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Messages - lorddax (2)

Pages: [1]
Issue Archive / Re: Win by regen
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:03:52 pm »
So I guess what you are saying is that because the game's win condition is a state based effect/check of "Is HP <= 0?", that if you wish to attempt EM by regen to maximize your HP pool since I believe the EM condition is HP >= 100. By increasing HP size you avoid "wasted" regen ticks, the ticks that simply fall off when you are at the HP cap. This scenario is assuming that Elemental Mastery is a HP>=100 flag AND NOT HP=MaxHP, is that correct?

Issue Archive / Re: Win by regen
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:16:22 pm »
This is happening to me too with killing AI before the heals from Empathic Bond finish ticking.

It may be that damage gets processed before heals due to some cards returning damage done as health, but the game engine sees a win if Enemy HP <= 0, even if there is healing remaining in the "buffer" that would trigger mastery.

Pages: [1]