2 hp offers a 25% chance of turning into a skeleton with skull shield, it take 2 turns to kill it with a fire shield, 3 turns with thorn carapace, with permafrost it will obviously have a reduction in damage AND a chance to be frozen... ie the only shield that won't affect it is gravities own. aside shields, spidey is vulnerable to any and all CC, even the weakest bolt will kill it dead and unlike all the other aether creatures it can be touched by even soft CC. unless you face someone using no CC whatsoever i would expect the phase spider/recluse to survive around 2-3 turns (4-5 if you're lucky) when they are played on their own or in twos.
root ranger, the difference with all the other creatures you listed is that they all have a far higher success rate. by that i mean whenever you see them in play they always last a long time. usually to the end of the game. phase spider will get killed earlier because:
A) it has lower health than them - low enough to die when touched by any and all CC
B) due to its slightly larger attack it will likely get targeted first.
point be is the main problem because the spider does just enough damage to be picked on by most AIs and some players, but not enough attack to be classed as a high range power packed giant like a dragon or some other creature. this added with its OFF ELEMENT ability makes it pretty darn annoying to play. effectively you will waste all of that 4
you played in one go. all i would want is a small cost reduction. think of the flesh spider/recluse. the only difference in attack is 1
and fleshy has 1 more health making him a good degree more resilient. so why then is there a cost difference? surely aether has had enough of over expensive cards? is making phase spider cost 3
too much to ask?