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Messages - kobisjeruk (1839)

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 154
Osiris / Re: Oracle : Osiris
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:22:57 pm »
no, my point is, you need to get elec as soon as possible
if you're lucky enough to get it early, before he cast a pharaoh, you're golden
because otherwise he'll start spamming scarabs and that will be your real problem
my version has 3xSoGs and 3x elec (while keeping the deck count low: 32) so osiris is still a great matchup for it

Osiris / Re: Oracle : Osiris
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:11:26 pm »
its the same as FFQ now, you need electrocuter early
version with 3x elec will still have good winrate vs Osiris

Trial Battle Archive / Re: xdude 3 - 2 MrBlonde
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:08:31 pm »
i must say blondie did great given that its mono vs mono with bonewalls gone and arguably the cheapest CC of all that is just about right vs death (and darkness)
granted i'd rather have arsenic #2 instead of skellys #1 & #2 but thats just me

Tournament Archive / Re: Western Tournament - Jan 8th - War of the Elders
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:39:53 pm »
ROUND 1: kobisjeruk 2 - Acsabi44 1

Tournament Archive / Re: Western Tournament - Jan 8th - War of the Elders
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:11:13 pm »
PRELIM: kobisjeruk 1 - makapse 0

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:34:06 am »
upon re-reading, that was directly in response to the issue of using miracle in mono

so...i guess win% does NOT matter in this Option I requirement (quite an obvious loophole if you ask me)
hmm, i am now tempted to put down  some really bad low winrate but still avg 30 ttw as my submission
what say you xdude? will it be legit?

edit: had to edit because 60 pillars > ttw (30)

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:29:49 am »
EDIT: mald, truddy (wow you guys are fast)

For the banned cards... what if you can use them, but only if you play mono?? lol

Either way I have a deck.. but was just wondering  :)
it would be too easy to have my mono Light win 90% of the game, so no. I'm going to have to satisfy with 70%.
my understanding is that you (by you i mean everyone) are required to satisfy this requirement
and it is my understanding that xdude forgot to add this little addendum
otherwise just ignore what i wrote and just go wild on whatever deck you like, heck, put down 60 -appropriate- pillar deck...who cares if you have 0 win % as long as you fit the requirement, right?

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:18:48 am »
Elements the Game
Fighting Half Bloods

  • Post a ttw test for 40 wins. Average ttw must be 30 or below.
  • You must post these decks in the proper sections and a link to them in the "Phase 1" Topic of your element.
  • Trainer is not allowed
the wording on Option I (1) is slightly odd imo
but in any case, the most you can do is 57 games with 40 wins as required giving you exactly (rounded to the nearest decimal) 70% win (equaling 17 loses)
any more means you've failed...or rather, find a better deck

at least that is my understanding of the ruling

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:51:27 am »
really suck that banned cards took out 3 out of 4 existing permanent control in the whole card list
i mean seriously, the whole existing card list, up to this point
banning steal? sure, i can see why, i can live with that but even explosion? come on

me complaining here doesnt mean i cant come up with something decent even w/o any PC at all, in fact i am still doing TTW for my deck and its good even steal-less (hard to argue about steal effect, no doubt)
i just hope the next banning will at least leave out 50% PC for trials OR take them out altogether if you must rather than leave 1 out of 4

Rainbow Decks / Re: SCEM: SuperCharg'EM
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:42:20 pm »
I spend a lot of time hoping I pull that second supernova early - if I do, I usually win.
i'm curious to know how exactly you spend your time hoping...
is there any elaborated ritual? did you kneel down near the bed praying for that second supernova every draw or what?

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:43:56 pm »
question: Option I, can we use upped/shards etc?

Sideboard / Re: 2nd Sideboard Event - Battle/Brackets Topic
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:34:06 pm »
Below are required to schedule a match as soon as possible (4 days) :-

Bottom Loser's Bracket Countdown
Round has ended

lukceVERSUSLava golem
10 menVERSUSji412jo

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 154
blarg: lukce,Lava golem,10 men,ji412jo