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Messages - kafel (2)

Pages: [1]
Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: December 26, 2009, 10:14:34 pm »
It's true that only one thing doesn't prove credibility. But there's many things that have been proven (or imply it happened). They found Noah's Ark and water under the mountain on which it was resting. For water to be buried deep in mountains high up is something not normal... And like the David, the character in the Bible, has been implied by evidence found from archaeological digs

Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: December 26, 2009, 01:27:44 pm »
I was just wondering, why is it that when people cuss, they use god' name and stuff like jesus, hell, christ, and damn. (BTW if you didn't notice: all have to do with Christianity and its ideas of hell, damnation, and heaven) Why not anything else? I think this somehow relates to the idea of God's existence. In the Bible (if you read it) it states that the world hates Christians and God. From all the everyday and abundant cussing that involves God, i think that it might show this verse (i forgot where it's stated, can someone show me where). Seems to me that the world does hate God. And if so, this shows that the Bible has at least some credibility. Now if you agree that the cussing shows that the world hates God but question what it proves, keep in mind that the Bible, whether you believe is true or not, was written many years before our current age so if it talks about something that happened many centuries later, which is present, it might have credibility, what it says might be true... But i will admit it is hard to prove explicitly because I know some Christians cuss using God's name and hating God is pretty broad, but i thought i'd share something that i thought was kinda interesting: never thought too much about cussing until now

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