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Messages - griffin8r (15)

Pages: 1 [2]
What kind of deck were you facing and what else was on the field when this happened.  Also, what was your poison dealer?
Deck was Entropy/Death - a Level 3 deck - and my poison dealer was a stolen Arsenic (which was still in play at the time).  There were no other objects even remotely related to poison on the field when this happened, other than the Arsenic I stole from the CPU player.

Poison is on the opponent and thus is behind the bone wall.
I would have assumed the same, meaning that the bone wall would have prevented the new Arsenic damage, but the opponent would still have been taking the 6 DPT from accumulated poison counters.

Just watched an opponent with 6 poison counters avoid the damage for 5 turns via bone wall, but no walls were removed as a result of the prevented damage.

1) Nothing on Bone Wall's description indicates accumulated poison would be prevented.

2) If accumulated poison is a source of its own, it stands to reason at least 1 Bone Wall (if not several) would be removed by preventing such damage.

Issue Archive / Observed neurotoxin behavior
« on: March 27, 2011, 04:40:21 pm »
Whether the scorpion is in play or not, every card I play, be it creature or permanent, adds to my poison counter pile.

Is this really how neurotoxin is supposed to work?  If so, it's the most broken card in the entire game.

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