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Messages - kirchj33 (974)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Total Aggressive Domination Arrives (TADA) - AI3 EM PSN
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:20:38 am »
Stats up:

Avg. TTW7.375
Avg. Time78.9 secs
Total Time65.75 mins
Total Score1474
IG Score Eff1345.095/hr
True Score Eff.1207.372/hr
*Time stats include losses, except TTW of course

Yes, those stats are correct.  I have played it twice, once without detailed stats and gotten similar results.  That would currently put it just ahead of USEM in the efficiency study (,21530.msg294197#msg294197) for AI3 score farming.  I will wait to post these results in the study until someone else can retest and verify.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Total Aggressive Domination Arrives (TADA) - AI3 EM PSN
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:26:07 am »
Looks a little heavy on the :gravity quanta usage (currently 24, optimal for 6 Pend, 6 SN is ~20).

Maybe -1 Black Hole, -1 Heal, +2 Explosion? Four healing cards should be more than enough for the deck, especially with the scrambling from Discord. Using Chargers sort of negates the problems of pesky shields, but there's still plenty of good stuff to explode :3
Sure, I could see that.  The idea is to get something that EM's more than USEM however, so I'm not really willing to drop the Black Hole.  I don't think explosions are necessary with chargers.  I would like to maybe get more creatures and damage, but I'm getting some pretty rediculous stats so far when testing.  I think maybe -1 Charger +1 something else?  Graboid?  I thought maybe destroyer, but I think its pretty important to have stuff that holds up to CC temporarily since there are few creatures relatively while you wait for the shutdown to get setup.

Rainbow Decks / Total Aggressive Domination Arrives (TADA) - AI3 EM PSN
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:05:56 am »
This is the charger based version of a deck jmdt and I have been working on.... I think this comes closer to getting it right.

Previously: Overgrow 'EM (,21670.msg296369#msg296369)

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 713 745 745 745 74f 74f 74f 77g 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ds 7gm 7jr 80g 8pl

I'll post stats and see how this one matches up, but it feels a little more solid on testing.

Rainbow Decks / Re: OGEM: OverGrow'Em
« on: February 24, 2011, 06:37:39 pm »
Ok here's the stats for 50 games:
Avg. TTW7.8125
Avg. Time90 secs
Total Time1.25 hrs
Total Score1419
IG Score Eff1135.2/hr
True Score Eff.1032/hr

My thoughts:  I had a loss at game 47 and a 22 turn win at game 50 that absolutely KILLED the initial stats.  Before that, it was running about an 1125, which would put it 3rd, just behind SCEM in the efficiency study.  As it stands it would now be 4th.  I will wait to post it in the efficiency study before we get it tweaked for good.

A few other variations after playing that I would like to see:

1.  Something instead of Lava Golems, with a different mark, nom nommers really have a heydey with these, especially if a draw that causes a slow start occurs.  It needs something that can recover more quickly if this occurs.  Since lists make everything better, here are possible options for alternatives:
1.  Light Mark - +1 Pendy, +3 Chaos Seed, +4 Pegasus, maybe a damselfly or two?
2.  Earth - Graboids (Willing3 said he already tried this, but I think its worth exploring further)
3.  Gravity - Chargers, I know I know... you were looking for a deck different than SCEM, but it synergizes well with, and allows a possibility for +1 black hole.  So maybe -4 Lava Golem -2 Precog, +4 Chargers, +1 Pendy, +1 Chaos Seed
4.  Earth - Steel Golems - idk why, just seems like it could be good.
5.  Life - Frogs

2.  +1 Pendy +1 Chaos Seed... -2 Precog, This might help give the lava golems a little CC resistance and take advantage of the extra quanta.  The real advantage would be to get the stars of the deck out quicker (lava golems & discord).  A turn 1 or 2 discord really puts this deck on cruise control.

3.  +1 Animate Weapon +1 Vampiric Dagger, -2 Precog.  Pretty self explanatory here, but midgame heals are a little lacking in case a heavy rush comes before you get your discord out.  A Vamp dagger would help alot with this.

4.  +1 Vamp Dagger +1 Pendy +1 Chaos Seed.... -2 Precog -1 Discord.  Combination of 2 & 3 from above, really self-explanatory.

5.  +2 Explosion... slow starts still really hurt against Aether & kill the TTW, has other uses as well.

Like I said, I think we're a good bit of testing away from optimizing this deck, but it has ALOT of potential.

Rainbow Decks / Re: OGEM: OverGrow'Em
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:14:14 pm »
Maybe a liquid shadow?
On the final turn odds are the first Lava destroyer you played will be your biggest and the first to attack, thus raising the chances of an EM.
Oh yeah.  I thought about that last night, but forgot to jot that down.  I'll add it to the top 10 list and if it looks like this deck fulfills the potential it seems to have after initial testing, I'll begin to test variants.

Rainbow Decks / Re: OGEM: OverGrow'Em
« on: February 24, 2011, 03:27:29 pm »
All this after a conversation I had with jmdt about how my efficiency study has me thinking that the key to better decks isn't finding more speed, its more utility.  I mention that I have an idea using discord and black holes in a rainbow, he does his thing, adds some lava golems and an animate weapon and BOOM, a nearly perfect deck.

I think the precogs are really important because they help you get to your heals easier for EM's and help you bring out your discords/blackholes for easier matches.  That being said, I put some thought into a list of what can go there instead if you feel like messing around or trying to improve the deck.  I put them in a top 10 list from worst option to best option, David Letterman style.
Kirchj33's top 10 things you would replace precog with:

10. Rage Pot - Follows mark and may help with EMs
9. Vampire - 5 :darkness makes it a little over budget
8. Dusk Mantle - Darkness unused but  4:underworld makes it come out halfway through the match
7. Fog Shield - takes away from Pegasus juice
6. Steal - 3 :darkness means you probably won't be able to steal back a stolen discord unless you have played 2 SN, plus the fact you probably won't want to steal a weapon means there are better options.
5. Liquid Shadow - Use your buffed golems at the end to ensure more EMs.
4. Animate Weapon - get more creatures out and stop dead cards
3.  Chaos Seed x2 - Taps into your  :entropy pool, but protects little critters against CC and golems against an early Oty (nom nom).
2.  Black hole - an extra one means more shutdown, better chance of drawing this key mechanic to the deck.
1. 2x Explosion - Much better option than steal because it is cheaper and synergizes well with getting an early discord stolen before you draw a SN (effectively gives you an SN as long as quanta is redistributed to  :fire and you hold an explosion)
I believe one of the biggest challenges for this deck will be the Rainbow (time) AI3 because your discord x3 will not be as effective.  #2 & #1 may help for beating this guy and you will have to just outrush its heavy CC creatures.  Good thing this deck has a strong rush mechanic!

I will test this afternoon and post some numbers!

General Discussion / Re: AI3 True Efficiency Study
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:23:08 pm »
says 10 life towers in the description for USEM deck. There are 5 towers and 5 pends in the pic. Also thanks for the stats, I was really wondering whether SCEM was faster than USEM.
Yeah, I think a couple of the tower builds are off, I will fix them before the day is over.  Thanks!
*edit* fixed!

BTW, MGAL has a :life mark.
Before I go too much further, what's the optimized build for MGAL?  I had 6 mummies, 6 recluses at first, but then saw your decks page had 5 mummies, 6 recluses, 2 bone dragons.  I would think to probably go -1 bone dragon, +1 tower or heal from what you have on your deck page, but I haven't played with it other than 8 games before stopping....

General Discussion / Re: AI3 True Efficiency Study
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:57:47 pm »
Btw, I'm pretty impressed with SCEM's performance through the first 50 games.  I'm sure I just had a great run, but impressed nonetheless.  Am I mistaken or was SCEM not included in TTW 2.0?
I have the stats, but have not updated yet.  I'll do that when I get home.  Its one of my favorites.

Another deck to look at is vader saders.
Added.  If anyone else has any EM scoring efficiency deck suggestions, I will be glad to consider testing.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Cocky about them EMs
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:25:46 pm »
I tested 50 games posted for the purposes of my efficiency study and it looks pretty great early on.  Its definitely towards the top tier in efficiency.

-Cocky About them EMs (,21620.msg295673#msg295673): TSE: 994.507/hr, Games: 50, Score Change: +1368, Electrum Change: +1833, Total Time: 75.03 mins, Deck by - jmdt
Code: [Select]
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 713 77g 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ds 7gm 7jr 7tb 7tb 80g50 games is a little early to tell for sure, but I'll keep you updated as I work my way through more games with all the decks.
Very nice.  Did it seem like too many heals, or about the right balance.  It has a good EM rate, but I'd like it to be a bit faster.  Can't have everything, lol.
Seems a little short on healing as a result of being short on damage.  I think dropping a heal would really dip its EM rate low though.  I'm sure if anyone can fix it you're the man for the job!

How would -1 SN +1 large cock work?

General Discussion / Re: AI3 True Efficiency Study
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:22:56 pm »
I'm not one to care much for detailed differences in stats.. I tend to wing it, but this is fairly useful.
Yeah, the difference between the top efficiency seems to be only a couple hundred score per hour, the most important thing is that you have fun!

Very nice work here.  I'll stay tuned.

BTW, MGAL has a :life mark.
Fixed!  Thanks.

Btw, I'm pretty impressed with SCEM's performance through the first 50 games.  I'm sure I just had a great run, but impressed nonetheless.  Am I mistaken or was SCEM not included in TTW 2.0?

Rainbow Decks / Re: Cocky about them EMs
« on: February 23, 2011, 07:18:47 pm »
I tested 50 games posted for the purposes of my efficiency study and it looks pretty great early on.  Its definitely towards the top tier in efficiency.

-Cocky About them EMs (,21620.msg295673#msg295673): TSE: 994.507/hr, Games: 50, Score Change: +1368, Electrum Change: +1833, Total Time: 75.03 mins, Deck by - jmdt
Code: [Select]
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 713 77g 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ds 7gm 7jr 7tb 7tb 80g
Avg. TTW7.8936
Avg. Time90.04 secs
Total Time1.2506 hrs
Total Score1368
IG Score Eff1093.914/hr
True Score Eff.994.507/hr
50 games is a little early to tell for sure, but I'll keep you updated as I work my way through more games with all the decks.

Duo-Decks / Re: Denial Is A River In Egypt
« on: February 23, 2011, 06:12:33 pm »
you sooooo copied the title from essence...
Did not!  I've never seen his.  Since 2/2 posts are about the name, I'll change it to something way less creative.
Heh, considering all the Balls decks that are getting posted I don't think original names are a prime concern for the community in general.

The deck looks solid overall.  Personally I wouldn't mind seeing 1 or 2 more Steals, but I don't think it's critical to the deck's success.
You could go -1 vamp dagger +1 steal, but the idea is they won't get much on the field.
Well the main incentive was just to have more chances of drawing a Steal just in case something did slip through the denial wall, such as SoGs in PvP for instance, but in an AI3 atmosphere it wouldn't be necessary.  I'd keep it the way it is though; it's not important enough of an issue to change anything really.
Right.  But actually in PvP I would probably go +1 Life Siphon to take advantage of all the extra quanta production. Idk.... hmm... its already got 1 life siphon and 3 liquid shadows to be played in a possible defensive manner... countering upped land production is a bit tricksy.

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