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Messages - indignation (2)

Pages: [1]
Also a note about the Earth AI3 grinding deck:  It is far more economical to START with the time element.  if you sold all the card of the time starter, buying the entire earth AI3 deck costs you a net 37 electrum.  (also remember that quests give you ~100+ gold once you beat AI0,1,2, + buy/sell a card).

Perhaps that could be a second option for those who already have started as time mark.

Deck Help / Help, Wall deck
« on: March 13, 2010, 08:08:45 pm »
Requesting some feedback on my deck.

Guiding principles:
1)  make a defensive wall, and survive to deck-out the opponent.
2)  target is FGs.  it'd get rolled by humans
3)  minimum upgrades.


Deck, when completely set up:
Fallen elf + 1 malignant cell, quinted + maxed malignant cells +/- mutants on my side. 
2 empathy, eternity, titanium shield and pillars,  all enchanted
optional shard or hourglass enchanted, depending on which i needed first.
if possible, malignant cells on the opponent side too.

small hitters will be nullified by shield + healing
heavy hitters will be mutated.

General problems I see:
1)  Death before setup. 
2)  some imbalance in quantum use.
3)  too many shields, and getting the wrong one can sometimes really suck.
4)  takes forever, but that's part of the strategy  :))

and yes, anyone with rain of fire/plague/etc will kill this.

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