General Discussion / Re: FG Efficiency Study - Applying statistics to all of the myths
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:06:48 pm »I don't have MS-Excel now, but I've started to collect data for Voodoo Panic (modded) by linkfung modded by bucky1andonly-Seeing as the voodoo panic he posted was only 4 cards different than the original, I have no problem crediting the both of you with modding it./zse. My contribution was only changing 1 card, so I personally feel that I haven't done enough for being mentioned as one of the modders of that deck modification.
FG w/l time turns cards won hermes win 219 13 1 forgot to write (I had 2 life at the end) paradox win 232 11 1 63 chaos lord lost 159 8 - - neptune win 223 10 0 55 jezebel win 228 11 1 57 ferox win 196 8 2 130 (em)
-I don't think this data will be usable without the STATMASTA for the purposes of this study. Please speak with Jangoo if you are unable to access excel. I believe he may be in the middle of making an open office or google docs version available as well.