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Messages - kirchj33 (974)

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Dog Pit - Battle Results / Re: Dog Pit - Round 1
« on: May 08, 2011, 03:34:38 am »
Spartacus (kirchj33) 2 - afojam (majofa) 1

1st Game - Win

Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 590 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 593 593 5f6 5og 5og 5oi 5oiLost the toss, but 3 nova draw allowed me to play discord/EQ on turn 1.  Drew 3 grabbies afterwards, the first two of which he CC'd as soon as I evolved them.  Flew a discord and he finally got a dim shield out on the last turn before I deflagged it.  Pretty much a perfect draw for the win.

2nd Game - Loss

Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5i7 5og 5og 61q 61qChange in strategy, but never got a chance to see if it would work out.  8 of my first 9 cards were quanta producers.  He had a fahrenheit and 3 phoenix that steamrolled him to victory.

3rd Match - Win

Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 590 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 593 593 5f6 5og 5og 5oi 5oiBack to the original deck with one additional deflag.  Another turn 1 discord off a 3 nova start.  Got two grabbies evolved and buried before he had a chance to get rolling.  Easy victory and pretty hard counter to his HP bank.

gg's majofa, glorious draws for me stopped what may have otherwise been great matches.

kirchj33 - 2
TheForbiddenOracle - 0

kirchj33 - 2
avantasia666 - 1

I made one small change to the more slim version of the CCYB that was posted.  If you have already started farming with it, you will need to start from scratch with the updated version.

It was clear that the original (1.24) version was outdated and needed to be updated to something new.  tttt seems to be having success with this version I updated to.
I don't really like this update.... That single PA never comes....
Also a bit low on  healing I think. If it was for me I'd switch it for another SoG.
Idk how tttt is doing with it, but I'm barely above 50%.... Getting pwned by Ferox and Fire Queen, which I did beat with the original version of CCYB. Just noting.
I also had the worst draw of my life. All 7 pillars were amongst the last 13 cards. I managed to win though.
50% is quite good actually.

Anyways... again, I feel the need to remind people that this is not yet the venue for discussing and debating deck choices and their variants.  Assuredly, there was sound reasoning behind the choices that were made, and we needed to limit the scope initially.  We are taking a scientific approach to the study, and are trying to avoid the old "I'm using this because it feels good" statements.

Sometime in the near future.... after beginning to collect data on these current decks.... I will open the last blank post discussing possible deck additions and additional variants.  At that point in time, any debate and discussion will be welcome.  For now, these types of posts are just a distraction to what we are trying to achieve.

I made one small change to the more slim version of the CCYB that was posted.  If you have already started farming with it, you will need to start from scratch with the updated version.

It was clear that the original (1.24) version was outdated and needed to be updated to something new.  tttt seems to be having success with this version I updated to.
I don't really like this update.... That single PA never comes....
Also a bit low on  healing I think. If it was for me I'd switch it for another SoG.
Idk how tttt is doing with it, but I'm barely above 50%.... Getting pwned by Ferox and Fire Queen, which I did beat with the original version of CCYB. Just noting.
I also had the worst draw of my life. All 7 pillars were amongst the last 13 cards. I managed to win though.
50% is quite good actually.

Anyways... again, I feel the need to remind people that this is not yet the venue for discussing and debating deck choices and their variants.  Assuredly, there was sound reasoning behind the choices that were made, and we needed to limit the scope initially.  We are taking a scientific approach to the study, and are trying to avoid the old "I'm using this because it feels good" statements.

Sometime in the near future.... after beginning to collect data on these current decks.... I will open the last blank post discussing possible deck additions and additional variants.  At that point in time, any debate and discussion will be welcome.  For now, these types of posts are just a distraction to what we are trying to achieve.

Rainbow Decks / Re: TADAbow - AI3 Domination, Rainbow style
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:40:45 am »
Some changes to the OP:

I've added stats for comparison to both USEM and USEMosis on High Speed AI & Low Quality.  It was a good run for TADAbow with no losses, I would normally expect 1 or 2 in 200 games, but it goes to show that perfecting your discards/BH timing can make for some really great stats.

I've also removed the "beginner's build" as I don't feel people should be focusing on this.  Instead they should be focusing on mastering the version that performs more optimally.

Long term goals:
1.  Speed this thing up without sacrificing score gain efficiency by testing many additional variants (some insight above in the posting exchange with Higs).
2.  Add a T50 variant
3.  Add a PvP variant

Life / Re: The Ultimate Speed EM Deck
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:24:40 am »
Just to reinforce the results willng3 has posted... I've run the comparison 4 times now, but posting this now because its the first time I've run it on low quality...

*USEM=Green, USEMosis=Orange

Games: 200Avg. TTW: 7.000Avg. sec/game: 64.055Avg. Score/Min: 26.91593Wins: 191Losses: 9Ems: 145Win %: 95.5EM%: 72.5%
Games: 200Avg ttw: 7.227Avg. sec/game: 66.405Avg. Score/Min: 27.07477Wins: 194Losses: 6Ems:  154Win %: 97.0EM%: 77%

Again, more importantly...

Score/hr w/o spins: 1614.9559
Score/hr w/o spins: 1624.486

TSE (,21923.msg323873#msg323873) - (rougly equivalent to score w/ spins)
TSE: 1416.002
TSE: 1430.595


As stated before, this is the 4th time I've run this comparison.  2/4 times USEMosis had a lower TTW, 3/4 times it was more efficient.  I would say this is enough evidence to safely say it is a slightly better farmer than the older version.

In comparing my stats to willng3's... some may be due to a difference in play style, but I would guess the main difference is due to random variation (ex. My draws, opposing draws, elder matchups).  His efficiency is much greater and I would guess this is due to a combination of him having a more powerful CPU (I play on a laptop) and a slight nerf to the speed of Hi AI Speed in the time that has past since he posted his.

Dog Pit - Battle Results / Re: dog pit round 1
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:58:02 am »
Is there a countdown on this?

Rainbow Decks / Re: TADAbow - AI3 Domination, Rainbow style
« on: May 06, 2011, 02:51:54 pm »
Yep, CP's are great in that deck. I've gotten the same results so far; AA and Wyrm are less effective than the original. Queen is an interesting thought; it you don't draw Heals or just need more offense, you do have tons of :life to spare. CP's also make TU better, so I don't think I need to test that either to conclude the original is the most effective for sure.
I'm not 100% convinced of this yet myself.  Although after much practice in its current state it can definitely outperform USEM(osis) - stats coming soon.  Just seems that there could be something better than overlapping 2 crawlers, but everything I test against it comes up short.  I tried an upped ghost, but I really need to spend some time testing an unupped ghost and some other ideas as well.  I appreciate your willingness to brainstorm new ideas though.  The boundaries are nearly limitless in a speedbow, its seems each bow just needs to find the right combo for its purpose.

Rainbow Decks / Re: TADAbow - AI3 Domination, Rainbow style
« on: May 06, 2011, 02:18:46 pm »
Myeah, also gonna test -Heal, -Pega, +Archangel, +Elite Wyrm à la 101.

It's probably true HG lowers objective efficiency. You quite often draw more healing than you need with it, or a third Discord/BH you don't need/can't afford.
Hmm, yeah, I actually did test this change as well back when originally creating it.  I found 100 games of this variant was approximately 110 score/hr less than its current form.  That was enough for me to stop at that point.

An interesting note... I found -Heal, -Peggy, +Archangel, + Elite Queen to be slightly more efficient than the mod you posted.  I think because AI3 CC is pretty rough on things with 3 or less HP.  It probably works just fine with Wyrms in 101 because of the CPs.

Rainbow Decks / Re: TADAbow - AI3 Domination, Rainbow style
« on: May 06, 2011, 01:36:43 pm »
Since I've played Elder Destruction 101, I've fallen for Hourglass in my speedbows. Lemme tell you, one in this instead of a Crawler is amazing. Speedbows often get SO much quanta left that you can hasten through your deck like heck and play everything.
The deck definitely has excess quanta once it gets rolling (hence, the reason it can do things like support two grabbies, gargoyles, and fuel a lava destroyer with  :earth).  When trying to determine the optimal creature spread, I had originally tested your suggestion with an hourglass and found that while it made the T(urns)TW stats look prettier, the actual efficiency of the deck was slightly lower from the extra clicking.  As I cannot find this archived data, you have me intrigued and I would like to retest this.  I rather enjoy playing this deck and its variants so this wouldn't be a problem to do 200 games soon after dropping from the war battles list.

This situation of having extra quanta has caused me to mess around with other variants lately as well with only 4 QT's.  I am about 75-100 games through testing replacing the 5th QT with an extra discord, an AW, a peggie (I could add hourglass to this list as well), and tried an EQ as well (the EQ was fun but it was fail for efficiency).  I would also like to start a test of this variety with an unupped ghost.  The good thing about rainbows is that you can test and re-test them to find the best variant and aren't limited to specific creatures, and often players can just mod them to what feels best for their play style (adding PC or CC, ie. subbing in toadies for crawlers).

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blarg: tttt