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Messages - lomus (51)

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Card Ideas and Art / Some stolen card ideas ;)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:50 pm »

Well, in this scenario, you need to accumulate white AND gravity quanta for this to work.
Also you need deck with 6 titans or something. I think it is not that OP.
Anyway, some new ideas:


Altar of Time - permanent
Cost: 4 time quanta
Ability: Cost 0. Sacrifice creature you own. Draw a card.

Off-Topic Discussions / Jokes
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:50 pm »

Two cowboys, Bill and John ride there horses down the road.
They both bored.
Bill noticed big pile of cow s*** next to the road.
- Hey John! I bet $100 you could not eat this piece of s***.
John thinked for a moment, jumped of the horse and ate that s***.
Bill really confused, but gave John $100.

They continue their trip.

Now John noticed some cow s*** next to the road. And because he still remember how awful it tasted, he says:
- Bill, I bet $100 that you could not eat it!

Bill, on his hand, want's his $100 back, so he ate that s***.
John, smiling give him back $100.
-Well, now you fell this taste as well.

They continue their trip.

And, suddenly Bill says:

- John, it is just come to my mind that we ate some s*** for free...

(Sorry, if my translation is bad. Jokes is hard to translate.)

One stone says to another:
- Hello, excelent weather today.
The other reply:
-OMG!!! Talking STONE!!!!

Card Ideas and Art / Some stolen card ideas ;)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:49 pm »

These cards are way overpowered.
Titans + Flying weapon + Gravity Spell = Nearly instant death
But for BOTH players.

Card Ideas and Art / Some stolen card ideas ;)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:49 pm »

I really bad in creating names ;)


Put Name Here - Permanent
Cost: 5 dark quanta
Effect: Gain 20 life. Each turn 1 poison counter is put on owner.
Activation: 3 dark quanta - put 3 poison counters on owner, spawn minor vampire.

Put Name Here - Spell
Cost: 3 Earth
Effect: Opposite of Steal. Transfer permanent to Enemy.

Put Name Here - Permanent
Cost: 4 death
Effect: Stasis for 1 turn.
Activation: 3 death. Sacriface a creature. Opponent get this creature, stasis prolonged by 1 turn.

Put Name Here - Spell
Cost: 5 gravity
Effect: Select creature. Creature dies, both player damaged by this creature HP. Ignores shields.

Put Name Here - Permanent
Cost: 5 water
Activation: 5 water. Destroy all creatures in play owned by this player. Gain 5 + 5xN life. Put 2 + N poison counters on opponent.
(N - number of destroyed creatures). Destroyed after activation.

Put Name Here - Permanent
Cost: 4 quanta
Activation: Cast chaos bolt on random creature.


Off-Topic Discussions / Climate change
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:49 pm »


Who cares?
1. HIV is a lie.
2. Americans never landed on the Moon.
3. ????

Off-Topic Discussions / Awesome Game: Dragcave
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:49 pm »

This is not even a game. Just some spam-site like mybrute, but worse.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:36 pm »

If you asking me:

3 protect artifact
1 rain of fire
2 Miracle

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

No, I'm Russian. Why do you ask?

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Okay, lets close this than. ;)
Numbers are written, opinions are given.
Everyone stand by himself and enjoy the game the way he likes.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Chances to get one and only one in first 10 cards are 42% in both variants.
You can do the math, I already posted tables.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

The chances of getting one sundial in first 10 cards is EXACTLY THE SAME as with 54 card deck.

Um... no. The bigger the deck, the smaller chance of you drawing one of those 6 cards. Do we really need to debate on that one? :)

Sorry, this line should be: The chances of getting ONE AND ONLY ONE sundial in the first 10 cards are same.

You complaining about me using words like "noticeable". Well, maybe I am wrong.
But consider situation when two decks are almost identical, when one have little to none advantage every 1000th game.
The second deck is better? Yeah, it is "better" but you will not notice the difference.

Rainbow Decks / Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

First of all, I'm not going to die tomorrow, sorry :)

Do I need 6 Otyughs to beat False God? Yeah, I need 1-2 but having 6 helps a lot if God manage to remove them one way or other.
Do I need to remove cards from the deck to increase chances of sundial by 5%? NO.
5% - this is realy low. This is not "MUCH BETTER", this is 1 game in 20. Does it worth it? NO.

The chances of getting one sundial in first 10 cards is EXACTLY THE SAME as with 54 card deck.
But chances to get Otyugh during this turns is about 12% more than if there will be 2 of them in 54 card deck.
This is every 9 game. Not every 20. See the difference?

Will I trade 12% for 5%? NO.

My point is, that statistically there is almost no difference in 54 card deck with 6 sundials or 60 card deck with 6 sundials.
And to improve chances of drawing sundial by noticable amount you need to shrink deck to about 40-45 cards.
Otherwise, it almost the same. Big deck DOES have advantages.

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