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Messages - loki_barbados (5)

Pages: [1]
Card Ideas and Art / HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »

Oh, indeed, that way that's OK.

Card Ideas and Art / HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »

Quote :
However, it would be nice if there was a Rainbow deck-oriented Hero card that only takes and uses generic quanta.

He could then be used by anyone, not just rainbow decks! And if he needed a few of all elements, 2 novas and same thing. I think such a hero could still be fun, but perhaps as a "collectible" ; cheap (sell for 1$) , bad, funny, accessible - the practise quest for LV 7! If you advance this idea, do you have something to propose?

Here is an example of the cheap card I just defined (sorry for the small deviance from the main subject) :

NAME : Frog
COST : 20 quantas
-Caught in a time bubble for 1 turn when successfully hitting the opponent.

Leap - Frog changes place within your side of the board.
A. COST : 1 quantas.

Utility : Prevents the other from using a hero, if he has one (supposing there can only be one visible hero at a time).

Oh, lovely and cuttie, You sloppy froggy!
Yet I would prefer you never to be!

(By the way, supposing there can only be one visible hero at a time, the immateriality of the Immortal King is a problem. Il like my aboce solution  ;) )

Card Ideas and Art / HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »

I agree on the overall that they should have less ATT, except perhaps for Fire and Earth

What about Wyrm Queen generating 2 elite wyrms in a turn? It would partly make it better. Otherwise I like the idea of making all friendly creatures dive... There's also the dumb but hilarious possibilty of switching it for a huge spark, 30/0 untargetable  ;D It cannot pass shields, but it's quite a wind turn  :P

The aether king's immortality is indeed a problem... I think it would be better if he had some HP and a limited 3 turns immortality (like phase shield)

I think that a as most heroes' abilities can be tought as agressive, it would be nice to have the chosen one defensive. "All your creatures gains +0/+1 at the end of each turn, and reflect spells". It integrates the reflective shield, makes more flesh for angels to heal (as healing is an ability, not a spell). That's not perfect yet, but I really understand the light hero as a pacifist one.

What about the Zombie King starting with, like,  3 infection on himself, but also be a scavenger?

I agree with others that the Vampire lord should start weaker... perhaps 0/12

I love "the love machine"'s effect. Only the name should be harmonized with Element  as someone pointed out. Mithril Golem? Titan?

Whoah, Rocky is Strong! Is big! Is Rocky!

The Joker is quite messy ;D :D :D Deadly if coupled with graveyards... But in mono entropy it would be less interesting. Micro-abominations are cheap, but there's just six of them. So what about adding the sacrilege of "mutating 3 pillars into random pillars" ?  :D

Question about the the tree of life ; it HEALS creatures or add HP above their maximum?

Bazuul is Great! Is big! Is Bazuul! I like a lot his ability. I'd just like to mention something else that could also be good : what about a "mass ablaze", doubling the productivity of lava destroyers (or skeletons, fire spirit, or whatever)? I also agree with those who said that he should have more ATT and less HP... 15/12 would be interesting. Other good name could be Djinn.

Clockmaker is nice with 2 bubble turns after his ability.

The Waterlady's ability is interesiting, but I think is it less impressive than others, as its effiency is based of luck and on the number of creatures the opponent controls (say the opponent has 1 20/19 unicorn, as an improbable but to the point example). I think that either her ability should cost less to activate (4), or that she should cost less to summon (10), in which case she would "slow down" the opponent earlier. My point is, while other heroes that arrive in late game can deal with the developed situation, she might just slow things down (at worse). To arrive earlier in the game than other heroes could be an atout in itself.

Great work, great ideas you all!


Card Ideas and Art / More Upgrade Options
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »

I understand your point of limitation, and I'm sorry for my above exaggeration.  :'(

The biggest, and only, point for which I disagree is that it would take even more time to upgrade cards before considering how to actually use them. Personally, I think that upgraded cards should be more accessible, even as things are, because my fun in this game is to conceptualise decks ; not to develop strong card, but to develop strong decks  :) ... but this is another debate :)

Card Ideas and Art / More Upgrade Options
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »

What about a deadly poison that cost 0 and adds 50 poison PER TURN and wholly costed 563957$ ?

Seriously, this is not a good idea, that game would became dull because of this. We could not really play the game without a minimum of... a very very lot of hours of gameplay. The fun of the game is to design deck, not to become indefinely stronger over time.

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