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Messages - hell_maker_2943 (42)

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Tutorials / Re: How to make a donation to Elements.
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:21:05 pm »
I paid for a reward code, but my computer lagged and it didn't give me the chance to even SEE the code. It said my seesion had timed out.

This has happened twice now, can you please help me, because it is really annoying.

War Archive / Re: War betting - Win 10 upped Shards!
« on: March 26, 2011, 09:45:22 pm »
 :death :darkness :fire :life :aether :water :earth :underworld :light :time :entropy :gravity :air

Just a premignition, I suppose.

Card Art / Re: Mark Merging!
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:58:30 am »
I'm wondering how you guys did this. It seems fun.
Yeah, how did you do this? It seems cool.

Also, can someone please do me one with all the marks merged together if possible?

Water / Re: How to pronounce Chysaora? POLL!
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:19:36 pm »

Auction Archive / Re: Falcon4415
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:03:18 am »
I don't have a clue why no-one has bidded on you, you do look worthy.

Oh great, the 1st upgraded tournament since I knew about tournaments, and the 1st tournament I have to miss... : :'(

Forum News and Announcements / Re: Now Hiring: League Organizers
« on: March 14, 2011, 06:58:00 pm »
Oh, poop. Stupid alarm clock didn't wake me up when I asked it too, and thus I didn't reply soon enough.  ??? >:( :'(

Auction Archive / Re: Pokemon1248
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:22:42 pm »

Update: Dissipation Shield is BANNED

Sanctuary + Dissipation is bugged. One side shows nothing blocking, while the other one shows invincible shield. After numerous desynchs in Eastern because of it, it is now banned.
Is sanctuary banned?

Auction Archive / Re: Pokemon1248
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:17:40 am »
Also, if you want to know my main deck, it is:

9x Emerald Pillar
6x Forest Spirit
13x Water Pillar
6x Puffer Fish.

I call it the Puffer Fish Rush.


Auction Archive / Pokemon1248
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:10:33 pm »
Buy A Slave   
Forum Namehell_maker_2943
Chat NamePokemon1248
In-Game NamePokemon1248
Score671, usually higher, been trying out lots of new decks.
Timezone ( (GMT)GMT
Usually Online (GMT) Differs
Favorite Element
Preferred roles
Non-Upgraded cards
:aether Aether        0
:air Air                     0
:darkness Darkness0
:death Death           0
:earth Earth             0
:entropy Entropy      0
:fire Fire                    0
:gravity Gravity         0
:life Life                     43
:light Light                0
:time Time                 0
:water Water            13
     Other                   0
Upgraded cards       
:aether Aether        0
:air Air                     0
:darkness Darkness0
:death Death           0
:earth Earth             0
:entropy Entropy      0
:fire Fire                    0
:gravity Gravity         0
:life Life                     0
:light Light                 0
:time Time                 0
:water Water            6
     Other                   0
Non-Upgraded Rares
:entropy Discord      0
:death Arsenic          0
:gravity Titan            0
:earth Pulverizer       0
:life Druidic Staff        0
:fire Fahrenheit           0
:water Trident             0
:water Arctic Squid      0
:light Morning Star       0
:light Miracle                 0
:air Owl's Eye               0
:time Eternity                0
:time Pharaoh               0
:darkness Vampire Stiletto0
:aether Lobotomizer     0
Non-Upgraded Nymphs
:aether Aether        0
:air Air                     0
:darkness Darkness0
:death Death           0
:earth Earth             0
:entropy Entropy      0
:fire Fire                    0
:gravity Gravity         0
:life Life                     0
:light Light                 0
:time Time                 0
:water Water            0
Why I would make a good War team member                                                             
I would make a good team member because I have experience in the game, and have made reasonable decks that would help in the war. Thank you and I hope you consider about me.

I hate to say this, but isn't this tournament partially based on trust? Because you wont definetely know that your opponent has 6 copies of a new card, they might just have 1, or maybe even none.

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