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Messages - ivalmian (240)

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Duo-Decks / Re: Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:03:12 am »
I consider it to be mono, ball of lightning doesn't cost any quantums....
well.. i know.. but because of the "lightning" part i felt I can't post it in the light mono deck section...

BTW,, here is the deck i'm running right now.. I think this is very much what vreely ran for his 59% stats (i am not keeping stats atm)... vreely, please correct if this is not what you're running.

Yep, thats exactly right.  I finished with 181 games before things flipped to 1.19.   I think that gives enough games to have valid stats, and here is the final update for 1.18 stats.

Games:  181
Win Rate:  0.59
Elemental Mastery Rate:  0.50
Cards Won:  43 (0.24 per game)

Easiest God (min 10 games):  Fire Queen (0.96 win rate)
Hardest Gods (min 10 games):  Divine Glory, Dark Matter, Hermes  (winless)
Gravitron win Rate:  0.32  (See he is beatable!!)

I still had a few of games where I needed some earlier QTs.   I am not sure if its worth dropping a SD for another QT.  I doubt it.  However, it may benefit from just adding a QT and making it a 41 card deck.  I am hesitant to go over 40 though, cuz the picture is nice and square right now ;)
haha... same here! Top post updated!

WOOHOOO.. finally beat rainbow... sheesh.. i think this breaks by 10 game loosing streak to him :P

Duo-Decks / Re: Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:56:19 am »
Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest.

This can easily be contorted into a very nice Rainbow. A Bonewall, a few Heavy Armors, a ton of Blessings, a Photon of Light or two, Chaos Powers, and all the other creature buffs in the game. I love the concept of buffing Sparks.
perhaps? care to post a screenie of what you come up with :P ??

The beauty of this deck is that it is FAIRLY fast  (does 100 damage in 7-10 turns) and most of the sparks DO NOT die ( I try to pair every spark with a blessing, unless fighting poison or creature control decks, like the two screenies posted)... at any rate, it is the speed why I chose  to do "almost mono"

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Sundial Suggestion
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:53:33 am »
Well, you're right that
HolyFlash is not worth using in most FG farming it's not as popular
, but now the SD
is not worth using in most FG farming it's not as popular.
So, why would the SD be of a higher priority than Holy Flash?
Sundials are STILL useful cards, and are STILL used in FG grinders.. I think they are OK like they are. Upped sundials are often times useful for making the quanta use more balanced since light is an underused quanta in rainbows.

Duo-Decks / Re: Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:13:31 am »
I think the bragging rights alone from winning that fight are far more rewarding then anything from the spins.
yeah.. but actually, as lvl 3 grinder it works surprisingly well.. i've just played 5 more games and I'm STILL undefeated :P

the fact that every fight i do 8-16 damage on the FIRST turn helps :P

Duo-Decks / Re: Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:09:57 am »

Read my signature.
haha.. my 17/8 spark isn't going anywhere :P it can take on dragons I tell 'ya!

Duo-Decks / Ye Blessed Spark
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:17:52 am »
I feel that sparks and ball lightnings don't get respect, I want to change that! 'nuff said..

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k1 7k2 7k2 7k2 7k2 7k2 7k2 809 809 809 809 809 809 8pq

Beat AI3 5 of 5  games.. here are two screenies..


Thats the version I am using right now too Ivalmian, except: +1 SoG, -1SD.

I actually started making friends with the sundials again.
They are still reasonably powerful and I can really feel the extra breathing room ... as opposed to always being on the wire because you will have to draw that darn 2nd phase shield next turn or else face death.
yup.. the improved miracle really turned out to be quite useless :P (Surprisingly so) while making my dials upped removed the whole "should i draw a card in hopes of phase shield or put a sundial" conversation...

*ivalmian's elite otyugh eats jangoo's puffer fish! Muahahaha.....*

What's the rationale behind 2 x Enchant Artifact? I use 1 myself to guarantee that Eternity sticks when needed and it's also great against Seism. However, it's a dead card against quite a few FGs and sometimes situational even against those that do use permanent control. For example, I might hold off on playing eternity because I want to steal the FG's weapon first.

I can see the advantage of being able to get Eternity out earlier if so desired, however, between high Time quanta costs in the early game and the lack of urgency, I find waiting for the one Protect Artifact in my deck to turn up is usually ok.  I'm curious to know why you guys thought 2 was better?

Again gods that don't have perm control you'll win MOST games anyways. The two protect are for SEISM (in which it's the pillars that need to be protected ASAP), and then protect hourglass from  Obliderator, Chaos Lord, Hermes, and Rainbow.  So essentially, with gods that I am troubled with I need protects.. which I have...

I see the pros with these decks, but the smaller the deck is, the more thinking you have to put into actually playing the game. With a larger deck, you have more tries, one mistake with a 30 card deck could lead to your demise. (losing). I unlike most people, like to stay safe with a larger deck.

The deck is 40 cards, not 30... and yes, this deck must be played without making mistakes, however it gives you about 60% return against all gods, which is more than any large deck atm..

BTW,, here is the deck i'm running right now.. I think this is very much what vreely ran for his 59% stats (i am not keeping stats atm)... vreely, please correct if this is not what you're running.

yay.. go Scaredgirl!

Rainbow Decks / Re: Deja TU Revisited.
« on: February 03, 2010, 04:19:25 pm »
Looks really nice, really didn't think that a deja vu deck could be done so nicely! +1 Karma

Rainbow Decks / Re: Outcasts
« on: February 03, 2010, 04:17:18 pm »
Damn it Jangoo! Now everyone knows my REAL FG grinder deck!

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