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Messages - home_wreckaz (58)

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War Archive / Re: War - Standings
« on: November 30, 2010, 09:38:20 am »
Earth seems to be in a great spot IMO. They have 74 cards to make 1 deck of which 6 cards are upped. Very easy round for them IMO.

Death... i'm very uneasy with how this round could potentially turn out. 5 Masters, 2 lieutenants... ouch. Preparing decks for this round is going to be ridiculous.
5 Masters and 3 Lieutenants. :p Jmdt, dragoon, dragoon1140.

And yea, this round is gonna be horribly ugly. Certain teams will likely be knocked out this round since the decks that are available to them for next round would be easily predicted since most of the decks that lost last round are totally eliminated from the vault.

Death / Re: Round 6 - Decks
« on: November 30, 2010, 09:28:52 am »
Haha Shantu, edit your first post, we're against 5 generals and 3 Lts not 5generals and 2 Lts. Well, this is gonna be scary... just tell me where you guys want me to help out and I'll try my best.

Anyway, thinking about decks to go against fire, if there's no other decks that intend to use air duo, could you leave the air cards for fire matchups? I'm thinking reusable CC aka flying OEs would be useful against fire since their creatures are pretty much glass cannons and having multiple CC per turn means phoenix won't be much of a threat either.

We can just fly the OE to go against deflags since it's not too likely for them to pack too many CCs in a single deck against us since a single rage potion will take out our creature in one hit, while OEs can take two each.

Hmmm... never mind, just put this under consideration, their fire bolt+ poison deck looks horribly painful and I doubt a flying OE+ poison deck can outdamage that deck effectively, pretty reliant on RNG.

Edit: Yikes, I thought they lost their EQs but they can salvage them from a win they got last round so they could end up just denying us quanta with EQs.

Round 5 / home_wreckaz (death) 2 - 0 (air) Istari.
« on: November 26, 2010, 01:21:15 pm »
Hard counter meant certain death for air.

Code: [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52j 52j 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52q 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp

Round 1: Slow build up, got 2 pillars out all the way until the match ended, just RT'd all his flying titans while the poison slowly drains away his life.

Round 2: Got more pillars and early arsenics+ poison, game ended a lot faster, he seemed to be holding onto his cards and intending on flying all his titans in one turn so I held onto dials until I was 2~3 turns away from winning him with poison.

Good game istari., sorry for the bad matchup.

Death / Re: Misc News
« on: November 26, 2010, 08:08:44 am »
My match is in around 5 hours from now, malduk please come online and do your chanting in our chatroom. :p 

Death / Re: Aether
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:31:51 pm »
Compiled a list of decks that Aether won against in round 4 so that we could guess possible -unexpected- Combinations that they might throw against us this round.

Decks they won against-they get 6 cards

Gocubs1212 (Aether) - 2  vs.  Kobisjeruk (Darkness) - 0 (,15898.0.html)
Code: [Select]
4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vl 4vl 4vl 5uk 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5uo 5up 5up 5us 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606
Dragoon1140 (Aether, Lt) 2 - Smiley56 (Gravity) 1 (,15933.0.html)
Code: [Select]
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55l 55l 55l 55l 55l 55l 55s 55s 55t 55t 576 576 576 5of 5of 5oi 5oi 5ol 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5pu 5pu
(Aether) Toimu13: 2 - (Light) suxerz: 1 (,15917.0.html)
Code: [Select]
4vg 4vg 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 5l8 5l8 5l8 5la 5la 5la 5la 5la 5la 5li 5li 5li 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq
mrpaper 2 (aether) Korugar 0 (earth) (,15853.0.html)
Code: [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58r 58r 58r 58r 58r 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu
(Aether) Boingo 2 - 1 Dreggs (Earth) (,15881.0.html)
Code: [Select]
55l 55l 55l 55l 55l 55p 55p 55q 55q 55q 55q 55v 58q 58r 58t 58v 58v 58v 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa

thraexis11 (Aether)- Dragoon(LtTime) 2-1 (,15899.0.html)
Code: [Select]
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f8 5f8 5f8 5fa 5fc 5fc 5fc 5ro 5rr 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 7q6 7q6 7q6

Alright guys, I've changed my layout of posting so that you can actually click the match name above the deck image to go straight to the thread. I've found myself wanting to check the thread to see how the deck fared against their opponent etc and what cards to look out for so I hope this will be useful.

Death / Re: Rounds 5 - Decks
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:59:42 pm »
Also, 2nd deck against air, I'm definitely thinking of using fire duo, mainly the deck that xuru used with the rain of fire in our vault, this deck can have trouble against FFQ deck even with just a sub par draw though.

Code: [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52q 52r 52r 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f8 5f8 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb
I haven't tested this deck but in theory, something along this line would be good against their shield heavy vault, we could also try for fractal devourers if our vault allows though.

Note: Above deck needs testing and fine-tuning, quanta generation definitely looks like a problem but I haven't tested it out since I just thought about editing Xuru's round 2 deck just as I'm about to head to bed.

Death / Re: Rounds 5 - Decks
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:43:52 pm »
Alright, my first attempt at deckmaking, seeing that air didn't seem to have taken purify, I'm intending on trying the flying OE deck that I used in round 1 replacing wings+plague+bone dragon with poisons.
Code: [Select]
52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 5pu
Note: this deck needs testing, haven't done much except for fine-tuning the quanta generation.

This deck should work against most of their winning decks that they used in round 4 considering almost every deck they run included shields, so I avoided using creatures and used poison for damage and the mass OEs+ shockwave should shut out their FFQ+bond combo.

I currently have the two death pillars so that I have a higher chance of being able to use bonewall should devourers(darkness duo) be used against us, this does mean that we would be slightly weaker against FFQ+bond and entropy though since playing against those rely on mass quanta generation for the CC and to mitigate the shuffling of the discords.

I'm more inclined towards the deck below which was the original idea as it allows for mass CC to help deal against FFQs but bonewall would come out slower.
Code: [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 5puAlso note: if we field this deck, it's unlikely we will be able to field another air duo with only wings and fog shields left.

Death / Re: Life
« on: November 21, 2010, 06:37:06 pm »
Life has 154 cards left this round, they field 4 decks instead of 5 because willng3 gets a bye due to the rule on uneven number of players dueling.

Decks that lost-24 cards discarded

nilsieboy (sub for miniwally)(water) 2 - 0 nadrin (sub for killsdazombies)(life)
Code: [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 621 621 621 80d 80d 80d 80h 80h 80h
(Air) Klaymore 2 - 0 Wizelsnarf (Life)
Code: [Select]
55m 55m 55m 55p 55p 55q 55q 55r 55r 55r 55s 560 5bt 5bt 5bu 5bu 5c2 5c2 5c2 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de
Stinnger (Fire) 2 - 1 hrmmm (Life)
Code: [Select]
5c5 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on
implosion (Light) 2 - 0 Gl1tch (Life)
Code: [Select]
4vg 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vm 4vm 4vn 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c2 5c2 5c4 5c4 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 6u6 6u6 6u6
(darkness) 9270984 2-1 (life) ratchetspyro94
Code: [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de
(Light) Wizardcat 2 - 0 Nadrin (Life)
Code: [Select]
5c2 5c2 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ur 5ur 5us 5us 5us 5us
(earth) TimerClock14 (sub for $$$man) 2-0 Killsdazombies (sub for Daxx) (life)
Code: [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52r 52r 5c2 5c2 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de
Decks that won, all cards kept

willng3 (life) 2 - TimerClock14 (earth) 0
Code: [Select]
5c2 5c2 5c6 5c6 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5lk 5lk 5lk 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5ol 5on 5on 5oo 5oo 5oo
YeliyaYue (life) 2 - 1 Acsabi44(fire)
Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 590 590 590 590 590 5c2 5c2 5c4 5c4 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5f6 5f6 5f6
Decks they won against-they get 6 cards

willng3 (life) 2 - TimerClock14 (earth) 0
Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 591 591 591 591 591 591 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5c2 5f5 5f5 5f6 5f6 5fa 5ur 61q
YeliyaYue (life) 2 - 1 Acsabi44(fire)
Code: [Select]
4vj 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f7 5lg 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 63a 63a

They have -6 penalty somewhere but I can find it. :c

Guy_fawkes, please read the other thread concerning the duel between kev and nilsie, mainly the one that's 6 pages long, this is posted by SG on page 5.

Interesting situation. I have decided to step in and fix this.

Reading at the comments from objective veteran players, especially the testimony by jmdt, it's clear that kevkev was present when their match was supposed to happen but nilsieboy wasn't. For me, this is a big thing. It's not always easy to organize matches during those 3 days, and if one person doesn't show up during that one time that both agreed to be there, all future "flip-a-coin" decisions will be made against the person who didn't show up. There has to be a "penalty" for not showing up and wasting the time of others.

What makes it interesting is that not only nilsieboy didn't apologize for not showing up, but he is even denying the whole thing happening and telling a totally different story of how he somehow was "in the other room". The problem is that it contradicts what others are saying. In other words, it's a lie.

The fact that nielsieboy used upped cards while :fire replacement couldn't, is pretty ridiculous. Had both used unupped cards, I might have been happy with the result, but the fact that team :fire was basically penalized for nielsieboy not showing up when agreed, is something I feel I need to fix if I want to look at myself in the mirror in the morning.

ddevans is not to blame here because this situation was unique, and there isn't really any guidelines for Warmasters on how to deal with this. I should probably write some detailed guidelines so that we can avoid this kind of thing happening again.

About this screenshot: . I don't know how much after the desync it was taken, but looking at the screenshot, it's highly likely that team :fire would have won. So it is possible that team :fire might have been robbed of a victory they deserved, but since we can never know for certain, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that nilsieboy didn't show up when agreed, and later "modified the truth" about that. That's all the proof I need really.

Part of me would like to give team :fire the win, but since there is always some doubt on what really happened and what would have happened, I will give both teams a chance.

Here's what's going to happen:

- The duel will be fought again using the same exact decks
- both players can use 6 upped cards
- any member of team :fire can substitute AND use those 6 upped cards (because kevkev already showed up once)
- team :water uses default substitution rules
- winner cannot salvage any cards (because round 5 opponents have been posted already)

You need to finish this match before round 5 deckbuilding ends, preferably at least 24 hours before it does, to give the losing team time to discard.

Needless to say that if mysterious desyncs happen, I advice both parties to take screenshots. We will use those screenshots to pick a winner if we have to.

This matter has now been resolved. Further discussion, while allowed, will not make any difference. It's up to Elemental Gods now to decide who gets a better hand and wins. Good luck to both.

Edited to emphasis the important portion of the post.

Death / Re: Earth
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:24:27 am »
Oh yea, another thing to note, they have 272 cards this round, meaning all decks of their are 30 cards, except 1 deck with 32 or 2 decks with 31, so we could go with a deckout...if our vault allows for it. @@

Death / Re: Rounds 5 - Decks
« on: November 21, 2010, 08:19:06 am »
Didn't see anyone in chat, but I've compiled round 4 decks that they used, they won 3 matches, mainly graboids, and they only got to salvage 12 cards cause 1 of the match they won was with a substitute by a non-sub member.

We should try and compile their possible vaults and see what possible decks they could make out of what they have left and decide accordingly, they would mostly go grabs against us though I think.

EDIT: My opponent Istari faced smug last round, they used FFQ,hope and bond together, Probably CC+bonewall, poisons?

Death / Re: Earth
« on: November 21, 2010, 07:34:03 am »
Decks that lost-24 cards discarded

(death) Nume 2-0 (earth) Coinich
Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vn 55q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58q 58r 58r 58r 58s 58s 58s 590 590 590 5f6 5ia 5ia 5ia 5ia
(fire) catalyzeme 2- 0 (earth) Demagog
Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 55t 55t 55t 55t 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 595 595 595 595 595 595 5f6 5v0 5v0 5v0 6u3 6u3 6u3
(Aether) Boingo 2 - 1 Dreggs (Earth)
Code: [Select]
55l 55l 55l 55l 55l 55p 55p 55q 55q 55q 55q 55v 58q 58r 58t 58v 58v 58v 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa
willng3 (life) 2 - TimerClock14 (earth) 0
Code: [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 591 591 591 591 591 591 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5c2 5f5 5f5 5f6 5f6 5fa 5ur 61q
brettbstock (fire) 2-1 Skydaemon (earth)
Code: [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 591 591 591 591 591 591 593 593 593 593 593 595 595 595 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5uo 5uo 5ur
Decks that lost and are penalized- discard 30 cards

mrpaper 2 (aether) Korugar 0 (earth)  - Not 50% Earth
Code: [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58r 58r 58r 58r 58r 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu
Decks that won, all cards kept

(Earth) Legit 2- 0 asymmetry (Light)
Code: [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 591 591 591 591 593 593 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk
Terroking (Earth General) 2 vs. xdude (Light General) 0
Code: [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5rk 5rk 5rk 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 7q8
(earth) TimerClock14 (sub for $$$man) 2-0 Killsdazombies (sub for Daxx) (life)
Code: [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58s 58s 58s 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 594 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa
Decks they won against-they get 6 cards

(Earth) Legit 2- 0 asymmetry (Light)
Code: [Select]
5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5la 5li 5li 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lk 5lk 5lk 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61q 622 622 622 622
Re: Terroking (Earth General) 2 vs. xdude (Light General) 0
Code: [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i9 5i9 5jm 5jm 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5lg 5lh 5lh 5li 5li 5li 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 7gk 7gk 7i6 7i6 7jo 7la

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