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Messages - giversgivealot (198)

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Phat Deck / Re: Phat Deck Event: Battle Thread
« on: August 10, 2010, 02:45:59 am »
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Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:59:34 pm »
Right. To giversgivealot, there's a pretty big difference between a prediction and a compliment.  In fact, the only way that could really be a compliment is if my prediction was off.  Because in that case, then you'd be good at lying, id est, good at this game.  I despise empty gratitude.

And as for you, Svenningen and implosion, I know how to read, thanks.  "Confirmation" is one of those absolute words that I don't use.  I don't believe anything absolutely.  And even if I did, it would be irrelevant, because as the liar, all I can do apart from save people is make observations and comments for others to do what they will with them.  Which is exactly what I was doing.  I don't expect anybody to act on them, except maybe if giversgivealot turns out to be innocent.  And maybe the next person that you kill, too.  Who knows?  It was a mild suspicion, and a mild "accusation" if that.

And yeah, I am pretty suspicious right now, aren't I?
when you guys kill me you will see that i was telling the truth

and also i realize that talking about the elf was a bad idea im just happy hes still alive

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 09, 2010, 06:44:26 pm »
I think that Svenningen and implosion are kind of suspicious again....

I predict that Giversgivealot will be innocent, but I doubt that I could save him if I tried, and it'd probably just backfire.

Killsdazombies 1 - (RavingRabbid)
RavingRabbid 1 - (Korugar)
Svennigen 2 - (Wardead, giversgivealot)
Giversgivesalot 3 - (Svenningen, Gl1tch,killsdazombies)
Unholy Spirit - 1: (Unholy Spirit)
thanks at least someone believes me

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 09, 2010, 02:45:34 pm »
ohwell, we sorta lost. So 7_deadly_sins wasnt an FG, just plain stupid. :D
this sounds kind of strange
and btw svenn hes on my side and mutating me till i get virus or something i like so i can kill an fg again with epic virus powers
so :P :P :P :P :P
Unholy_Spirit 1 - (Svenningen)
Killsdazombies 1 - (RavingRabbid)
RavingRabbid 1 - (Korugar)
Svennigen 2 - (Wardead, giversgivealot)

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 08, 2010, 02:02:26 am »
The spirit of the knights was high, after killing their first dragon a mistake that would be fatal.
gottacatchemail was the happiest knight alive at the time and decided to celebrate by drinking himself till he couldnt stand up.
The knights decided to make a trophy out of his shrunken head, the best part is they didnt even believe he was a dragon but were annoyed by his stupidity. he tried to save himself but was unable to due to him not learning the code of the knights which explained that drinking was only for spare time.
the knights went to sleep knowing no dragon would be caught today, rastafla didnt wake up, he had been poisoned while sleeping.
gottacatchemail innocent and shriecker
rastafla doctor and supreme being
lmao gottacatchemail

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 07, 2010, 08:06:55 pm »
Wardead - 1 (Demagog)
Unholy Spirit - 1 (Unholy Spirit)
Demagog - 1 (Svenningen)
Gottacatchemall - 3 (Rastafla, implosion, 918273645)
Implosion - 1 (RavingRabbid)
918273645 - 1 (giversgivealot)

couldnt decide who so i made a new one

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man
« on: August 07, 2010, 06:29:58 pm »
sure ill be in

umm prelims

giversgivealot 1


Xine 0

he left for some reason

PvP League / Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
« on: August 05, 2010, 09:16:31 pm »
when wil the next league start???

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 04, 2010, 08:36:07 pm »
First, I would like to say good luck to you remaining civilians.
Second, yes killz ur right vulture IS useful.
and Lastly, i tried to play the same way i did last time, by not arousing suspicion but that obviously didnt work
wow really....
horrible move on our part, vulture is super usefull for us... (lol at mafia 8, i killed some one with one vote)
bye all bye all bye all bye all  
I remember when I was a vulture and was 0.5 votes away from staying alive. :(

irulegravity and gottacathemall better post soon or they'll be modkilled.

Soo... I'm goind to take a stab in the dark and say that ddevans96 is a FG.

Gl1tch - 1: (Gl1tch)
Unholy Spirit - 2: (Unholy Spirit, Stylin brah)
Implosion - 1: (Bender 74d)
Bender76d - 2: (Korugar, RavingRabbid)
ddevans96 - 1: (BigBadBanana)

no they voted last round
Gl1tch - 1: (Gl1tch)
Unholy Spirit - 2: (Unholy Spirit, Stylin brah)
Implosion - 1: (Bender 74d)
Bender76d - 3: (Korugar, RavingRabbid, giversgivealot)
ddevans96 - 1: (BigBadBanana)
Svenningen - 1: (Svenningen)
wow people voting for themselves much
ALSO Fallen Elf thanks for TRYING to mutate me you did 10 minutes before i unburrowed so :(
please try again

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:04:58 pm »
Oh well :-[ well guys good luck. I guess only givers has that badass luck
lol thanks but i dont have it this time

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 11 by Icecoldbro
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:43:20 am »

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