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Messages - killybob (862)

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this deck takes 1 turn to kill the opponent
Code: [Select]
7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7go 7go 7go 7go 7go 7go 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 80ayou will obviously need 100 quanta from the trainer but this really hammers them

this is quantumTs design so i don't take credit no matter how practically useless this deck may be ;).

that's about right. some do a lot more than others depending on their opponent (FGs, AI3, PvP), and how much of elements they can fit in the day. i'm quite limited as i haves school to deal with and (this week at least) tennis for six solid hours which, believe me, leaves you very tired. it also depends on how much time you put into the forums.

50 games per day probably isn't that much. if it takes around a minute to complete a game against AI3 then in two hours you can get around 120 games going.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Fun with the new forum!
« on: April 17, 2011, 08:03:36 pm »
don't be too hasty in saying that ddevans, cos if scaredgirl didn't know that then who else would? apart from your omniscient self of course.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Fun with the new forum!
« on: April 17, 2011, 04:56:58 pm »
and just how easy is it to type out an address from scratch when you have never had need to memorize it? and any even if i could how would i know it's not been moved to another address entirely due to recent changes? anyway thank you i suppose.
You could Google "elements trainer", and it would be the first link in the list.
every time i do that it tells me that there is a much more up to date version and makes me click a link. when this link opens it's not the trainer, just the normal game.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: "Favorite" Threads?
« on: April 17, 2011, 04:35:23 pm »
obviously for anyone who has ever commented there, i am usually very involved in the buff, nerf, and suggestions and feedback sections. i also like to spend a little time in the FG proposals.

I have exactly 1000 wins and 11830 score. Compared to all of these huge numbers, I feel like I joined yesterday even though It was actually 10 months ago.
10 months? i've been going about 4 and a half and my score's well in the 40,000s! and my win to loss isn't that good either. i don't see how theonlyrealbeef here has kept his losses at a neat 1000. it's quite beyond me how that's even possible. anyway i've given up on FG grinding for the mo cos that's doing me no good score wise. at the moment i have under my belt 2441 wins, 2042 losses (terrible i know :(), and my score is 42941.

- current affairs (must be of global importance so everyone has something to say)

- i do like the idea of an educational section where members can ask and answer any question and queries to do with school, collage, and university

- a music section? it could be a link to the providers of pieces and sound bits that are used in the game and the forums. this could come with a section where you can post what good music you find and a place where you can suggest sounds and music that you found for the actual game

Humor / Re: Unupped*** False God Grinder: 65% win rate!!!
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:29:02 am »
when i need a weapon i just use my fists :P
in all seriousness i think i've found a way to push the win rate up to in or around 110%. i won't tell you how.

Buff This Card! / Re: Firefly Queen | Elite Queen
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:18:09 am »
let me explain the nerf for you then if it helps. there was not direct nerfing on the actual creature, ie no attack or hp reduction, no cost raise, or anything.
FFQ has had its cost raised in various patch updates, which is more than likely the fuel of the fire here.  The continual mitigation of the cards which give it its strength is just a continual slap in the face for the card itself.
thanks, my mistake. slap in the face indeed. make my point again: -2 :air cost

Buff This Card! / Re: Phase Spider l Phase Recluse
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:14:28 am »
no. did you not read my post properly? it would not be less effective because not only would it be likely to have more HP than the recluse but also i said that the recluse was inefficient because it wasn't a "high range power packed giant".
Keep in mind that many decks have no CC, or they have CC that does not have an effect that takes HP into account. In this case, the recluses would outclass creatures with larger HP but equal efficiency (if both attack and HP are factored in). It makes sense that in some cases one card would be preferred, and in another cases a different card would be preferred.
the only time phase recluse would outlast higher attack and HP creatures is with reverse time and that is too situational to make a solid argument out of.

no. spells are designed to be used. creatures are not designed to die. you usually only get six of them whereas CC can be abundant, sometimes multiple spell  per element. basically if you use a lightning to kill a spider/recluse you would have bought that card specifically for the purpose to kill something. the person who bought the recluse would have bought it to last.
If creatures were designed to last forever, resilience would be worthless, and many cards would have no use in the metagame. Clearly, creatures are designed to sometimes die.
creatures are NOT designed to die. it's just like we are not designed to fly, but we still manage it. i'm talking about how the creatures are not built with and automatic timer that kills the creature when it goes off, and the only reason they die is because of CC

yes that 1 hp makes a difference. it means another turn of attack against fire shield and sometimes carapace, it reduces the chances of being turned into a skeleton to 0.125 with skull shield, and it puts it out of range of a couple of spells. and the one less quanta cost does matter. for example if you play 3 SN you can then get out 2 flesh recluses, but only 1 phase recluse. that's nearly double damage.
Of course it makes a difference, as does the 1 quantum cost. However, the 1 hp and 1 quantum are together not enough to make the phase recluse significantly weaker. Thus, the phase recluse is balanced compared to the flesh recluse.
actually i beg to differ. in this situation it would induce almost twice the damage for an extra turn (basically 14 damage from the phase recluse against 24 from the flesh recluses). that is significant enough to cause imbalance IMO.

and just how severe can it be? give me an example of a huge catastrophic occurrence due to a 1 :aether cost reduction. my only other concession would be +1 hp instead.
It wouldn't catastrophicly wreak the metagame, but there is no need to make a balanced card overpowered. It's a waste of programming time and centralizes the metagame.
it would in no way make it imbalanced, especially in view of all of aethers multiple expensive cards. if you ask me we owe it to aether anyhow. think of it this way. average scenario is it lasts for the 2 turns on the field as i said. now this is 14 damage you're looking at which is nearly 3 times that of a ball lightning which costs nothing. for a 1 turn card like BoL that does 15 damage i'd look to pay around  2 quanta. surely it's not too much to ask for a card that does 7 damage over 1 turn to cost 3 :aether? not a big deal and would not centralize or disrupt the metagame.

General Discussion / Re: Year of the Oracle
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:56:05 am »
remember we are talking about real life chances, not just calculated ones so, just like with dusk and fog shields, the chances will indeed be very invariable so there is not way that we can predict time lapses and specific dates. for instance i've gone for 4 months without a single nymph. in fact for all this time my money won has averaged only 20 :electrum and i have only won 1 card.

Buff This Card! / Re: Firefly Queen | Elite Queen
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:50:57 am »
let me explain the nerf for you then if it helps. there was not direct nerfing on the actual creature, ie no attack or hp reduction, no cost raise, or anything. instead there have been lots of other cards that either counteract it, add competition for the best and most effective use, etc. this made it slightly more useless and less desirable. IMO the best way to get it back on track would be to reduce cost by around 1 or 2 :air. the ability cost should remain the same cos fireflies are quite strong, the HP is just fine as it is, and FFQ is not meant as a high attacker.

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