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Messages - frisbee1989 (6)

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Thanks for the mod and the guide. I love the version in the OP. One thing you can add to the guide for Lionheart, if you have a slow start and are going the deckout route, you can quint the creatures you antimatter that way he can't rewind them, making the last 5 rounds easier to handle. Same thing for jezebelle if she manages to get an entropy nymph before you can PA her towers.

General Discussion / Re: AI3 EM True Efficiency Study ver. 2.0 (1.27)
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:56:48 pm »
Could some1 test Essence's Mastery Despoiler?,11412.0.html

I'm working on getting all the upgrades for it, but with only the Vamps and all the non creature cards upped I got a true score efficiency of approximately 1108. I averaged about 10.5 turns to win and in an earlier study the ttw of the fully upped version was less than 8.5. I EM'ed about 80% of my wins. Will be much faster upgraded, b/c then you can play devourers on your first turn and start the quanta denial ASAP. So less damage from your opponent and more for you eventually.

Some variations that might be better are replacing 2 gargs with steals or siphon lifes. I only had a couple of losses, but all them were b/c of annoying shields that i couldn't do anything about. Steals would probably be better than siphon, because i was generally short on quanta as it was. Taking the AI's shield or weapon would kill him faster so it will nullify the siphon life healing anyways.

Light / Re: Sanctuary | Sanctuary
« on: March 09, 2011, 11:40:41 am »
I think the card is fine as it is. Immaterial makes it OP and turns makes it UP imo. If anything, I would reduce the healing to 3.

Something that does need to be changed is the effect devourer and BH have when sanc. is in play. Right now Devourer does not return a :darkness to the opponent if it attacks you, but BH does heal the opponent if used on you when no quanta is absorbed. Both skills have similar wording of "do X if quanta is absorbed", but do different things when no quanta is absorbed. Either BH needs to do no healing or Devourer needs to receive a  :darkness if sanctuary is in play.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Almost unupped False God rainbow.
« on: November 02, 2010, 02:48:09 pm »
I would take out Steal and Deflagration and add a BE and another quintessence. I've found 3 Quints to be very helpful. You can Quint your elf, an otyugh, and the creature you BE or the Elite Queen. Also I would remove either the aflatoxin or both boneyards. You don't need both because either one will produce the creatures you need to mutate alone. You could replace those with bonewall or another empathic bond or a protect artifact for your eternity, and a sundial if you take both the boneyards out. Just being picky now  ;), but you probably don't need the Elite Queen upgraded to make the deck even more unupped. These are my opinions. I've played similar decks and these are what i've found to be better according to my playing style while playing those decks. Hope it helps

Rainbow Decks / Re: 2 x 4 = Speedbow
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:25:07 am »
Nice deck. I made a couple of changes. I took out the pendulums, gargoyle and precognition, and i added 2 werewolves, vampire dagger and another quantum tower. The pendulums were overkill, because nothing else used entropy and precognition only added another card to the deck. The 2 werewolves use the extra entropy and the extra quantum tower in case you don't get a supernova. The vampire dagger was a cheaper darkness card for decent damage and healing. I went 18-2 against the top 50 not counting the farming decks with the revisions I made.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Can Haz Moar Drawz? (FG Rainbow Reloaded - 1.24-1.25)
« on: September 30, 2010, 07:44:55 pm »
Thanks for the deck. I recently started using this one after starting with ScaredGirl's almost unupgraded deck. I found that using 3 quintessences was better in ScaredGirl's deck so I kept 3 in this one and added a flying weapon which has worked really well for me so far. I use the extra quint on whatever weapon i use flying weapon on. So far i've only lost 3 games out of 12-15 with this deck. I like this one a lot more than ScaredGirl's.

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