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Messages - jawdirk (20)

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Crucible Archive / Re: Assassin | Agile Assassin
« on: April 06, 2012, 05:41:08 am »
I think the upped one should still be able to generate shadows. That is the fun aspect of the card: the possibility of using it as a creature generator that is hard to kill.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Malevolence|Malice
« on: April 06, 2012, 05:26:05 am »
It should be a shield.

Crucible Archive / Re: Assassin | Agile Assassin
« on: April 06, 2012, 05:03:32 am »
Consider having the upped one come into play with its shadow. Being able to create 2 shadows isn't really that much better than being able to create 1 shadow, since you can only make one per turn.

Think about it this way: For both assassins, if I don't have CC on the turn it comes out, I need 2 CC the next turn. I probably will not draw into 2 CC. IF I don't have enough CC for the first 2 turns, then Agile Assassin's ability MIGHT matter, but probably by this point, I have already given up on killing the assassin.

Also, in some ways it's actually better to have 1 shadow out than 2. With 1, I can immolate/oty/mutate the shadow, buff the assassin, and then put out another shadow in my turn.

I can't believe no one said Shard of Serendipity for being all three! :D

Crucible Archive / Re: Assassin | Elite Assassin
« on: April 05, 2012, 08:09:17 am »
This is a very nice card.

What if opponent parallel universes the assassin. I assume he gets a copy of the shadow. But does that mean the opponent's shadow has to be killed before the assassin can be targeted?

Fractalling/nightmaring the assassin gives you a hand full of shadows? And what is their cost? Do they all protect the assassin if played?

What about mitosis on the assassin/shadow? Does that allow you to put more than one shadow in play?

Does Quintessence on the assassin/shadow keep the shadow from being affected by spells cast against the assassin?

Does paradoxing the assassin kill the shadow, or does the shadow ignore the effect because it doesn't have higher power than toughness?

Crucible Archive / Re: Twilit Queen | Twilit Empress
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:16:39 am »
It also removes infection.

Regarding mutants and rewinded skeletons: does it return them to the originally played card, or to a normal version of the new card?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Relive l Recollection
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:09:31 am »
Unfortunately, it can be chained if you intersperse sundials. I think I like this card better than sundials though.

Forge Archive / Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:20:22 am »
still dont see it as being an issue, i think building a deck with this card as a focal point would be a mistake, sure its possible, but there are much more optimal means of dealing damage out there.
This, fractaling would cause more trouble than it's worth really.
Mark of Air
1st turn: Entropy pendulum.
2nd turn: supernova, Arc blade, supernova, precognition, protect artifact. Attack for 11. On opponent's turn he plays supernova and gets out a flesh recluse and an hourglass.
3rd turn: precognition again, thunderbolt the recluse, deflagrate the hourglass, play a deadly poison, and attack for 21 + 3 poison.

You're on pace for a 7-turn kill, and your deck is loaded with permission. I guess everyone better start packing jade/reflective shield or voodoo doll + freeze.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Æon | Æon
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:39:14 am »
Why make 3rd counter useless?  That removes more incentive to use the ability.  Personally, I'd streamline it to:
2+1|+1; Gain Mitosis
3-2|-2; Lose Mitosis
Every counter from 4 on would give -2|-2.  Compared to Owl's Eye's Sniper (2 :air for 3 damage), the light buffs and then the eventual damage would seem more balanced and worthwhile as opposed to have to wait 4~5 turns for a negative effect to kick in.
Good point. I like yours. The main reason I gave it a "nothing" was so that if you were doing it every turn there would be two turns of mitosis, but since you are controlling when it happens, you can wait for a turn when it is worth it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Icy Floe|Glacial Floe
« on: April 01, 2012, 09:23:33 am »
Remember this is also TARGETING. If it mutates it still freezes the creature targeting it. Also, it doesn't have to survive an attack to freeze/congeal the targeter/hitter.
You're going to need to combo it with another card before it can do anything. So lets say you put a rage elixer on it. That costs you 2 cards, 5 :water and 3  :fire, and it only does 6 per turn.
It's just not efficient enough. Compare it to some other 2-card combos:
2* Deadly Poison ( 2 cards + 4  :death, only countered by purify)
2* Immortal (2 unupped cards + 12  :aether for 8 damage that can't be targeted at all)
Abyssal Crawler + Quintessence (2 cards + 4 :water 3 :aether, can't be targeted at all)

And if you don't draw the rage elixir, or you have to use the rage elixir for creature control, then Floe does nothing at all.

Even if you do get the combo out, I can still stop it in all the usual ways: rewind, many shields, antimatter, even eternity and owl's eye. Even if I do target it with one of my creatures, I still messed up 2 of your cards and only messed up 1 of mine; and its my choice; if I'd rather eat the 6/turn and save my squid for your dragons, I can.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Æon | Æon
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:42:24 am »
I like the aging idea, but why would you ever go past 4 age counters? Obviously not efficient enough against enemy creatures.

Instead, it should affect all creatures in play (including enemy). The aging cycle should be much shorter, and less boosting, like:
(all end-of-turn effects)
1 age counter: +0/+1
2 age counters: +1/+0, gain mitosis
3 age counters: nothing
4 age counters: -1/-1, lose mitosis
5 age counters: die.

Forge Archive / Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:14:08 am »
The real problem with this card is precognition and nova/supernova. Even hourglass is pretty nasty combined with cheap spells. You could fix it by making it much more expensive, or by limiting it to 1 growth on your turn and 1 growth on enemy's turn.

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