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Messages - fl0ppy (65)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Another slot proposal
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:17:43 pm »
Yes i agree to you, once you get to the false god it's downhill road.
Yes it involve more strategy and is challenging but the problem is the time you need for getting there.
Me I'm around 20 upgraded cards in 2 months of playing but lvl3 - top 50, cause was unthinkable to do different with my poor deck.
Just yesterday I've started the Half blood and not with brilliant results so far.

What  was proposing is aimed just to speed up a bit the first part of the game.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Color of the pillars quantity
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:23:33 pm »
Today I've noticed while playing the darkness pillars I had troubles in make it up how many pillars I was having in play because the white numbe of the counter was blending with the white of the pillar background.
How about put a little box there with a fixed color in the place behind where the pillar counter number is?
Could make the reading of that number more easy.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Another slot proposal
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:08:01 pm »
Not for trolling but just to understand, how much time you have spent in playing before having the deck fully upgraded? And how much time you play per day?

It will be fine if you want an elite circle as looks now. If you want more competitors and challenges no.

There are 50 people in the upper part of the highscores with over 100000 points, against how many players in total in the game?

I would be curious to know how much time they also had need to get there.
If this time is more than 6 months using  for no one know how many hours a day, I'm more than certain that a bit of a push for the starting phase could be welcomed.

You agree with me when I say that the purpose of the game is playing against the others and the more people get there the better is?

I truly dont think that winning a couple of not upgraded cards more, on the low levels slot rolls,  will make things worse or easiest. I  just think that will just help the new players to get in a condition in wich play is fun and not stressful mindless grinding.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Another slot proposal
« on: July 09, 2010, 08:09:55 pm »
No one said to leave the electrum rewards as is.

Anyway face it: when you are on low levels the money that you get doing Elemental Mastery does non change your life: it still a drop in an ocean.

If you think people will get too rich... I dont see why not lower the Electrum won.
Remember that you cannot buy rare cards and you still will have to upgrade most of  them.

A fast deck have generally 30 cards * 1500 Electrum each for the upgrade means = 45000 Electrum for a decent deck so the 60 cards make a whopping 90000 Electrums value.

Now at an average of let say 35 Electrums how much time this will need ? A little less that 1300 winning games.

Consider also how much time average normal people can play at this game, an hour? May be two a day before having the relative part of the family filing for a divorce or your kids tearing a part your house while you're not watching.

No offense for the youngsters but not anyone has still the lucky to be at school...

By now many junior players are already  starting to sweat while the realization of the time needed is sinking in their mind.

You can sell the cards you win, true, but still that bunch of Electrum, wont make a difference in the long run.
Also if you sell them: you know that at some point you will have to pay them at least a third more, or spend hours in grinding, before have them back.

Part of the fun of the game is trying new decks and therefore change your idea on the road. So far on my experience I've changed at least 6 decks, and started to upgrade them,  before decide to change them until I decide to fully upgrade this one I'm using . So I "wasted" a lot of Electrum, but hey it's ok it's part of the game.

The core problem is the reward system as is in place now: it slow you down a lot in the starting phase, and make many people willingly to quit rather than face all the time needed for grind cards and collect Electrums.

After, when you can battle the False God, you can have all that you want and at that point Electrums or cards wont make any difference, but I believe will be more "healty" for the game having chance to speed up a bit the starter phase.

In my opinion the real fun is battle with other players rather than spending all the time in battling the Ai for the cards and the Electrums.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Another slot proposal
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:29:35 pm »
When you do elemental master you gain more money, but also how about increase the chance of winning something at the slot as well?

Can be done increasing the success chances or giving a couple of extra rolls.

What do you think ?

Just for better understand for who has never played against the Half Blood.
Keep in mind that those Half Blood start with 200 hp and gain 3x of the mark each turn (pretty much as the False Gods) and have some upgraded card in their deck, while the deck size is usually 60 cards.

Here what's happened in one hour of game:

Match played 21

Won 8
Lost 13

Cards won 0

Electrum won approx 600

Here a view of the deck that I'm playing


It's an extended pest deck, substantially I'm just throwing in some more pillar, since at least 8 match where lost for not drawing darkness pillars for many turns.

It's two days that I'm playing farming :P  HB and I really agree with the others.
Can be easy, and lead to an EM, or can be a dead end till the very first round.
And when you win.. dont keep your hopes high to receive cards, cause the % of win one, without mention the upgraded ones, is loooooooooow (mostly I think that this is due to the fact that the deck contain more different cards: the same card can appear normal and upgraded adding difficult to the spin), and for the electrum.. with the difference between an average win FG, and AI3 or Top50, you can buy.. a lollipop!
And consider that the match time will be far longer.

Now the good points that are those that make play the HB:

Yes in the good case you do EM you will gain 80 + spins , but my average so far is 39 + spins.
Yes you MAY win an upgraded card.

But considered everything, at this point, I believe you will be better try your luck with a FG instead.
In the end, if your deck can win an Half Blood, it may have some chance to wind a False God either, if it's upgraded enough.

I have a little proposal here too.. yesterday I had a possible winning spin: 2 normal cards and an upgraded one, all of the same kind. Why in this case dont make win the ununpgraded card?
Generally speaking is the very same card in the end.

For the curious I'm using the pests deck upgraded at the 50%

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Slot machine little upgrade
« on: July 08, 2010, 06:48:31 pm »
You said easier?

I think what we will have in this way will be a bit more hope and illusion to do something. ;)
Still are just 3 try and the chances to get a card very limited.

For give you an example that already can sound familiar to you:  today I've spent the entire evening playing like a mindless drone against AI 5, and I won just 3 cards in the whole bunch (loooots) of games won.
Neither to say I hate the slot :P .
I think that in this way, sometime if you get lucky,  you can have a little push and a card that you want or to resell, making the farming a bit less boring.

Anyway two to lock are too much.. well even one would do good. It will still remain difficult to win.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Slot machine little upgrade
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:59:41 pm »
Hi, how about a lock button on top of every slot box?
It wont make it that much easy the game to play, but may increase the chance to win some card, also, will help in not verbally abuse the computer from time to time when seems you will never get  a card out of that thing :)) ;D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Update the wiki link in the webpage
« on: July 08, 2010, 11:43:19 am »
Hi, sightly silly thing, but since I'm still a newbie I use a lot the wiki for the cards.
In doing so I have to jump from the old one to the new one.
I know bookmarks exist for that purpose, but when you have some thousand of those you start to tend to use the links on the webpages ;)
Would be easier, in my opinion, for new players having the link pointing directly at the new page, and there,
having  a link for references back at the old one.

Issue Archive / Re: Spine Carapace
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:26:41 pm »
This an example why I think is definitively a bug that should addressed in the next realase.


A you can see the Ai has stolen me the two Empathic Bond and not only it cure itself, but with those Parasite can poison every creature i play, and since I'm using a mono life, I cant do a thing about other than lose.

At this today add the fact that on 3 hours play I  lost 99% of the games against this particular deck.
And to add insult at the injury it comed up A LOT!

I totally think that the shield suck as is, and I really would like have the chance to revert back the upgrade I've made.
(sadly  I have just 2 of those)

At least the text on the card should be changed from "physical damage reduced by 1" to "lower the attack of the enemy creature by 1" that seems more clear to me IF it this is the intended effect.
I'm quite sure it is not, because for as much I think I cannot find any advantage in it.

Issue Archive / Re: Spine Carapace
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:16:41 pm »
Ekk.. not good, I just lost against a gravity deck with Angels and Armagios, since I was not having any chance to wipe them out and the Ai with 6 angels costantly curing the Armagio.
Same story for the Otyugh, until it's 2 or more it wont be targeted, and for that point if it's an elite one it will be too late, or  the quite annoying combo with Ray of Light and Hope.

For my point of view it is a malus rather than an upgrade:  that shield is the only means that a mono life deck has to remove creatures :(

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