatever the hell is happenig,people fear death,so they made up god,someone who will look after the humans.(ummm...plz correct me if anything is wrong)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: revenga/ revenga
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:27:21 am »
6 revenga+cells+rain of fire= :death?

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