Akebono / Re: Oracle : Akebono
« on: July 09, 2011, 04:38:30 am »Just switch the mark to entropy and pendies to darkness & it works fine and more reliably. I've EM'd 3 times in a row now with this deck. Thanks Jappert!i feel like the quanta distribution is off the whack or maybe thats just me
I tried this today and found that it was much more reliable and much more quick then the Nymph's Tears versions. You need alot less quanta to get your combo going.
Was an easy win, and it should work unupgraded.
in any case, twice i dont have enough entropy to play out all my AMs = gg to me
trying it with half pends, half towers instead (you dont need darkness quanta as much as entropy and it dont matter if you cant start the combo right away, but being alive a little longer helps)