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Messages - gutsyDuck (39)

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Issue Archive / Re: adrenaline bugs
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:13:28 pm »
ok, but where can I find an exhaustive explanation of how adrenaline works ?
As I find nothing in the forum and the wiki did'nt mention adrenaline in card références.
It's not an attack, it's just a request.

Card Ideas and Art / Elements playground
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:51:30 pm »
I dont propose a card but  a set of cards based on the same principle as alchemies cards.
Idea is to build a playground card by element. those cards affect the whole game.
but only one card of this type can be in play at a time. Meaning that if someone play a playground card it destroy all playground in play.
note that this card can be destroyed exactly like other permanent.
I tried to stay close to existing thing....

got something like this :
entropy : "reign of chaos" , cost 12 : every turn all creature mutate : (same as a mutation)
death : "eternal oath" , cost : 12 : each time a creature die it generate a skeleton.
gravity : "Paper wall", cost 10 : ignore all wall effect (just as momentum, without bonus)
earth : "stone beauty" cost 12 : each turn all creature gain a cumulative -1/+1 until she reach 0 attack.
life : "nature gratitude" cost 10 : each turn creature are healed for 2hp;
fire : "volcanic battle field" cost : 15 : each turn every creature and player  take one damage.
water : "Ice Age" cost 15 : each turn creature can be frozen.(same as the ice shield)
light : "elyseum" cost 10 : all creatures gain +0/+2
air : "Animate land" cost 12 : all permanent played become a creature ( min 0/1)
time : "in time and space" cost 9 : all player can see other player hand ( no hidden card)
darkness : "darkness within" cost 12 : all creature gain vampire ability
aether : "dimensional instability" cost 15 : each turn all creature shift for immateriel status ( those who were immateriel lose their immaterial status, the other gain it)

It's just a base fell free to suggest change.

Issue Archive / adrenaline bugs
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:13:34 pm »
I tried to build a deck with adrenaline and so far I notice some few things.
Probably bugs :
- puffer fish with adrenaline : 4 attacks but only 2 poisons counter.
- a frozen/congeal creature with adrenaline : frozen for only 1 turn ( same thing with permafrost shield)
- a time bubbled creature with adrenaline  attack half is number of attack, she did'nt  seem to attack if she start the turn bubbled.

Probably feature ;) :
- a poisonned creature with adrenaline : she take all poisons counter as damage per attack ( meaning, a 3/3 with 1 poison counter die in one turn)

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