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Messages - killybob (862)

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72]
General Discussion / is there a way we can suggest new arcade games?
« on: January 08, 2011, 05:06:22 pm »
i have quite a stock of games i think could be great for the arcade section. also i think it may be an idea if we could expand on the arcade and make proper awards for coming first place

just a thought

Deck Help / Re: Time deck for level 3
« on: January 08, 2011, 04:00:20 pm »
i think you have a pretty good deck there. the scarab idea is good. if you were to grind level 3s till you get some Pharaohs and exchange your dragons with them then you may find yourself with quite a winner :)

if you ever have trouble with quanta then check out - ( it is immensely helpful and will grow your deck in power. have fun ;D

ok thanks i thought :underworld was a mix of  :death + :earth

Deck Help / Re: Please help with simple deck for autistic cousin.
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:59:19 pm »
i think it may be an excellent idea if you did a mono element rush that had monsters that really didn't matter what order they came into play in. if you need inspiration for this kind of deck i strongly suggest visitng ( the good thing about autism though is that once you find something you like you go along with it no matter what happens. i dont know how similar they are but i had some friends with aspergers and the seemed to improve at the games they played very rapidly. (for example one friend was a demon at blindfold jenga!!!)

anyway i wouldn't worry too much about him as it sounds like the game is relatively calming to him. if he needs you be there but other wise he should be fine :)

Deck Help / Re: Fractal Catapult Fodder [Gravity/Aether]
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:43:28 pm »
just a thought but what happens when you enemy has deflagrations at the
time that your catapults are out?

Deck Help / Re: Need help on poison deck
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:49:45 pm »
in regard to the quanta issue you have, i would suggest you look at the QI (Quanta Index) on ( it's helped me incredibly with my deck (as well as everyone's helpful criticism).

if you pull this off then top marks cos i've never managed a poison rush deck ;)

thanks all for your help. i hope to see some definite improvements in my tactical game play :)

also could someone tell me what  :underworld is and what it means

thanks for the help funplay :)

oddly enough that deck actually works very well. i know it is strange that such content as dragons and puffers (6 of each) should work like they do for me! i have carefully balanced out a good ratio of creatures to pillars (using the QI theory) and i usually finish off my enemy in 6-8 turns. and that's without any more than 6 upgraded cards (the puffers).

as for the reason why i would create a fully upgraded deck on trainer is because I've actually been on elements for quite some time and am near the stage of getting a full deck of upgrades on my normal account. i need low upgrade rainbow decks cos my other account which (prior to my knowledge of the trainer) was my test deck. now i want a good false god farmer to have some variation in my element but i need with that one to start from scratch.

anyway thank you lots for the comment :) i need lots of healthy criticism to aid me in my deck building.

Deck Help / need suggestive improvements for my pvp/top50 mono water deck
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:07:39 am »
this here is my deck. i refined it a bit myself and, so far, it's proved very good. i do, however, want some advice on ways i might make it better and more efficient. obviously i used the trainer to do most of the upgrades (except for the puffers which have to be upgraded to work mono water).
Code: [Select]
7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gp 7gp 7gt 7gt 7gt 7gt 7gt 7gt 7gu 7gu 7gu 7gu 7gu 7gu
if people could also suggest some good rainbow decks (minimal upgrade please) then that would also be good.


Introduce Yourself / just joined the forum :)
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:01:51 pm »
 i first came across elements when i was searching Kongregate for new games to play. the image of the light dragon on the button appealed to me so i found elements. ive been playing quite a while but only recently found the forum. elements is a awesome, well made game that is an almost compulsory game to play if you like the strategic planning genre.   :D

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