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Messages - finkel (727)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: SpeeDrainbow
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:35:23 pm »
Quicksands don't synergize as well with blackhole as do other quanta-control cards, because against a mono, duo, or even a trio, black hole will be pretty ineffective. You're only sucking up 3 quanta per element, so unless you're facing a rainbow, you'll only be able to delay your opponent 1-2 turns, and though that may be enough, it won't take much for him to drop 1 card that will totally destroy you, such as rain of fire, otyugh, or quanta-producing creatures (by-pass your entire quanta-denial strategy).

1. Quicksand+devourers: suck up any quanta remaining after you wreak havoc with quicksands. Allows you to carry 1-2 obsidian dragons in your deck, as well.

2. Discord+black holes+optional quicksands: Chaos Lord gets me almost every time when he draws this combo. Early discord stalls any deck, even rainbows (scrambles away entropy quanta needed for supernova), and allows black holes to be ridiculously more effective against non-rainbows.

3. Combination of everything. A couple discords, some black holes, some quicksands, and some devourers. This rounded approach works the best of anything I've tried. It all works together to stall your opponent.

Additional comments+suggestions: What's the precog for, seeing what cards your opponent's trying to play? You might want to consider some form of creature control, even if it's just a solitary basilisk blood, thunderbolt, or rewind. Those would all fit perfectly with your deck theme, especially rewind with the quanta denial :D

Nice, beautiful deck (not as pretty as rainbows with only towers and supernovas being repeated cards, but still...), works well.

Final comment: I've beaten an almost carbon-copy of this deck with my speed rainbow in pvp2 by virtue of having several more creatures and waiting to draw 2 supernovas before playing anything after having my first siphoned away. I played an early otyugh, and ended up winning with an elemental mastery (he played a SoG which I stole), they're awesome like that. I've also beaten this sort of deck in Top 50 with the help of Wings (he used his explosions on my hourglass and discord). It's a great deck when it works, but I almost feel like the permanent control would be better spent on more creatures to help win a little faster, since with the extra stall, you should be able to win before your opponent gets almost any strategy going base on how quickly my speedbow wins without any quanta denial beyond a solitary discord.

Keep up the good work, thanks for sharing :D

Buff This Card! / Re: Nymph's Tears | Nymph's Tears
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:16:04 pm »
@Appawesome: No wai. It's way too much fun to use a nymph queen on all your opponent's towers and antimatter+liquid shadow them (especially light towers, muahahaha, such as against Divine Glory) and watch as your opponent kills himself and heals you with his own towers against his will

Trial of Air / Re: Sign Up Here
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:59:45 am »
I'm getting like 4-5 upped cards a day, should have enough electrum to be competitive come trial time :\

Buff This Card! / Re: Turquoise Nymph | Aether Nymph
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:45:53 am »
@ddevans96: You realize that creatures in elements have summoning sickness, right? It can use its ability only after being in play for the one turn necessary for literally any damage-dealing creature control except for thunderstorm to kill it, and if your opponent has any in his hand, that's precisely what he or she will do.

I think that immortality is the way to go here specifically because of Anubis. An existing card already has the same exact ability, which can't be said for literally any other nymph. I think a more fitting ability would be to generate a copy of a target card in your hand (mix between fractal and PU), but it's the only one I have and I would actually rather have it be immortal. It makes perfect sense, since aether has two creatures with the same passive applicable skill unlike any other creature of any other element (charger is the only gravity creature with momentum, no life creatures have adrenaline, etc.). The purple nymph also has only 2 defense (upgraded, 1 unupped), but its ability gives a much higher advantage since it's the absolutely most powerful damage-reducing creature control in the game, and 1/3 cheaper than the card.

It just makes a lot of sense to me, and I know I'd actually use it if I didn't have to quint it, since at that point it's worth making a little more room in my deck and just using actual quints.

Nice suggestion, Retribution. Play all your gasses once you'll be able to finish your opponent off with them next turn (take poison into account, obviously), then deflag and pwn (or wait until you draw deflag, lol).

Sports / Re: YOUR favorite sports team?
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:13:14 am »
Yup, it's the Gryffindor Quidditch team's emblem :D

Religion / Re: Why don't you believe in God(s)?
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:35:05 pm »
No religion has any better proof that theirs is the right one. I'm not a spiritual/religious person, at least not in the sense that I believe in spirits, gods, or anything of the like. Molitor Patel, the main character in "Life of Pi" (one of my favorite books), practices several religions, and doesn't see any reason not to. My problem with religion is the same as my problem with government and justice. It's all arbitrary. You can never have a true functioning democracy with millions of people, and there's no real way to compare rape to theft of intellectual property (information), so we make stuff up. My problem is that most religions claim to not be made up. They claim to be absolutely true. The word of god.

I have a few problems with christianity, specifically, among which are:
-If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then free will cannot exist. God either controls everything or controls nothing, because by choosing not to control something, he is in effect controlling it. Therefor, I don't understand the story at all. It just seems so muddled to me. God gave Adam and Eve Free Will and they commit a sin (eating the apple), so we're all born with sin? That just doesn't make sense to me. God had to have known they'd eat the apple. He made the serpent tell Eve to eat it, because he knew it completely, and so controlled it.

-Where does the rest of the universe fit into god's week-long creation-spree? If he spent 7 days making just the earth, imagine how long he spent making the moon, the rest of the planets in our solar system, galaxy... O.O
Also, how come the sun took him no time at all while the earth took so long? The sun's gi-freaking-normous compared to the earth. Why make it in intervals over the course of a week? I mean, why 7 days? Any reason, besides humans later coming up with that interval of time

My biggest problem with religion is that nobody can really argue that they've got the right book. It seems to me like somebody came up with the bible to make people stop f*cking around and as a form of law, and just lied and told people it was god's word, or was misled and thought that god really spoke to him. It makes perfect sense.

I suppose I could believe in a god that was just like a guy playing the sims, but then again, I don't really get anything out of it, and I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of paying attention to him xD

FG Proposals / Re: False God Proposal: Dragon Lord
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:19:49 pm »
It's like a much easier rainbow :P

Religion / Re: The greatest atheist in history
« on: July 27, 2010, 06:21:40 pm »

With pharaohs you can have 23 ^_^

Nice. I'd like another fog shield instead of the shockwave.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 27, 2010, 06:02:50 pm »
@JJ 52: upped fractals, aether towers, electrocuters, and shards of gratitude are useful in MANY other decks (any fractal deck and vast majority of FG killers, to begin with), so it's definitely worth it to upgrade those.

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