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Messages - kirchj33 (974)

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 82
Round 6 / Re: (Death) Lt. kevkev60614 2 - (Light) Zblader 0
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:29:56 pm »
Oh sad sad day Z.  Good effort and damn that RNG.

Nice of  :death to help put one of the final nails in  :light's coffin.

Dog Pit / Re: Spartacus
« on: May 18, 2011, 03:17:31 am »
After Round 3: +8 XP = +8 HP.... +1 QP, +4 BB, +2 Mindflayer, +1 Purify

Dog Pit
Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 593 593 595 595 595 595 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5ia 5if 5if 5og 5og 5oi 5rk 61q 61q

Round 6 / Re: (Aether) EvaRia 2 - (Light) kirchj33 0
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:29:26 am »
Ugh, I should've given kirch the deck I gave him last round; it had about the same chance at winning.

Sorry for making you suicide two rounds in a row.
Haha not your fault at all.  We've been a victim to a poor vault since round 1 and its finally exposing us in a major way. 

Round 6 / Re: (Aether) EvaRia 2 - (Light) kirchj33 0
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:07:48 am »
Code: [Select]
58s 58s 593 593 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 594 594 5li 5li 5li 5li 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq
Another, "Oh we play light, lets pack EQs and heavy damage and win" matchup.  Except I swear he had 13 copies of EQ this time.  I'm 95% sure he pulled all 5 in the top 1/2 of his deck both games.  I'm going to go suicide IRL now.

gg's Eva.  Good luck to you and the aether crew as you move forward in war.

Budokan / Re: Stage I: For Honor ROUND 8
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:54:25 pm »
kirchj33: 2
gavsword: 0

1st Game: WIN

Code: [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 593 593 6u5 6u5 77a 77a 77a 77a
Pretty bad Eq/Discord deck, but I drew both EQs and 3 steel golems early.  Left his maxwell's pretty useless.  Turn 3 discord kept him locked down for most of the match.

2nd Game: WIN

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5i7 5i7 5lb 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 7t8 8pj

Turn 2 discord by gav kept me locked down for a few turns and forced me to discard things until I could save up 2 entropy.  Eventually I got rolling after spotting him about a 50 hp lead.  My dusk mantle willed me to victory along with an alpha forest spirit.

Gg's gav.  Thanks for the games.

Spartacus vs. Sparky
(kirchj33) vs. ddevans
Wins/Needed: 1/1 - 0/3


Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5og 5og 5rk 61q 61q
Only needed to win 1 game and I figured I could draw one RT out of 3 games.  Fortunately, RNG saved me the trouble and gave it to me in my opening hand.  ddevans' draw was pretty aweful anyways.

Booster Draft - Battle Results / Re: Team Hiearchy
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:22:44 pm »

This is cool and you must have been super bored.  I am sure there will be loops as the round finishes up/next round starts.

Actually bucky1andonly made 8 card changes:
-5 un-upped Sundial
-1 Arsenic
-1 Gravity Force
-1 Aether Tower

+6 upped Sundial
+1 Supernova
+1 Hourglass

Usually using un-upped or upped version of a card has only small difference, but Sundials work very differently in mulligan, and that was the main reason why the original used the un-upped versions. At least that's how I understand the whole situation.
Yes, I viewed the unupped vs. upped sundials as the same thing.  Especially since he had posted unupped aether towers as well.  I realize the Sundial mulligan is long gone, but it is largely a remake of an existing deck.  I was warned when creating the study by senior members to be careful whom is given credit for these decks for a historical sense, and this would certainly be an instance of such a case.

Again, I reiterate the fact that much leg work was done before posting this and decks were not chosen haphazardly.  This discussion is also not in line with the goal of the study and contrary to its spirit.  I welcome any deck specific discussion at this point via pm with Jangoo and I. In the future, we will open it up to variants.  We are still about 1000 tested games per deck away from this goal though.

Actually bucky1andonly made 8 card changes:
-5 un-upped Sundial
-1 Arsenic
-1 Gravity Force
-1 Aether Tower

+6 upped Sundial
+1 Supernova
+1 Hourglass

Usually using un-upped or upped version of a card has only small difference, but Sundials work very differently in mulligan, and that was the main reason why the original used the un-upped versions. At least that's how I understand the whole situation.
Yes, I viewed the unupped vs. upped sundials as the same thing.  Especially since he had posted unupped aether towers as well.  I realize the Sundial mulligan is long gone, but it is largely a remake of an existing deck.  I was warned when creating the study by senior members to be careful whom is given credit for these decks for a historical sense, and this would certainly be an instance of such a case.

Again, I reiterate the fact that much leg work was done before posting this and decks were not chosen haphazardly.  This discussion is also not in line with the goal of the study and contrary to its spirit.  I welcome any deck specific discussion at this point via pm with Jangoo and I. In the future, we will open it up to variants.  We are still about 1000 tested games per deck away from this goal though.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Single Spin - Single Spin View
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:31:35 pm »
This is a great idea.  There is always a need for something that can only improve the game.

I think the persistent image is a major upgrade, as sometimes I can't even remember what I won by the time I've won another or gotten to the end of the spins.

Looks like some epic match-ups.  I know you must have been motivated by a chance to play me again TNG.  ;)

I don't have MS-Excel now, but I've started to collect data for Voodoo Panic (modded) by linkfung modded by bucky1andonly/zse. My contribution was only changing 1 card, so I personally feel that I haven't done enough for being mentioned as one of the modders of that deck modification.
FGw/ltimeturnscards won :electrum
hermeswin219131forgot to write (I had 2 life at the end)
chaos lordlost1598--
feroxwin19682130 (em)
-Seeing as the voodoo panic he posted was only 4 cards different than the original, I have no problem crediting the both of you with modding it.

-I don't think this data will be usable without the STATMASTA for the purposes of this study.  Please speak with Jangoo if you are unable to access excel.  I believe he may be in the middle of making an open office or google docs version available as well.

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blarg: kirchj33,gavsword