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Messages - killybob (862)

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Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:42:54 am »
Most people only think about ratios in attack to quanta, but since Elements is highly about card advantage, it's actually additive.

For example, instead of thinking of Minor Phoenix as a 2:1 Ratio, think of it as +2 attack advantage.

All the best rush creatures in the game only even go up to +3.
No creature goes to +4, which is what you are suggesting. It makes quite a larger difference than you might think. That would be like playing phoenixes for free.
but then my suggested 7:3 adds up to 2.33333:1 is nowhere near +4, and hey! not even 3. think of that as about +2.5 attack advantage. it's really not that much higher than the phoenix. and look, the phoenix is nearly indestructible which should put a little more on the value.

General Discussion / Re: Quitters!!
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:31:33 am »
There should be an option that's "it depends on what deck I'm playing".  I've got a list of Gods to quit against with each of my major FG farmers.  For example, right after "Shakar's Revenge" my decklist says "skip Chaos Lord, Gemini, Hermes, Obliterator, Scorpio."  But that's a completely different list from the Gods I skip when I'm playing RoL/Hope or GotP Time.   There are no FGs that I universally skip, ever.
i would just assume it means the deck i'm using atm. but yes there definitely should be that option.

i find auto-quitting useful because in the long run it will save time and thus money. i will, however, fight Gods who i have 10% win chance against. any lower and you waste your time.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: loss of arcade
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:25:00 am »
i want it back too. if they do bring it back i hope all the high scores are reset so that i can pwn at asteroids :D
um... you posted this a min ago, check the navi bar...
it's added a few hours ago...
WOW i honestly didn't see it there. i feel somewhat sheepish and wish i could hack elements forum to change the timer.

Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:20:17 am »
point be is the main problem because the spider does just enough damage to be picked on by most AIs and some players, but not enough attack to be classed as a high range power packed giant like a dragon or some other creature.
With this logic, wouldn't a "high range power packed giant" be less effective than the phase spider because it is even more likely to be "picked on"?
no. did you not read my post properly? it would not be less effective because not only would it be likely to have more HP than the recluse but also i said that the recluse was inefficient because it wasn't a "high range power packed giant".

effectively you will waste all of that 4 :aether you played in one go. all i would want is a small cost reduction.
Assuming the opponent just so happens to have the perfect counter in their hand, such as thunderbolt, you would do 7 damage for the cost of 4 quanta and 1 card. The opponent would lose 1 quanta and 1 card. Overall, you net 7 damage at the cost of 3 quanta. Basically, even when they have the perfect counter-spell, you still deal damage for a good cost.
no. spells are designed to be used. creatures are not designed to die. you usually only get six of them whereas CC can be abundant, sometimes multiple spell  per element. basically if you use a lightning to kill a spider/recluse you would have bought that card specifically for the purpose to kill something. the person who bought the recluse would have bought it to last.

think of the flesh spider/recluse. the only difference in attack is 1 and fleshy has 1 more health making him a good degree more resilient. so why then is there a cost difference? surely aether has had enough of over expensive cards?
The phase recluse has one more attack. The flesh recluse has one more HP (nearly useless) and one less cost (not very useful in a speedbow since supernova produces 2 quanta).
Seems balanced, or even beneficial to the phase recluse.
yes that 1 hp makes a difference. it means another turn of attack against fire shield and sometimes carapace, it reduces the chances of being turned into a skeleton to 0.125 with skull shield, and it puts it out of range of a couple of spells. and the one less quanta cost does matter. for example if you play 3 SN you can then get out 2 flesh recluses, but only 1 phase recluse. that's nearly double damage.

is making phase spider cost 3 :aether too much to ask?
I'm hoping you mean phase recluse.
It's not a question of whether it is too much to ask, since that would imply changing the card is the only negative consequence. Changing the metagame would be the negative consequence, and it's much more severe.
and just how severe can it be? give me an example of a huge catastrophic occurrence due to a 1 :aether cost reduction. my only other concession would be +1 hp instead.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: loss of arcade
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:01:38 pm »
i want it back too. if they do bring it back i hope all the high scores are reset so that i can pwn at asteroids :D

Nerf This Card! / Re: Fire Shield | Fire Buckler
« on: April 15, 2011, 10:59:42 pm »
really that's still just 1 deck type we're talking about here. it just seems that it's merely bad luck that all light emitting/easily spammable and cheap vanilla creatures are so vulnerable.

Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 15, 2011, 10:49:04 pm »
Used in many speedbows, just not in Pvp1 because it's too fragile for that. No buff in my opinion
i didn't say just PvP1. i know how successful they are in speedbows, i often use them myself. the thing is just because they are successful in one deck type does not mean they are brilliant all round. it's a bit like saying skeletons are unanimously brilliant just because of reverse time. i do see how they are very in speedbows good, it's just compared to flesh spider they're a bit lackluster.

Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 15, 2011, 10:43:53 pm »
2 hp offers a 25% chance of turning into a skeleton with skull shield, it take 2 turns to kill it with a fire shield, 3 turns with thorn carapace, with permafrost it will obviously have a reduction in damage AND a chance to be frozen... ie the only shield that won't affect it is gravities own. aside shields, spidey is vulnerable to any and all CC, even the weakest bolt will kill it dead and unlike all the other aether creatures it can be touched by even soft CC. unless you face someone using no CC whatsoever i would expect the phase spider/recluse to survive around 2-3 turns (4-5 if you're lucky) when they are played on their own or in twos.

root ranger, the difference with all the other creatures you listed is that they all have a far higher success rate. by that i mean whenever you see them in play they always last a long time. usually to the end of the game. phase spider will get killed earlier because:
A) it has lower health than them - low enough to die when touched by any and all CC
B) due to its slightly larger attack it will likely get targeted first.

point be is the main problem because the spider does just enough damage to be picked on by most AIs and some players, but not enough attack to be classed as a high range power packed giant like a dragon or some other creature. this added with its OFF ELEMENT ability makes it pretty darn annoying to play. effectively you will waste all of that 4 :aether you played in one go. all i would want is a small cost reduction. think of the flesh spider/recluse. the only difference in attack is 1 and fleshy has 1 more health making him a good degree more resilient. so why then is there a cost difference? surely aether has had enough of over expensive cards? is making phase spider cost 3 :aether too much to ask?

Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:55:16 pm »
the thing with fractalling it is that you need a huge supply of pillars/towers to bring them out on the next turn. the idea of fractalling a card is usually to mass produce them, then get them out - and fast. but not with this. with this you have to have four towers up there already to get just 1 out a turn. not so bad, but still slow. however, when you want to get a little faster and get 2 out per turn you have to look for 8 pillars out already. now that is beginning to get a little silly. then you go to 12, 16, and up. no, this makes fractalling them very inefficient.

Buff This Card! / Re: Schrödinger´s Cat
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:45:04 pm »
yes that would produce a reaction of frustration at least :))

Buff This Card! / [Official] Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:38:07 pm »

i've heard many people comment on how this card is bad. it has a low survival rate on the field, it's not used a lot (i only experience it on PvP when people use speedbows and such), the phase spiders (not the recluses i suppose) playing cost is too much for the amount of damage it does and its lack of health and the NEVER EVER used ability it owns. i mean what's the point in having such an ability? it only works when you are either against someone who specifies their whole deck on skyblitz (this is too situational), or when you yourself are playing with the shield Wings (again pretty situational). besides it's a mid range attacker used mainly in rushes. and that's another point. it's a hard card to successfully fractal which makes it very annoying as it's aethers fastest rush card. who wants a creature that finds it hard to fit in with its own element. i mean i know it is the only obvious choice to use a quint on if your running a mono aether, but seriously its health is too low to be effective as many of the shields it runs into with murder it anyway.

OK i've blabbered on long enough. what do you think?

FG Proposals / hypnos
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:16:27 pm »
Hypnos was depicted in Greek and Roman mythology as the god of sleep and all ruled things within the mind. he could take control over peoples thoughts, and could induce nightmares (and dreams). from this i have based themes for which cards to use.
this FG is tough. he has powerful CC, lots of PC, and while he blocks around half of your damage he heals himself every turn while finishes you off (some times very quickly).
Code: [Select]
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u9 6u9 6u9 6u9 6u9 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t8 7t8 7t9 7t9 7t9 7t9 7tb 7tb 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7th 7th 7ti 7ti 7ti 7tidon't hesitate to copy the deck code and try him on the trainer.


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