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Messages - icybraker (3876)

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 323
Duo-Decks / Re: I... am... god.
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:23:08 pm »
With 3 of them, 10% of your deck is made of Wings. This means that it is very likely that it's one of your first 10 cards, which is an opening draw + 2 or 3 turns.

3 is enough. There are usually 3 Hopes in a Fractal + RoL deck, which is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT upon its Hope, I might add.

:( And I loved the :fire :aether deck so much, too.

Well played, kevkev. Well played indeed.

Duo-Decks / Re: I... am... god.
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:13:36 pm »
Looks pretty epic. This deck can even run completely unupped and see no difference ;)

4 Wings may be a bit overkill. I'd take one out for a Miracle. It might save you against an Airbourne deck.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Striking Arm by ddevans96
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:38:50 pm »
Can I resign? This game seems entirely luck-based. :P Sorry, but I have other things to do. Good luck.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:37:14 pm »
Okay then. Part omitted. But at least he can be disgruntled, right?

Forum Game Archive / Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:19:04 pm »
Ks, then.

Finally! Orders I can follow! Nanuuk ran as fast as he could towards the spot the Archangel indicated, leaping and bounding over the cracks. Jonathan swiftly flew just ahead of him as Arctarael slowly covered their backs, never letting the Sphinx get too close.

"The Sphinx shall rip you to shreds!" it bellowed. With every step it took, the ground shook. Soon, Nanuuk saw the cavern that Arctarael was referring to - a small enclosure protected by solid rock on three sides and a high stone wall on one side. Jonathan reached it first, fluttering over the wall and gracefully landing within. Nanuuk reached the base of the wall and looked up. Bile rose up in his throat.

I wish I had wings... how am I going to get up there? He heard another roar from behind him and turned to see the Sphinx, relentlessly getting closer to Nanuuk like a gigantic, malevolent Sapphire Charger. Nanuuk rose a palm and concentrated on the air close to the cavern ground, thick with condensation. "Congelo!" he enunciated clearly. A mottled layer of slippery ice materialized below the Sphinx's feet. With a rather puppy-sounding startled choke, it tumbled unceremoniously towards the ground. Tee hee.

I still need to get up there. It's not like some random Spirit will just come here and airlift me.


Oh, yeah.
Nanuuk dipped his consciousness once more into the astral plane, selecting an :air Spirit from the bunch.

I'd better get paid for this, it grumbled as it entered the physical plane in the form of a scarecrow with wings.
Your payment is not getting eaten by THAT thing, Nanuuk conveyed, indicating to the Sphinx who was just getting up.
With a squeak, the scarecrow grabbed Nanuuk in a bear hug and flapped its flimsy wings erratically. Slowly but surely, the two rose into the air.

You really need to get on a diet, boss, the scarecrow groaned.
And you need some sort of aerobics regimen.
You want me to drop you right now? Because I can drop you and you know that.

Nanuuk sighed and shut up. I can't win any arguments nowadays.

Nanuuk hazarded a glance downwards and immediately regretted it. Not only was his stomach churning from the altitude, but he saw the Sphinx give one giant leap, wings beating and paws swiping towards Nanuuk. Its blows whistled through the air, missing Nanuuk's feet by about... well... a foot. Nanuuk then decided to hurl. The vomit caught the Sphinx straight in the eyeball, and he roared once more.

Then, they were up into the cavern. Nanuuk was lowered down. He thanked the Spirit and then dismissed it.
"Took you long enough," Jonathan muttered.
In a few seconds, Arctarael had followed suit and was also over the massive stone wall and into the cavern.

War Archive / Re: Round 3 - Deckbuilding
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:17:43 pm »
From my team, only Unionruler and I have posted in the Results thread... :(

Competitions / Re: Special Competition: Elements Cards Flavor Text
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:13:51 pm »
Okay, I updated mine. Check it out. Hopefully you guys will get the reference ;)

I like it for Fire Storm better than Earthquake, actually...

Competitions / Re: Special Competition: Elements Cards Flavor Text
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:54:51 pm »
I can't seem to get the file to work (I have a Mac...what application should i try to open the pxd file in?)
Did you follow the instructions on the first post? No application is needed, only your browser.

SG, I know Chaos Power only has 1 line for Flavor Text, but can I do a flavor text for Chaos Power? Please? My text will fit. I have a great idea for it and I don't really like my Eclipse one. You don't have to add it to the template or anything, I'll do it manually.
That wouldn't really be fair to others because you wouldn't have to compete with the other ideas and would get a spot in the "finals" for sure.
:( It was going to be "Well, it's a mixed Blessing".

I still think my Eclipse is pretty weak... I'll think of something later.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:50:26 pm »
I had something typed up but I don't know what the room looks like, either :P

Humor / Re: Ask BP
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:26:19 pm »
(Say :aether or you'll be on my Hit List)

What is 0/0?

General Discussion / Re: Should all cards be created equally?
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:25:09 pm »
I didn't know whether to vote "Yes" or "No" because I'm sort of in the middle.

I think that all cards of the same function should be sort of in the same ballpark. This is because it is literally impossible to make every card equal to every other one without making this game mind-numbingly dull. However, I do believe that certain cards that are significantly more powerful than others should be made worse and cards that are significantly worst than others should be made better.

Of course, this is what is currently happening right now. With each new patch, we often see minor balance adjustments, and that's what we need. So, long story short - no, to keep the game interesting, but we don't want any outliers.

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