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Messages - kobisjeruk (1839)

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 154
Death / Re: Skeleton | Skeleton
« on: February 06, 2011, 06:21:42 pm »
i look forward to these changes more than the new cards that we'll be getting
not to say those in development is bad or anything but man, skellys turning into random monsters and flying morning glory turning into immortalled skeleton? orgasmik

Air / Re: Shockwave | Shockwave
« on: February 06, 2011, 06:13:41 pm »
whats with all the talk about crusader having a minor buff? and what does it have to do with this change to shockwave? (i'm pretty sure the answer to the first question will also answer my second question but no harm in asking the relation)

I use this:
Code: [Select]
7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 7k1 7k4 7k4 7k4 7k4 7kc 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 80i 80k 80k 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q
I must admit I haven't tried it out with the silences yet. But I've always like RoL/Hope vs Divine Glory.
Normally I'd have one more morning glory and one more fractal for this fight. But most of the times I get my fractal RoL early enough to survive. Can't really ditch towers since he destroys em all and I need the quanta...
my initial thought after looking at your decklist,  switching the mark is a mistake and i was correct
i tested this deck with -1 silence, -1 light dragon and +1 miracle, +1 TU and it has its upside
you really need to fractal early and if you're unfortunate enough not to draw towers early (as it was the case with me) but got pendulum instead you're royally screwed when he start blowing up your pendulum
i was at 2 HP before i manage the lock (first fractal for 2 copies...that was retarded because i couldnt cast anything else)
TU saved me although originally i wanted to copied nymph but not having enough to fractal RoL i had to TU a RoL instead to save my bacon
miracle + luci = EM, dont need to spend a fractal on nymph or multiple casting of luci to achieve EM

i'd do a light pendulum instead of aether and use aether mark
you really need that fractal asap

Forum Archive / Re: Synchronized Farm Deck?
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:33:19 am »
sure, i'll update the OP
whoever that wants to join can switch their farm into what is written on the original starting post
hopefully we can get more people to join because i believe it will be a lot more helpful to newbies and vets alike if they know beforehand what to expect

Three-man Team PvP / Re: Team PVP #3
« on: February 05, 2011, 02:56:31 pm »
Team Hardware


you're just flaunting your collective e-peen now ¬¬

p/s: need more cups

False Gods / Re: List&Links - Unupped Deck vs False Gods (Oracle)
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:08:47 am »
Oracle: Next False God is...??? [What deck can I use to beat  (,13074.0.html)

while your thread have more visual and whatnot its basically the same as what the original threadmaker himself put up on this section, link to specific decks

so i guess next we'll see thread on upgraded deck vs false gods (oracle)?
anybody want to ninja-credit that thread?

Dissipation Shield / Dissipation Field @ (

Quote from: paragraph 3
Dissipation Field, on the other hand, spends one random quantum for every one point of damage reduced from a single source. Since Quantum Pillars produce three times as much raw quantum than Amethyst Pillars, they are a natural choice to use in combination with Dissipation Field. Because of this, it is used almost exclusively in rainbow decks.
most certainly you didnt see how much quanta you've got before and after the damage is done (blocked)
most certainly need fact i.e. screenshot to prove this wiki info is mistaken
most certainly 'most certainly' does not mean is it in fact, a fact

1 q.tower will block 3 physical damage
dis.shield is 1 :entropy = 3 p.damage blocked
dis.field is 1  :rainbow = 1 p.damage blocked

60 cards mean you wont likely to see all combo pieces before you die
try and do some testing first rather than think up something and claiming it to be 'the best deck with high EM rate' so that you dont look like a fool later on

Water / Re: Flooding / Inundation
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:17:36 pm »
skull buckler doesnt kill malignant cells either
unless zanz change it somehow it wont do anything to creatures with 1 attack

Do they both start at the same time?
How do you differentiate from the two?
check the clock

Tournament has started

General Discussion / Re: I have a new respect for t50
« on: February 02, 2011, 08:17:05 am »
^^ This.  Adding t500 while keeping t50 would be AWESOME.
unfortunately t500 is created to replace t50 because zanz doesnt want those rare to be not-so-rare-anymore (among other things)
actual convo can be found in a thread by GG somewhere but farm decks arent endorsed by zanz
people say hes ok with it because he didnt do anything about it
well here ya go, this is him DOING something about it (apart from elders a.k.a. AI3 having more rares in their deck)

so enjoy grinding for rares while you can and for the haters, you'll get what you wish for soon-ish

Forum Archive / Re: Synchronized Farm Deck?
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:49:22 am »
theres no scheduled time really
just that if people are interested in taking part, we can all agree on making discord/arsenic farm next week (or maybe monday thru wednesday and rotate thursday thru saturday) instead of whatever we usually put up for farm and start rotating from there on

thats about it i guess

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