Hey I miss a couple of days the forum and I find all this!
Just a quick thing before start: Fuzz.. I do sympathize with who had to do grinding cause in the last month my average playing time is something about 4 to 5 hours in a day spent over the game almost all days.
That's why I thought of this proposal, for make the game a bit better for the newcomers and avoid a bit of that painstaking process.
I know many of you in the past are gone trought that: but if someone bash you in the head with a stick you will cluck the stick hailing it as "your treasssure" ?
You have done it, and for what I understand, times where different back then, cards where different, and many now are quite nerfed EG sundial, so it's not looking that good from who is starting the game right now.
I've farmed lvl3 moved up to Top50 and after lately I'm on Half Blood with sometime a match against the False Gods, cant do different or better until the deck is fully upped .
I hate the very stingy Half Blood, for the reasons that are described in another thread, but at this moment I dont really need cards, but Electrums for upgrade my current deck, unless I get so lucky to win one of the cards that I need to upgrade.
I dont think I will sell, as example, the 6 artic squids I got, just for gathering Electrums, since took me a lot of luck and quite some time for having those. Im not using them, true, but I may change my mind at some point, so I prefer keep them. I can sell minors card but at 15 to 40 electrum each how many cards I can upgrade? 2 or 3 at max, so I believe that sell back is not the way. I personally sell only cards in excess of 6 so, may be is that my problem, but at the end of the day the Electrums are there for buy common cards for starters and upgrade the card in the deck.
What I see actually happen to myself is: after some time of playing this game the initial entusiasm has started to chill and I found myself slamming my face against the hard wall of the grinding that I find a time consuming process. Therefore, the expectative to grind a lot for the upgrades, make me wanting to play less and less.
My proposal is a simple little shourtcut that shouldnt impact on the game that badly, but that may allow players to get a bit of more cards and speed up the deckbuilding process.