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Messages - kobisjeruk (1839)

Pages: 1 ... 148 149 [150] 151 152 ... 154
General Discussion / Re: Stories of Bizarre
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:23:53 pm »
Oracle: "Nymph, I am your father! Use the lemon nymph, use the lemon!"
You made a funny

I wonder what kind of ability(s) a Lemon Nymph has...*goes into JD's dreamy mode*

Rainbow / Re: Oracle : Rainbow
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:16:06 pm »
first of all, take out two gravity shields and add in a few more deflags. or take out three and add an oty and firestorm or something similar.

or start over and go mono Aether. it has the best chance against rainbow.
i would advise you to ignore anything this poster has to say because most of the comments i've seen him post on anti-FG strategies is either trolling/misleading/false

that unupped seems fine on defense (grav.shield is the best against her) but unfortunately you're relying on just 2 golems to do your bidding which in this case is not enough. you will probably decked out before you can finish her off due to half a dozens Miracle shes packing

Osiris / Re: Oracle : Osiris
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:00:41 pm »
only with a permafrost in play (i assume you're talking about Amilir's NoCC variant)
i havent tested it with Diamond/Jade/Gravity Shield though i figured you probably shouldnt cast it for anything other than a permafrost

@RfG*: Upgraded Pandemonium is probably the closest resemblance to Wrath of God you can ever hope for in Elements. the difference between M:tG and elements have already been said by Kael Hate and you have already said it is just an analogy but the difference is um, what makes it so different
imagine WoG ("Destroy all creatures") in this environment, it will be too powerful of an effect to have (Firespout is okay though)

* funky name you got there. maybe it is somewhat common in your area but not where i live (SEA)

Dark Matter / Re: Dark Matter, oh what fun to be had
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:59:40 am »
the only time i've ever beaten him is with a RoL/Hope i think and it was after back to back BHs. i was lucky enough to play first and got out an electrocuter on the first turn play. then he put down a gravity nymph but luckily an aether tower give the quanta for lobo or i'll face continuous lobo effect (even with just 4 nymphs he seems to get it early against me most of the time)
Hermes, Rainbow and DG are all pain in the behind but they dont mess with your quanta reserve. even Seism is alright in my book but DM is a whole different kind of evil

only necessary upgrade for RoL/Hope is the RoLs themselves
SoGs arent needed at all in its purest form

@stinky: not to rub it in your face (maybe i just did) but i thought going for nearly 2 months without getting a nymph is bad (just got my first nymph yesterday - entropy, just what i've always wanted). little did i know theres someone who hasnt got a nymph ever since the oracle exist. all the best to you man. hopefully you got whatever nymph you desired on your next spin

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:29:45 pm »
what everyone should do and have been advised time and again before farming FGs is farming the essential rares from T50

- Eternity
- Pulverizer
- Lobotomizer
- Miracle (a lot of T3 have it)
- shards (the most common spin in T50)

indeed getting pulvy is hard sometimes but ask around in chat because usually someone there might be able to help out
trident is not a good replacement for pulvy
while pulvy sometime is used as a quanta denial (particularly against Gemini, Elidnis, Scorpio, Miracle), the main use is to break annoying non-pillar permanents such as shields, bonds, hourglasses, graveyards etc

Dark Matter / Dark Matter, oh what fun to be had
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:16:37 pm »
Honestly who get excited facing Dark Matter? This is probably the worse idea ever for a False God
Whos the genius that came up with this decklist cause I might need to hire an assassin close to his area to do the deed

"Dark Matter is the anti-rainbow...etc" yeah right
3 quanta per element is crippling to rainbow obviously but even most mono/duo (lets face it, exactly how many mono/duo can go against FGs overall?) will suffer tremendously by having 3~12 quantas sucked turn after turn (god forbid he has gravity nymph in place)
Might as well put up a "you've lost this game, move on" kinda like what you might've seen on wheel of fortune
'effin BH


General Discussion / Re: New Quests / Features
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:33:59 pm »
you want some challenge? we have pvp tournaments specifically for that reason

past tourneys of note :-

- Fate Egg/Mutation
- Pillars/Creatures Only
- Unupped Rainbow

Osiris / Re: Oracle : Osiris
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:23:40 pm »
i think it depends on what shield you're using
i noticed Osiris tend to leave his critters alone if you have a permafrost out even with a full board
but he will rewind/devour if you have either jade shield or gravity shield

also, aflatoxin helps alot if you can cast it early
aim for a pharaoh and he will devour that pharaoh if the scarab has enough HP, funny thing is he wont touch any cells after that so it will limit his scarabs

Rainbow Decks / Re: The Ultimate Deck Out
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:14:32 pm »
It works very well against FGs just the way it is but I honestly find it boring against FGs as a deckout deck its much more for PvP.  It takes much to long.
i have made the ultimate deckout deck (,9483.0.html)
so long, boring game is not a problem for me. my only problem is that my deck doesnt stand a chance against FGs which is too bad considering decking out FGs with 520HP would net you a boatload of electrum and score

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:03:32 pm »
FFQ is short for Firefly Queen (or the upgraded version: Elite Queen)
not to be mistaken with EQ

heres some more shortform to help you out :-

AM - Antimatter
BE - Butterfly Effect
EA - Enchant Artifact
EQ - Earthquake
NT - Nymph's Tears
PA - Protect Artifact
RoF - Rain of Fire (upgraded: Firestorm)
RoL - Ray of Light (upgraded Photon)
QT - Quantum Tower

SoD - Shard of Divinity (upgraded blue shard)
SoG - Shard of Gratitude (upgraded green shard)
SoR - Shard of Rediness (upgraded yellow shard)

i'm missing a lot more but this is most often use when talking about anti-FG deck

edit: Narf! too slow

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