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Messages - ivalmian (240)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: Light Source/Coherent Source
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:12:15 am »
ivalmian: Yeah it has many possibilities, I didn't mean it hadn't just that if it was random quanta there would be more.

If you don't want it to be eaten just make it generate a new 1/1 creature with the new ability "cannot be devoured" and Bioluminescence.
 Thanks for all the suggestions guys!

I'm ok with it being eaten (as you can see from my avatar, I'm an avid oty fan), it's just there should be some small but "real" cost to it.. like paying one light.... i think...

Also.. I'm about to post another card from the series of permanents making creatures.. dark cavern/depths ...

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Light Source/Coherent Source
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:45:57 pm »
I like the idea, for the Unupgraded though I would almost suggest "For every turn Light Source is in play you gain one Photon" but I can see why you did it this way. Just the Photos are free anyway.

This would be a great addition to a light mutate deck and a lot of fun to mess about with.

+ Karma for the effort and the great compostion.


Thanks for the suggestion!

Well.. my only concern with a free photon is that this makes the unupped version a prime source of oty/scarab food

At least this way there is SOME price to pay for the food. When you just play a photon from hand you pay the price of having a photon card in your deck (a heavy price since it's a mostly useless card!)..

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Religion of Other
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:42:56 pm »
Thanks, I'm trying to get the whole series done but the idea has to be right for each one and so far that hasn't happened for all the elements yet.

Thanks again.

yeah, this one isn't too OP like some of the others... frankly i'd prefer if they didn't have shield effects.. but that's your call :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Light Source/Coherent Source
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:41:57 pm »
I like the idee.

Since ray of light gives you light quanta you could make the Light Source/Coherent Source cost 3 random quanta or a different type to make combos for dual/tri decks.
Perhaps... I think this has a lot of potential in being combined with other decks.

 :light Mutations decks can get a nice boost making this a source of raw material.

 :light Non-light decks can use this as a source of light quantum (the upped version)...

 :light It can also be combined with adrenaline decks (get a 4 offence creature for every green nymph/source you have)...

 :light This is cheap food for oty/scarb AND when combined with boneyard/bonewall it increases charge and creates skellies!

So yeah... a LARGE number of possibilities. This permanent can also make large miracle usage available for non-light centered decks...

The reason I made it cost light (and fairly little, only 3 to cast and 1 to make the creature) is because otherwise it may be a bit too OP. Also, it doesn't make sense to me if 3 or 5 drakness gets paid to make a ray of light :p

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Religion of Other
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:34:43 pm »
Awesome card! +1 karma

Card Ideas and Art / Light Source/Coherent Source
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:25:01 pm »
Ok, so this is my first attempt at making a new card...

The idea is something I've suggested before as part of particle mark... however, this time it's adapted for "light mark" which is appropriate... This is a permanent which for a cost of 1 light puts a photon/ray of light on the field.. it is part of a series of cards I hope to make which center on making creatures with permanents .

Any suggestions are appreciated!




Huh? we got 29 non-tower and 11 tower, a total of 40cards
P(no tower with 7 card) = 29x28x27x26x25x24x23/40/39/38/37/36/35/34=0.0837
sorry, I guess i calculated for 12 towers in 41 cards by accident :P (this is what i am trying now)

but yes, vreely's point is also quite accurate, the deck plays WELL with one tower in starting hand. With 0... it's a little hard.. but still you get may be 40% wins :P

edit: Simple mathemagic with tower draws in first round
For 11towers in 40cards, assume all cards are drawn randomly in first round (which should be)
Probability of getting no tower = 0.0837
Probability of getting exactly 1 tower =0.2803
Probability of 0/1 towers = 0.364, thats 364 games in 1000 games

correct me if i am wrong
Your math is wrong.. :)

For 7 cards (starting hand) probability of getting 0 towers is 0.0403... for first turn (8 cards) it's 0.0216

So after your first draw you have only 2% chance of not having towers... which is ok :P

Probability of getting one tower in first 7 cards is 0.0720015...

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Suggestion - Gift/Bestow
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:25:14 pm »
For me it Eclipse should do both, +1|+1 to death/dark and -1|-0 to all life/light creatures in play (with the upgrade you suggested). I would find this a valuable addition and could be interesting to use although dark and death are already pretty strong espicially aginst life.

Hmm yes i see your point about weapon carrying just incase but there are some good ideas for using it:

I have 3 dragons in my hand, a phase shield, a steal and one gift I also have enough quantum to play all of them this turn if I choose.

My opponent has just wiped my board clean, has 27 Health but has a Bonewall with 36 points on it.

Ok so my choice at the moment is to just stand there and take it. But with Gift I can play my phase shield and gift it to him thus bring his bone wall effect down to 3 turns.

I then use steal to take my shield back and play my dragons.

Voila I win.

Just an idea about its game use.

Thanks for the feedback

Yup, or, suppose you have full health, a couple of vulchers, but little offence while your opponent has spammed 20 little creatures..

you play fireshield + graveyard.. gift the graveyard to your opponent, RoF his spammed cratures, take the damage (which kills all of the skellies) and now you have 40/41 vulchers ready too kill all :P

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Suggestion - Gift/Bestow
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:42:32 pm »
Ok so this might seem really wierd and I understand it may not have a huge amount of use at times but sometimes these things can be of use.

With some of the new shields coming into play there may be times when this could be of use. For instance if a shield gave a bonus to all fire creatures in play and you had two shields in your hand you could play one, git it then play the other gaining the bonus twice as it would stack.

Not too sure but hey it could be used if you think outside the box a bit.

Gift (normal)

Bestow (Upgraded)

SO really an out there idea but it has its uses:

They have a Morning Star in play (Immortalised) you can then gift them your dagger (as you can't steal or destroy the morning star your dagger takes its place) thus getting rid of the bonus for the Morning Star and removing it from play.

This is just one way to use it, would work as well in replacing Bone Walls, Dissapation SHields, Phase SHields, any Immortalised Weapon or Shield. You could also use it to create Boneyards on their side thus filling their board with 1/1 creatures and if you had rewind you can put them back into their hand as well.

Just some of the uses for this card.

I look forward to your candour in advice and correction with this card.


beautiful idea on a beautiful card!

Duo-Decks / Re: Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:51:45 pm »
I heard of this, accept I thought that you bless all the sparks to make six 8/3 creatures.
You may be thinking of this (,1912.0.html) deck, where the point is to get the sparks to 8 attack (The optimum damage for adrenaline) and then play adren for a 17 damage creature. here there is no adrenaline, so as long as you don't have any other targets, using most of the blessings on one spark is usually fine to speed it up.
yup.. plus here I think you ae actually a little bit faster since you're NEVER quanta short.. and if things take a little long, the miracle wall is EXTREEMLY strong since you are almost guaranteed to have enough quanta to play it :p And again, this is a FUN deck... so it won't stand against a well balanced upped light mono :P

Bah!  I just lost to another FQ rush.   That is 2 now in 6 FQ games.   Maybe that 4th SD is much more critical than I originally thought.
well, 2 game doesn't make or break stats.. i think in my original fat deck i had lik 3 sundials, and i beat firequeen 5 out of 5 games with EM... I think you might be having some bad luck... where I find the extra sundial is VERY needy is gemini and seism however...

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