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Messages - fl0ppy (65)

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this has been suggested and the consensus is that it isnt too hard to just press tab before pressing enter
What is this "consensus" you speak off? As far as I know we have a very small group of people who use tab, and a very large group of people who don't use tab.

Majority of internet users don't use tab, or don't even know it works the way it does. Overall usability would definitely improve if ENTER worked without hitting the tab first. Best part is that it should be relatively easy to accomplish which is why I sign this suggestion.
there was a suggestion for this before, cant remember where, it probably got deleted, but i did see a topic somewhere that suggested it, and people kept saying its not all that hard to just press tab first
It wasn't deleted and I merged the two topics.

In the original version 4 people said they used tabs. That's nothing. When you do these kind of usability fixes, you don't ask a handful of experienced computer users how they think it should done, you ask the people who don't know every single keyboard trick in the book. Usability is perfect when the dumbest person in the world can easily use your product (just an example, this tab thing isn't of course about being dumb).

Like I said before, this is not the most important fix Elements needs, but it is something that probably should be done to improve usability and user experience. It's small annoyances like this that might add up and make Elements feel less polished.
And for the second time you have merged the topics not merging the newer inside the older, like should be with respect for the original poster (me in this case), but just prioritizing who has better popularity.
As a proof there where a post not long ago asking for add the mark in the export deck, something that I've posted before, but since was not coming from some of your important friends you hand not felt the need to merge it with mine previous.

Said that this is my last post.

I'm out of here.

Bye everyone.

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:13:19 pm »
You are right , but this do not means that what I've said is all wrong.

How in the name of every thing Divine glory ALWAYS play 3 to 4  of those Morning Glory in the first 3 turns with the combo animate weapon. Try yourself and tell me if your games going somehow different.

Come on!

According to wiki

72 cards

12 Morning glory
10 Animate weapons

How many chances there are that ALWAYS this happens?

I have 12 pillars +6 supernova+6 sundials in a 45 cards deck

If I was like him, in proportions, I was having always a couple of pillars, always a supernova and always a sundial at least at every starting... Guess what?
 It's not happening or better it's happening ONCE every let's say 30 rounds that I get more than one pillar at the starting and may be a sundial OR a supernova.

It's more easy that I start with NOTHING, right nothing, none, despite the supposed to be mulligan engine. One of my last match of yesterday I went on for 8 turns without drawing a single pillar or supernova.

Today I've played 5 rounds with Divine Glory; all five same story: after 3 turns he has 3 weapons out + animated weapon combo and one in the weapon slot, same old story as all the other matches played against him.

Now, a question for who love the numbers and percentages: how many chances there are for a draw like that in a deck of 72 cards ?  And how many that, such situation it will repeated over and over at every match?

The 16% of his deck constitutions is the Morning Glory, so how many chances there are that always he got 3 to 4 out with the relative combo in all the matches?

Mine deck percentage, of pillar in the deck is 26% of the deck constitution and despite that I never get to have 3 to 4 pillars out in the first turns.

As from topic, I do not think would be difficult to implement and would make easier to log on.

I'm not say take out the login  button, is a good thing that there is one, but for who's among us have a keyboard and are not afraid to use it will be a blessing.

Better press Enter on the keyboard that the logon button on the page, pretty much like the spacebar for ending the turns.

Issue Archive / Parallel-twin Univers bug or feature? [not a bug]
« on: August 19, 2010, 07:29:46 pm »
If you play TU on a mutant creature the resulting creature will have a different ability, I think is a feature, but also it will be bigger in attack.
If you TU the resulting creature it will grow even more and so on.

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:30:23 pm »
In fact  I've discover it myself  cause I was unsure and went straightforward to try it

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:28:09 pm »
You are right...  I've just tried and if you mutate a malignant cell it take that symbol on and stop to do everything it's suppose to (divide endless) and it's not meaning it's poisoned since it's life will not decrease.

Thanks for help me understand :)

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:24:14 am »
time to boast about defeating DG!

( ( (
(me KO'ing DG with 3 different deck - 42 timeBow, CC?Whybother, 60 timeBow)

heh, sometimes you just get lucky and he didnt draw any fire towers in the early turns
sometimes, you just persevere and push through with whatever you've got and hope you can kill him before he kill you
sometimes, you just play RoL/Hope
Hemm I've noticed just now something weird on your shots: since when Divine Glory use the Aflatoxin?
On the second and mostly third screen you posted I can see many of your creatures poisoned with that.
At first I though you had used liquid shadow on top of your own card but it's not the case.
I dont think either you have used the Aflatoxin deliberatly on your creatures even cause you can have 6 of them not that much and you cannot poison your own creatures with a plague.
I also dont see any of your creatures have the Aflatoxin ability on them.
Also that effect color belong only to the Aflatoxin poisoning effect, but bear a nice 2 in the middle.

What exactly happened there then?

For references here side by side your screenshot and my experiment with the trainer:

( (

I've tested every poison effect and as everyone can see the Aflatoxin is the only one with that colour.

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:18:57 am »
Your deck example is a 36 version
i thought it is common knowledge that an FG decklist is doubled, but i guess not
well its doubled, so there you go...more cards = higher frequency of seeing more weapons/animate weapons
No, it's not exactly doubled, I'm sorry to disappoint everyone sowing a seed of suspect, but I made Divne Glory deck out with the Rol/Hope and I saw exactly what it contains.. a whole lot of pillars, miracles and just 8 weapons with related flying weapon, that's why I'm rambling about.
4/60+ out on 3 turns is a steep percentage to manage almost every time without mention that happens usually at the 2nd or third turn and whith the relative combo animate weapon.

My advice is to take in careful considerations all the decks posted in the wiki, or in the FG decks thread, because the ones that are in the game may be sighlty different as Divine Glory proved me.
Can be a guideline but that's it.

16 turns is definitively a fail but it's happened once in a million and more, this is not the usual behaviour.
Probabily the Ai went out for a coffee break :D

I can claim 2 EM victories on Eternal Phoenix myself just cause I was lucky to get my pulvy out at the first turn and managed to break and steal all his pillars, grilling with a firestorm all the 6 phoenix that he put down in the first turns, forcing him to activate just one or two at times.
I know I was lucky and he's out of there waiting to peck me to death with those Minor Phoenix at the next  match...

Issue Archive / Wiki page rolled back pointing at the old page???
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:07:28 am »
As from topic this morning cliking on it bring me to the old page...

Divine Glory / Re: Divine Glory what's wrong with this guy?
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:08:06 pm »
May be you are right but 4 cards with related animated weapon combo out of 8 cards in a 60+ deck?

It's hard see pillars when you put  a third of them in a 40 cards deck, or even half, then why this always has those.

Your deck example is a 36 version even if you dont add 2 more weapon but just the rest of the cards for reaching our max limit of 60 you will see from yourself how many you will draw.
My guess is one or two at the best in the 3 or 4 rounds.

This is the most eclatant one while the other are more subtle.

Issue Archive / Wrong card displayed in the Oracle
« on: August 17, 2010, 10:46:01 am »
Hi.. I just wont my 100th nym.. sorry, joking :P

I've happen to have the nightmare card displayed with the Vampire Stiletto title for the "profecy"


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