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Messages - kobisjeruk (1839)

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Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: The One True God - Rules
« on: February 11, 2011, 07:48:08 am »
sorry to say this but SG wont allow another FG event (if the result from the last event is not apparent enough)
to paraphrase, this is more towards weekly tournament rather than an event

Death / Re: Skeleton | Skeleton
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:46:39 am »
2) Why not just have it turn into a random other dragon?
the same reason why not all aether creatures have built-in immaterial

while i completely agree, thematically bone dragon should be able to turn into other random dragon if targeted by rewind effect, its a bit bland when there are too much synergy between 2 elements using the same mechanic like that
plus, if it does happen, you cant allow skelly to turn into a random dragon (for the sake of balance purposes)
all in all, maybe just stick it to mummy and skeleton for now
bone dragon is ok imo, no buff or nerf needed

Water / Re: Flooding / Inundation
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:35:04 am »
Except that both instant-kill effects have some fairly stringent requirements on them, while the freeze can literally stop any non-immaterial/non-Adrenalined creature in it's tracks...cold.
sorry Essence, you still need to learn from xinef, lord of the puns

if they share a color/background, they're in the same element

and no, time and earth doesnt share the same color

Darkness / Re: Steal | Improved Steal
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:19:16 am »
just one question, whats up with the format/templating changes?
not that its bad or anything, in fact i like this better but i hardly doubt the other masters will follow through with their respective element
or are you gonna do the whole thing yourself starting with darkness cards?

btw, love that you add card code in there

Strategy / Re: What do you use for grinding False Gods?
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:04:10 am »
i switched around between modified CCYB, modified CHMD, RoL/Hope, butterfly angel and my big ass timebow when i get bored
CCYB consist of the majority timespent and for good reason, it has the best win rate among them
but i always have a fondness towards a big ass timebow

Elidnis / Re: Oracle : Elidnis
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:58:30 am »
no it could still work because elidnis wont be able to heal up on your last turn when you spam all your bolts to his dome (and wenpon get the last kill in case you couldnt get him with 6 bolts)
but the idea here is to make the cheapest and most accessible deck for newbies and that means no fahrenheit
usual 'fire lance sudden killer' does have a couple of fahrenheit as secondary win method

General Discussion / Re: Yay for real cards
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:52:33 am »
effectively, to play actual card game using E:tG you'll need some sort of smartphone apps that will not only calculate all the data (quata generation, mutant transformation, scramble effect etc) but also store/record the state of everything (creature base and current HP, increment/decrement in life/HP/damage, poison/purity counters) or get yourself about 3 dozens dices ranging from d12 to d20

basically you're better off playing a mobile version of E:tG

General Discussion / Re: Yay for real cards
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:11:11 pm »
new league prizes: collectors item real Elementsthegame cards
you might get a Discord, or a Stone Pillar or even a foil Chimera!

General Discussion / Re: Ai3 Study
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:47:08 pm »
elders dont pose as much of a challenge as false gods
we hardly need to study them in order to win
and the more i grind AI3, both old and new list, the more i feel like fixed decklist should be the realms of HBs and FGs whereas randomly* generated decklist should be AI0- AI3

* not exactly random but ones without a specific theme like what we can se in current Elders and FGs

awesome news!

the question now is, how good is the trainer's False God AI in comparison to that in-game?

frankly i tend to stay away from testing in trainer not because the countless hours trying to match with the specific FG but rather how idiotic their AI is which skewed the result of any testing

Forum Archive / Re: Synchronized Farm Deck?
« on: February 07, 2011, 02:57:22 am »
this is what the whole list will look like for the first complete rotation (will update later in the original post) :-

07/02/2011~09/02/2011DISCORD / ARSENIC
10/02/2011~12/02/2011TITAN / PULVERISER
14/02/2011~16/02/2011STAFF / FAHRENHEIT
17/02/2011~19/02/2011TRIDENT / SQUID
21/02/2011~23/02/2011MORNING STAR / MIRACLE
24/02/2011~26/02/2011OWL'S EYES / STILETTO
28/02/2011~02/03/2011ETERNITY / PHARAOH
03/03/2011~05/03/2011LOBOTOMIZER / SoG
07/03/2011~09/03/2011SoD / SoR
so actually you wont have to wait months, from here you can see exactly when they will come up (during the 3 days rotation) and even if you missed out on those particular days, theres nothing against you asking / requesting for them but make sure to do it in chat to have a better chance of getting it
like i said, this effeort is to give people better chance to get the rares that they wanted (before t500 rolls in), NOT to take it away from them

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