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Messages - guolin (1725)

Pages: 1 ... 142 143 [144]
Oh man, I clicked the wrong button- I got Pulverizer. This bites. I'm going to destroy my enemy- darn it, no Gothic Vampireness. *insert sad face here*

Yup, I'm so going to get that. I mean, with all the Twilight drama going around, I might as well follow the bandwagon. :P

Ah, thanks for that. That does make a lot of sense. (time to get some fallen druids) I'll get a Pulverizer now, unless someone suggests an Eternity within 5 sceonds. ^__^

Well, I WAS thinking of a poison deck, but it appears to be almost useless again FG's. So I went with rainbow. Since rainbow is a little of everything....wouldn't arsenic be good as well?

OK, so I've narrowed it down to:


(ordered from most popular to least)

I am looking towards a rainbow deck, at least 15 quantum pillars, 6 hourglasses, and a sundial or two. Which weapon would be the most effective? Pulverizer is a popular choice, but Eternity would be great creature control (against non-Aether [Immortal]). I am currently using poison, so I like Arsenic very much, but I'm not sure if it would be TOO useful.

I have reached 500 score, so I want to think hard about the weapon choice.

Deck Help / Re: Powerful Poison Deck?
« on: February 25, 2010, 09:01:56 pm »
Well, true, I kinda got the idea. I still need a good way to switch from poison to rainbow. Would starting with a few hourglasses help me at all?

Deck Help / Re: Powerful Poison Deck?
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:43:16 am »
Yes, I was looking for that type of rainbow synergy to complement my poison synergy. I needed help and advice before I wasted 1500 Electrums on an upgraded card before I tested it and saw that it didn't help me at all.

Although, the poison I favor is the one I explained in my OP, the chrys and poison spells. I've found this to be a great synergy, but I'm not sure how this will complement in a rainbow deck. A friend of mine advised the Dark weapon. (which would replace those parasites)

Deck Help / Re: Powerful Poison Deck?
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:33:11 am »
Yeah, I kinda figured I needed something different for FG's. However, some of the rainbow decks I've seen don't include any poison or freezing, and that's my specialty.

Deck Help / Powerful Poison Deck?
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:27:49 am »
OK, I am currently using a very succesful poison deck, consisting of 6 chrysaoras, 6 poisons, 11 bone pillars, 6 freezes, and 1 dagger and a water mark, which is a starter deck the deckbuilding newbie guide recommended. Against level 3's I can win 9 out of 10 battles, right around that. It has a few weaknesses to several cards, but they can be ignored if I'm lucky enough. Against other players this works well as well. However, I want to move forward once I get out of grinding level 3's and past score 500.

One thing I wanted to build was a rainbow deck with emphasis on poison and time. However, that doesn't seem to work too well. Then I considered using what I'm using (with a few upgrades and rare cards, such as Arsenic) and see how that goes.

So, will either of these two decks work well enough to beat False Gods with a good chance of winniing as well as hold its own against other players? If so, which one, and how can I upgrade it for it to work?

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