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Messages - hell_maker_2943 (42)

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1st Round

Pokemon1248 (me) 2-1 Noobiecakes

This sounds interesting, I hated the last one because of the amount of luck about it. Cya there!

PvP Tournaments / Re: Post your tournament ideas here
« on: March 01, 2011, 05:50:46 pm »
Cheap - No more than 500 coins can be spent creating the deck. This would make the tournament fair for all! :D
Expensive - More than 5000 coins must be spent on deck, upgrades aloud.
Same - Everyone has to use the same deck, pre-defined by the TO's.

Round one: Doc_moore_j vs Pokemon1248

Winner: Doc_moore_j
2-0? 2-1?
2-0, I am Pokemon1248 so I know.

 :'( I can't believe I missed the other tournament. Oh well, see you tonight!

EDIT: How do you know who and when you are going to fight?

Count me in! This sounds awesome considering it's my first tournament!!   :D

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