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Messages - lomus (51)

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Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Okay, I made more complete research into this.

Chances to draw set amount of sundials from 60-card deck with 6 sundials:
Chances to draw set amount of sundials from 54-card deck with 6 sundials:
Rows - cards drawed.
Cols - sundials drawed.

So, basicaly there is no HUGE difference.
Chances not to draw a sundial only improve by 1-5%, and all this in cost of reduced deck size.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Really? Could you be so kind and post numbers?

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

So be it :)

Anyway, I already farmed all that I want with my deck. Just waiting for the updates of the game and cards now.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Ok, lets do some math :)

We have 7 cards to start and 60 in deck.
6 of them are sundials, for example (your most favored card).

Chances of not getting sundial in the first hand are:

54/60 * 53/59 * 52/58 * 51/57 * 50/56 * 49/55 * 48/54

this is about 46% of time, so chances to have at least one is 54%

With say 54 card deck and 6 sundials chances are:

48/54 * 47/53 * 46/52 * 45/51 * 44/50 * 43/49 * 42/48

this is about 42% of time, so chances to have at least one is 58%

Does it worth to remove 6 cards from a deck just to get 4% better chances of getting one sundial in the starting hand?

My answer is NO.

Significant improvement in chances will be only if you reduce deck size to about 40.
They will be: 73% to have at least one sundial in hand for deck size = 40 and 6 sundials inside.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

I run mark of gravity, so I can activate otyughs.
As for green mana, sometimes you have FFQ on field, some times elfs, but priority as follow:
Feral Bond >> Elf >> Queen

So play bond, or gather mana for it, than play elf, and only than if you have green mana left - play FFQ.

Both FFQ can be exchanged for Rain of Fire or Squid or ...

This is RAINBOW. Variation is only in amounts of cards you put in it. I put 60 cards, with lot of double/quardiple cards because:

1. I never deck out against any god.
2. I still have more or less steady starting hand (having 6 oty in deck and 6 sundials helps a lot).
3. This is my style of play.
4. My duplicates allow to survive even after destruction of vital card (Feral Bond, Otyugh, for example).
5. ????

Best regards, compose your deck as it suits you. Add some cards, remove another.
The best thing about this particular rainbow, that it is mine and I love it :)

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Thanks! But as it is always mentioned actually there is not a big difference between all rainbow decks.
They all works this way or another against Gods.

General Discussion / We need "You play elements too much, if..." thread :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Something to start with (this happend to me :) )
1. You play elements to much if you press 'space' in instant messengers and wait for quanta to generate.

General Discussion / We need "You play elements too much, if..." thread :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

4) After reading previous entry, you ask yourself: "Why someone want to upgrade guardian angel?"

Game Suggestions and Feedback / A Marketplace
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Auction idea will only work with rares but not upgraded cards.
Upgraded cards sell cost is 1100+ and 1500+ to upgrade. Not so big window for pricing :)

But rares - I gladly pay 5000 for eternity :)



I have problem with confirmation dialog of creatures activated abilities.
When you have all three rows of creatures filled it is really easy to click on cancel instead of creature.
I did this several dozen times, when try to eat my skeleton with otyugh but instead of skeleton I hit cancel :(

Maybe, it could be moved from the center of the screen to some side?
Or just lift up a bit "cancel" button.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Slightly better Purify
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Or maybe allow to use purify on creature or self.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Upgraded Cards
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

There are decks oriented against certain gods. This decks give about 100% win percentage against this particular god / gods.
So, get such a deck (it can be assembled from not upgraded cards) and start farming gods.

Just quit, if it is not the god the deck is ment to beaten.

When you finally beat a god you have about 13.5% to win a card worth 1100 on average.
or about 1% to win two cards worth 2200 and also get back 120 coins (mastery).

So let do the math.

1/9 to face correct god, this mean that you pay 30 * 9 = 270 coins on average just to find him.
120 + 143 + 22 = 285 in return on average. And it is more fun than level 3!

However, on practice you get cards more often. I had about 5-6 times when I got 3 cards from Miracle.

So, assemble a deck, and start farming gods. It is well worth it.

And if you have deck capable of beating several easiest gods: Miracle, Fire Queen, Incarnate - you have even MORE chances to get a lot of money.

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