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Messages - kirchj33 (974)

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51 ... 82
League Archive / Re: Beginners League 2/2011
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:08:26 am »

Humor / Re: What People Say in Chat
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:17:56 pm »
[19:05:33] Rastafla: Whats the score? 1-1?
[19:05:50] willng3: 0-1
[19:06:06] ForbiddenOracle: 1-0
[19:06:18] ForbiddenOracle: eternity stall vs eternity stall just plain bites -.-
[19:06:31] Rastafla: -_-
[19:06:39] willng3: Searching when you're ready :D
[19:07:14] Rastafla: *is not amused by stalls*
[19:08:24] kirchj33: I didn't realize entertaining the TOs is a new requirement for participation :P
[19:08:41] Rastafla: xD
[19:09:48] Rastafla: Theres a reason this game is fast and rigged. Its not built for stalls in PvP...
[19:09:58] pikachufan2164: Torb is probably sleeping underneath his Cloak :P
[19:10:44] Rastafla: Im an not amused by tardiness. I want to sleep.
[19:11:15] Odii: where are you from? whats the time there?
[19:11:36] Rastafla: Sweden, its 1.11 past midnigt
[19:12:01] willng3: gg
[19:12:33] Rastafla: 1-1?
[19:12:44] willng3: I think we should make an agreement not to use Eternity stalls for the last
[19:12:51] willng3: Yeah.
[19:12:51] kirchj33: The PvP engine isn't even really built for PvP Rasta.
[19:13:12] kirchj33: Its like the slowest, most unreliable way ever to PvP.
[19:13:18] ForbiddenOracle: yup
[19:13:21] Rastafla: 1-1...sighs *weeps and cringes*
[19:13:51] pikachufan2164: lol
[19:14:00] pikachufan2164: Go Will :D
[19:14:11] Rastafla: *slams head onto the desk repeatedly*

Spartacus retired a little while ago... epic matches Chrome & kev.

Duo-Decks / Re: Panda Cat
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:07:03 pm »
Always interested in a new kev deck...  this one seems great considering the restrictions of Grid, but doesn't hold much weight outside of a restricted format IMO.

Forum News and Announcements / Re: WoE alpha will be relaunched soon!
« on: June 04, 2011, 10:59:26 pm »
I'm assuming you got my pm about 4 or 5 days ago that I was interested SG and have just been busy.  Curious because I hadn't heard back one way or the other.  I'm willing to help if you need more bodies.


Bronze match:

kirchj33 vs. yc999

....yc999 forfeits to catch some early (late) sleep.

kirchj33 - 2
SteppingStone81 - 1

kirchj33 - 2
masamainio - 0

kirchj33 - 2
Uzeep (einharjar) - 0

General Discussion / Re: [Duel Profile] EvaRia (R) W-0 L-1 WS-0
« on: June 04, 2011, 04:46:59 am »
Challenge: Unupped 30 card rainbows - no novas, no black holes.  Best of 3.

Issue Archive / Re: Chat Borked?
« on: June 03, 2011, 06:56:31 pm »
Thanks fellas.  That IRC substitute (not listed by either of you) seems really dead with the band-aid chat up.

Issue Archive / Chat Borked?
« on: June 03, 2011, 05:01:17 pm »
I've been trying to get on elements chat for about 24 hours but I get an error that says:
We're sorry...

Internal Server error.

I've tried in multiple browsers.
I haven't seen any other complaints on the forums so is it just me?  How can I fix if anyone knows?

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blarg: kirchj33,9270984