What can I say?
Maybe I'm very unlucky on the draw false gods? I've played almost against difficult and impossible FG.
Maybe I'm very unlucky on the draw cards? Most of the time with my 7 cards in hand + 6 rounds of play (the time it takes the false gods to kill you), I still need something.
- Let no Amethist Tower
- Let no Sapphire Tower and only 3 Supernova not enough to play a Nymph's Tear which costs 7
- Let no Quintessence
It's incomprehensible!
Why Fire-queen and Rainbow are always high on my stats on the number of match played? The draw is not random? I already noticed that playing the 40 cards rainbow Deck.
Even more incomprehensible, but the good side?
Why my rate card won is 70%?