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Messages - miggui (51)

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Multilingual / Re: Brasil-sil-sil
« on: September 27, 2010, 09:10:27 pm »
Até entendo q o deck seja pra brincar mesmo, acho mó legal isso :D Eu e o Navas já gostamos de brincar com os carinhas mais perigosos, rsrsrsrs. Acho q até vou fazer o seu deck pra ver qual é, rsrsrsrs (sem os upgrades, claro, e sem a ninfa de Time, q infelizmente não tenho). Mesmo assim, dá pra mudar um bocado. Vc usa Tears nos QP, e vem uma ninfa aleatória... eu não acho lá muito produtivo, e já tem a ninfa de Water, então eu tirava o Tears. Vc tb tem cartas como earthquake e devourer, q fazem uma estratégia muito fudida pro adversário, mas nessas quantidades, e no deck de 60 cartas... Fico imaginando o desgosto de comprar o Devourer no late game. O Purify tb tá ali à toa. Em compensação, vc poderia fazer um ótimo uso de mais Hourglass. E Anubis, ao contrário do q diz o Navas, é excelente carta, bem melhor q Quint nesses jogos longos, contra quem nem tem lá muito CC.

Enfim, eu acho q vc podia tentar um deck com menos elementos, e q tb fosse divertido. Tipo, tem cartas q são divertidas mesmo. Mind Gate, Mutação / Fallen Druid (q vc já usa), Pandemonium, Fate Egg... Q tal tentar Entropy e Time? Talvez com Aether junto? Vc ia ficar sem controle de permanentes, no entanto. Um q tb é muito divertido é Earth com Gravity, ainda mais q vc já tem Pulverizer. Essa coisinha, mais os Otyughs, mais o Plate Armor e o Gravity Shield... eita deck q dá uma sensação boa de usar :D Vc come tudo, destrói tudo, e se o cara desce um dragão, não passa pelo Shield :D Só que não tem cura, a menos q vc arrume uns Shards.

Enfim, como é pra divertir, blz. Qdo vc quiser lutar com FG, vc faz o deck de Lava Destroyer e junta a grana e as raras usando ele no AI3 e no T50.
dei uma editada no deck, tirei 20 cartas, mas mantive o modelo. purify tem que ficar no deck porque eu simplesmente ODEIO aqueles cogumelos nojentos do deck water/poison AI3 =P

quanto ao nymph's tears, muitas vezes eu uso steal pra roubar um pillar adversario e depois transformo em nymph. todas as nymphs encaixam no meu jogo, entao eu soh lamento mesmo quando sai uma :light, ou uma :death e eu to sem druid :)

eu tirei devourer (nem lembro por que coloquei), os blessings, dois dos flying weapon, golden nymph, parasite, um dos steal, archangel, pharaoh, alguns pillars, todas as novas (soh ficou a supernova) e mais algumas cartas que nao to lembrando. ficaram 40 cartas, com o deck mais focado ainda em antimatter, lobotomizer, oty (comprei mais um, agora tenho dois elite oty) e healing ateh 200hp :)

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 26, 2010, 11:43:41 am »
then just kill her. it's not that hard, is it? :P

Multilingual / Re: Brasil-sil-sil
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:30:44 am »

Fala migui, welcome back.
Cara, teu deck tá uma miscelânia de cartas. Você fez o que um dia eu tbm fiz e achei q era o melhor....colocar as melhores cartas no mesmo deck. rsrsrs.
Vamos lá. Primeiro de tudo acho q todos aqui concordam que pra fazer farm em AI3, o deck de lava golem que eu postei aqui recentemente é o suficiente. Rápido, barato, sem ups.
Mas vamos ao seu deck. Vc quer Controle de Criatura finalizando com Elemental Mastery.
Corta todas as nymphas. Nunca vi utilidade real pra elas...muito lentas.
Rapa fora blessing e bota plate armor pra upar os otys (coloca mais 1 ou 2), é mais barato e funciona.
Tira o Anubis e bota quintessence pra deixar os otys imortais.
Dissipation shield eu gosto...mas tenta por bone wall de escudo, ele vai bombando enquanto tu come as criaturas inimigas.
Graveyard tbm eh legal pra ir criando esqueleto enquanto tu come as criaturas e com o elfo vc vai fazendo mutantes.
Archangel está inutil. Eliminaria Ultarid, nymph tears, devourer, parasite.
O que tu acha Marvado?
eu curto a miscelanea. nao montei esse deck pra ser o melhor de todos, montei pra me divertir :)

eu faço a maioria das lutas durar muito mais do que o necessario soh porque me divirto tentando terminar a luta com 200hp xD

eu entendo que limando metade do deck e colocando boneyard, bonewall e mais uns otys o deck ficaria mais forte, mas eu gosto de ficar brincando de matar as criaturas adversarias, tirando habilidade, etc xD

edit: no dia em que eu quiser me "profissionalizar" em vez de ficar brincando de zoar AI3, eu mudo o deck pra algo menos vistoso e mais eficiente :)

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:22:20 am »
1 :life is not really that hard to obtain... it's quite easier than 4 :aether. and even with the possibility to PU my opponent, I'd still keep my current strategy (mutate then antimatter) over this =P

Multilingual / Re: Brasil-sil-sil
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:31:27 am »
Fala, Miggui, blz? Bom ter vc aí de novo. Corrigir o problema do seu deck é fácil, só tirar algumas cartas, rsrsrsrs. Posta ele aí q a gente te ajuda... Nem precisa ser grande coisa, no início, o canal é bater nos AI3 :)
eu bato :)

tenho 774 vitorias e 339 derrotas, 16 cartas upgraded e 3 nymphs (mais algumas fora do deck). eu perco muitas lutas porque o deck eh todo doido, tem 60 cartas de 9 quanta diferentes... meu deck eh focado em CC e em terminar as lutas com mais de 100 lifes

Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 593 594 594 5c2 5c6 5c6 5ia 5ig 5io 5lf 5lf 5oi 5oi 5oi 5s4 5um 5un 5up 5up 623 6qq 6u0 6u3 6u6 6u7 6ug 74b 77c 77f 7gv 7ju 7q5 7q7 7qc 7tb 80e

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:02:39 am »
Mmm alfatoxin costs 6 :death, fallen druid 5 :entropy, ability costs 1 :life, and theres no guarrantee that you'd get a high attack creature, an especially low chance too. 3 elements, with alfatoxin taking a long time to set up.
the nymph would cost 9 :aether, the ability would cost 4 :aether and you'd need a very expensive card from another 'color'. it's one less color and no random, but a lot more quanta...

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 25, 2010, 03:13:25 pm »
Nah, PU is actually super strong if it could be used multiple times, especially since it depends on the creatures in the field. You could essentially have 10 creatures with over 20 attack just for 40 :aether. The standalone card itself isn't so strong, but the ability to give multiples of each creature gives you ridiculous field advantage. And that is why "my" nymph dies eventually after creating a few copies. ;)
well, you COULD create a hell of an army with something as simple as aflatoxin + fallen druid. and the druid costs 5 :entropy to play and 1 :life to mutate and has a stable 3/3 stats. there's the random factor, but IMO it's as overpowered as having a 9 :aether 1/2 card with a 4 :aether PU ability. you need to:

a) spend 9 :aether to play it
b) spend probably something around 10 non- :aether quanta to play a really strong card
c) spend 4 :aether per turn to duplicate it (or the nymph)
d) hope your opponent doesn't have an offensive shield, oty/scarabs, antimatter, aflatoxin/parasite, owls eye, shockwave, lightning, lobotomize or even quint.

maybe it should have 1/1 stats and 1/2 when upgraded, like the nymph queen, but I still don't think it's impossible to have a PU nymph (we have an antimatter nymph, don't we?)

Crucible Archive / Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 27 Cards
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:59:52 pm »
I did. Should I have mentioned I'd rather make it, like, "unlegendary"? I think it WOULD fit in the game if it were half the card it is and it WOULDN'T fit in the game as it is.
Two reasons why I won't change Blood Shade:

1. It's a Legendary Creature, a new concept and mechanic. Scrapping that part would scrap the entire card.

2. It's my member card. I'm not making it any weaker.
I'm not telling you to change it, I don't have the power to make a card creator change his creature just because I don't like it. It's your creation, keep it as you see fit :)

I'm just saying that, if Zanz ever looks at your card, I THINK he could make it fit in the game by making it more alike to the other cards in the game (that is, smaller and cheaper)

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:50:44 am »
Aether nymph should ressurect the dead? xDxDxD
Give it something cool like a fractal or PU ability. :P
Fractal is in the 'nerf this card' section for a reason! Don't give to creatures like you'd give a child pencils and a peice of paper.
Parallel Universe is fine alone, but a reccuring dejavu for the nymph is just wrong.
Turn 1 - 1 nymph
        2 - 2 nymphs
        3 - 4 nymphs 
You see where this goes? and with 7/8 attack that is no laughing matter.
"my" PU nymph doesn't have 7/8 attack, it has 1 (and the same 2 lifes). therefore PUing it would only let you PU more than once per turn, but wouldn't give you an edge at attacking unless you had a very strong non- :aether card in play. so you must have a LOT of :aether quanta (since you need 4 per turn per nymph), you have to protect your nymph since it's very fragile (and if you quint, you can't PU itself), and you must have another quantum in your deck for you to actually use the nymph. with so many drawbacks, I don't think it's overpowered.

Multilingual / Re: Brasil-sil-sil
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:42:24 am »
depois de um mes, postando de novo =P

sou o miggui do hattrick sim ;D

e uso um deck soh pra brincar, ele nao eh forte nao, tem 'cores' demais nele, falta foco :)

Crucible Archive / Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 27 Cards
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:11:48 am »
- Blood Shade would work for me if it were weaker and cheaper. Like 5 :darkness to play, 2/4 stats, 2 :darkness drain ability that makes target gain -2/-2 and self gain +2/+2 (upgraded version could be 6 :darkness 3/6)
It's a Legendary Creature. Did you read the thread?
I did. Should I have mentioned I'd rather make it, like, "unlegendary"? I think it WOULD fit in the game if it were half the card it is and it WOULDN'T fit in the game as it is.

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: September 24, 2010, 08:09:02 pm »
I like my idea better :D

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