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Messages - gutsyDuck (39)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pillar deck in TOP50
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:56:26 pm »
ok another way to exmplain you why farm deck cause problem... (for other point we are almost agree, game should be fun and new player shouldn't have to play one year in order to have enought card and electrum to play fun deck)

So people ( and not just you) decide to put this kind of deck. THEY decide. nor the game creator or a community. They decide that it should be better like this. But Zanz create the game with some rules, he is the one who have the right to decide. Not you ! If you believe something is wrong or could be better send a message, explain, discuss. If you are not the game creator, it's not your property, you didn't have to change the rules by yourself.
It's not only a problem of property is also a problem of respect. This kind of attitude is disrespectful.
It's the old problem of the rabbi and the whore... Where can we start and where should we stop.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pillar deck in TOP50
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:09:53 pm »
ok I understand your point of view. better for newbes, dont want to waste time grinding...

so what is the difference between all card accessible in bazaar and pillar deck in T50 ? The first one is more equal for everybody.
Grinding money from farms deck is a bad argument, a rare card un-upped give you 150 electrum.
Finally you preffer broke the system create by zanzarinno ?
and what about player who just want to play against 1 of the best deck  and finnaly just click fo 5 minutes on done button ? for now I got 3 deck that are Farms deck with your's , got 4 . So 4/50 decks  (minimum are Farms deck) where is the limit ? When we reach ten percent ?

YOU believe your idea is good for your reason.
I believe your a wrong and that's deserve the game.

is there a solution ? what is the real problem ? having card more quickly ? or more electrum ?

General Discussion / Re: stathelper (greaseMonkey)
« on: May 27, 2010, 11:29:44 am »
I don't think it'is possible, as element is a flash game and it's not connected with the script...
As I said, I'm learning how to use grease monkey. If someone know a solution or could explain me how to do, I'll try to make this.

General Discussion / Re: stathelper (greaseMonkey) v0.3
« on: May 27, 2010, 10:51:23 am »
version 0.3 is out

new :
 - data are now stored ( ;) JoshK ), so you can keep information from one session to another.
 - reseting stat button : be carefull : NO Warning !
 - deckout button : a deck out count for a lose, if you clicl on deck you add 1 to lost counter and when to deckout counter.

plan :
 - improving stat result presentation.

@AnotherBrother : don't you thinks it's to specialized to element for ?

@PlanPlan : nice to know that's work with opera. For "element statistic", I'm ok to try to made a kind of import/export button. But I don't know how (for now).

Humor / Re: One of our members is a hacker!!!
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:53:30 pm »
since janury 25 all of the community know what I'have done...
And nobody tell's me...

what's hell !!!

I hope you know that cheat code are avaible with a simple google request : filetype:iso eggdrop inurl:"shadowmadness|gutsyPowerRuleZ" notinurl:"ZanzTrapp"

PS: nice One ScaredGirl... what exactly happend in january 25 ?

Issue Archive / Re: devourer + discord
« on: May 26, 2010, 12:54:58 pm »
In fact I play against devourers deck, and I won only because suddenly my quantum was not mixed. I have no shield at this time.
But I did'nt know there is a link between hitting and scrambling quantum. Has you can lobotomize a devourer he still absorb 1 quantum.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pillar deck in TOP50
« on: May 26, 2010, 12:51:15 pm »
yes, when you play against a farms deck you do nothing and you will have a great reward. it's more than unfair and unbalanced, it's very close to cheat. And finaly it's not logic. If you allow farm deck in top 50, it's easiest to put rare card in bazaar ( note that I prefer this solution ).

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pillar deck in TOP50
« on: May 26, 2010, 12:34:23 pm »
you are wrong with yourself :P
the best solution if you want every one to have more rare cards is to allow everybody to buy the card in bazaar.
Farms deck in TOP50 is just a proof that the game have been hack ( or suppose to be ) and it's not egal for everyone. you can play one hundred game without playing against farms deck. Where is fun and balance ?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Pillar deck in TOP50
« on: May 26, 2010, 11:12:58 am »
Hi all,
I see no where a thread about pillars deck. Is there something done for this ?
I understand that is good for new players, but playing against a pillar deck in top50, then gain elemental mastery and rare weapons or shard... I don't think it's good for the game.

General Discussion / Re: stathelper (greaseMonkey)
« on: May 26, 2010, 09:53:35 am »
Your right !!!
no matter, version 0.2 is out.

adding FG and HB

add button for decking out.
storing data.

Issue Archive / devourer + discord
« on: May 26, 2010, 08:43:18 am »
Hi all,
I'm not 100% sure and I can't reproduce the bug.
discord does'nt seem to scramble quantum when played  with devourer.

Hi all, I'm not exactly a math nerd but I often work on this kind of problems.
Your approach is good but at the same time it's false.
good : you got a kind of objective view of the proportion of quanta in your deck. You add some variable to have a better guess.

Bad : most of time people think their deck as a block. got 40 cards, got 3 nova -> got 3/40 chance to draw nova.
A better way of thninking a deck is water. You got a flow of cards, and what is important is the way the card come.

All of this is only probability. conditional probability to be exact. When you try to guess if you got enought pillar, you are asking for something very very complicated. Your question could be "after taking 7 cards, what is the probability to draw the card I need".

Let's try something, just divide card into three classes : pillar, creature, spell. with a 40 cards deck as follow : 10p/20c/10s.
probability to successively draw pillar is : 10/40 (first draw), 9/39 ( second draw ), 8/38, 7/37 and so on....
if you understand all, probability to successively draw a creature cards is : 20/40, 19/39, 18/38 ....

so the probability to draw 3 pillars as the three first cards is : 10/40 * 9/39 * 8/38 = 720 /59280 = 0.01214
but probability to have 3 pillars in your first hand is very different :
you can draw pillar like this (the possibility area ) P is for pillars, C for other cards
P P P C C C C -> this one is 0.01214

probability of the second line is :
10/40 * 9/39 * 8/34 -> 720 / 53040 -> 0.01357
Probability of the last line is : 10/36 * 9/35 * 8/34 -> 720 /42840 -> 0.01680

This is not exactly what we want to know. Go back to the question : your are right  when you put your QI,it'is the number quantun I need to play. I element there is something diffrent from MTG, your quantum is a pool were quantun stay until it's used. Appear another question : how many time can I wait to play my card ? Does it make a difference if I can play my card in the second turn instead of the third one ? answer to this question depend of how the game occur. In the first turn you can wait. In the last turn you can't.
an easiest question : knowing the probability to draw a pillar in the eigth draw knowing that I already draw X pillar ?

I don't what to tell you that your idea is wrong, it seem to be a good tool to estimate a deck. But if you want to be very accurate in deck building the road is long and complicated. Two things worth knowing : richard garfield (mtg) build is game when he was studying probability (and now he is a mathematic's doctor, speciality : probability ;) ) . Most of Pro MTG player are now pro poker's player.

PS: I write all of these in a raw without coffee, It's (surely) confuse, I'll try to re-write it latter...

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