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Messages - ivalmian (240)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Unstable Gas Speed Deck
« on: January 21, 2010, 11:15:09 pm »
Except this deck will most likely take forever and a day to get. So don't get your hopes up.
well, it'll take as long as it takes to get 3 nymphs...

which may take forever.. but then, there are always other ways to generate them :p

Rainbow Decks / Re: Unstable Gas Speed Deck
« on: January 21, 2010, 09:47:15 pm »
looks so sexy! seriously.. when nymphs come out... I might switch to a deck centered around them.. and the air nymph is one of the best candidates :P

Yes, I like the use of the water quanta in some way.

Whyen do you tend to play out the ice shield?

Generally my progression has been Sundials->Phase Shields->Bonewall, essentially stalling for a while until I can set up a bonewall play with rain of fire/otyugh backup to keep it alive for a long time. 

Permafrost shield is probably better when combined with the shards than without them.  With the shards its ok to take some damage each turn just not a ton.  Permafrost is good at making that happen wihle sticking around indefinitely.

I tried playing without Sundials last night and had a couple losses to Fire Queen and Ferox where I couldnt draw enough defense, that I felt I shouldnt have lost with sundials in there.  But maybe I just need to shirnk the deck further and get all my shards upgraded so I can use them.
Ok, so the 35 card deck will not have sundials but will rather focus on getting lots of hourglasses quickly... The only reason to use a sundial (i think) is because you didn't draw a shield yet... so in my ideal game I would use (bone wall 1/phase shield 1) -> (phase shield 2/permafrost) -> (if need be bone wall 2).

Power of the permafrost shield is that on average it allows enemy creatures to attack only about half as often as they would otherwise. This means that each create has offence which is

Effective offense = (Original offense -2) / 2

So a 5 offense creature will do about 1.5 damage per turn .. so gods that mass weak creatures will get screwed... also, zans indicated that it will be made that immortal and burrowed creatures will be capable of being frozen.. which makes this shield EXTREMELY powerful against dg and seism. Indeed, it may make beating dg with this deck doable.

For many gods (ferox, seism, destiny, chaos lord, death gods) I think that permafrost would be an exceptionally powerful counter.

Loosing sundials will be VERY bad only against gemini and graviton (due to momenta) but graviton already beats me pretty consistently and gemini, well, we'll see :P

I look forward to seeing the testing results!

I got 3 more shards of gratitude grinidng T50 last night, thankfully. 
Not sure what to think of permafrost shield.  Its more expensive than phase shield and doesnt stop all the damage.  If only it froze them all the time!
yes, but this is an addition, not a replacement. Also, it will be the only card that uses water quanta.. which means that by mid game the shield is free...

Ok.. i'm currently working on a new 10 qt 35 card variant (much faster than original 35 deck) and a 15qt 40 card version....  Both of my new decks will probably have a permafrost shield (in lieu of any sundials) :p

I'll post one (or both, if they both work) when I am done with preliminary testing...

I find that it doesnt win that much with no initial towers, when I've tried to play those starts I just end up wasting time and getting killed before I can get going - or being in too big of a hole. 

If we were entropy mark with 6 supernovas, then we might survive without towers, since after 2 turns you can just play the supernovas - but we arent.

The deck is clearly great, I just feel it gets a higher percentage of winnable draws with a bit more towers.
ok, i'll think about additional towers... if i make a new (modified) fat deck, are there people willing to get stats on it (i'm not about to run 60 more games :P)? Ofc.. i will do some preliminary testing before I post it... but yeah.. I need someone to do 20-30 games and record how they do against various gods...

Tested this and I also experienced too few quantum towers.  I had success after addign several towers.  Its a waste of card to have only a couple towers early on and end up discarding.   In my experience the no tower hands are not worth playing, even against easy gods.  Sure you can play it out and might win sometimes, but its far better to quit, lose the 30 coins, and try again to get a higher probability chance of winning. 

In order to maximize gains per hour, we should prioritize losing fast or winning with a high probability in games that we play out.  Ignoring the hard false gods by immediately quitting is beneficial to gains per hour.  In fact, I think it makes sense to build the deck in order to maximize win % against the easy/medium difficulty gods, and completely ignore the hard ones.  Generally we should beat the easy gods by having enough towers, and getting some card draw (having hourglass), since if we draw extra cards, we will draw into whatever else we need.
This deck wins at least 40- 50%  even with no towers in the first 2 turns... seriously...

Again, you can replace protects by towers and only play gods with no perm control...  But frankly, I would just stick with the way I advertise it, auto quit on graviton, rainbow, divine glory, perhaps, leave against hermes if you don't have a good start, but fight everyone else...

Rainbow Decks / Re: Attack of the Clones
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:26:13 pm »

It's a clone deck... steal pillars and weapons, clone creatures.  Heal and Miracle to out live the enemy, owl and fireball to blast his critters.  Animate weapon to maximize skills.

This is just an initial version, not tested much... but when it works, it works!  Mostly the goal is to have fun and turn the enemy's deck against him.  Suggestions welcome.
looks fun, not sure if it's effective though :P

Right now i'm testing the 'fat' variant, the only change is swapping the 3 sundials for 3 SoGs.
So far, the results appear better (for me anyway).
Well, I can certainly believe that.. I think SoGs are good rares, not essential for this deck, but they ARE good!

I really need shards!! People, put um some shard farm t50s!!
again, i think for my deck, playing without SoG is just fine :)

Actually  with some help via Jmizzle I have 4 sog in my deck and am over 60% closer to 70%. Without theme it be hard to win. They won´t get targeted right away. They are simply low on the list of prioritys for the AI
i am not saying they are bad, I'm just saying most people don't have that many... also, with this deck you get 60% without SoG, so I agree that adding will probably boost that percentage..

My upgraded version of ivalmian's Rainbow Deck you can see below. Basically I took the "fat" version and fattened it even more, by adding a Quantum Tower, one Supernova, Shard of Gratitude and Fire Buckler.
By these means I am now constantly at >50% against all gods but Rainbow and Divine Glory. Against the latter I even get to some respectable Numbers (around 40%), as the additions of Shard and Fire Buckler both help very good against DG; especially the latter can nearly all by itself wreak havoc against DG, if drawn early enough. But Fire Buckler sure is against many fast gods like Hermes and Fire Queen a good addition, as it can both easily decimate the numbers of attackers in huge numbers and help acquiring Bone Walls and let Otygh get a faster shot against Firefly Queens and Gravitons own Otyghs and other fat-bottomed creatures.
I am generally against adding SoG into the deck since most people don't own one (including me, I only have SoD), but may be this works well... My only concern is that you will have further trouble drawing creatures/glasses...

 Please get some statistics, and may be this is the direction we should move towards!

I've played a few more games with my fat deck (will update stats st some point) and after 50 games I'm at 60% win rate (I had like 4 games lost in a row, now I know how you feel elfreth!!!!)


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