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Messages - finkel (727)

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 61
General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:16:12 pm »
@$$$man: They reset your account with FIVE FRIGGIN' PURPLE NYMPHS?! Most epic pvp2 deck EVER....

Time / Re: Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:13:19 pm »
@Tinkaday: I've come up with some horrible (as in, extremely good) decks with this, eternities, dragons, and earthquakes. Earthquakes+rewinds=opponent can't play cards as he draws them=destroy them in his hand.

General Discussion / Re: 16000 Redirects
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:45:02 pm »
shouldn't this be in off-topic?

Deck Help / Re: an attempt at divine glory
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:44:29 pm »
Yup, you can't afford owl's eyes summon AND ability cost on just your mark. If you could upgrade those flying weapons to animate weapons, I'd recommend you switch your mark to gravity for the pulverizor.

Drop 2 flying weapons and the owl's eye. Replace with earth pillars. Diamond shield is expensive. Get rid of the enchant artifact. Its only use in your deck would be to protect the pulverizor, since morning glories are immortal, and even if you were to draw both the enchant artifact and pulverizor, you'd have to decide when to play them, because once you do, you can't fly the pulverizor or it will become targetable, but if you don't you can't play+fly more morning stars (following me so far?)

I think this would work better in a larger ~40-card deck with more earth pillars and some stone skins (synergize beautifully with miracles).

Interesting deck, need more earth pillars and drop the owl's eye.

Nice job, thanks for posting, hope this helps!

Humor / Re: Awesome Nymph Deck!
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:35:46 pm »
move this to the humor section ^_^

@Kmail: Maybe put some thought into your deck next time. Nobody has that many nymphs. A deck with 6 light nymphs, 6 quintessences, 6 turquoise nymphs, 6 hopes, 6 hourglasses, and the rest dragons would work much better than nymphs, though they are admittedly fun. Still, 2 water nymphs and quintessences in a 30-card deck would be more practical and people could actually make it that had the nymphs (use their effect on quantum towers for teh lulz).

Trial Archive / Re: Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:32:15 pm »
I think I'll go for the article (I like writing) and false god deck (for the challenge). Obviously it will focus around wings, but I'm curious to see if I can make it a duo or trio instead of a rainbow. I'll do the false god deck first. Should be a lot of fun! Great options, Scaredgirl (especially since I'm probably going to epically fail at the false god deck, so I can resort to cards...)

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: July 29, 2010, 01:47:00 am »
@Nume: you should have fractaled destroyers, and if you'd had more than 5 you would have been able to time it so growing them all did just enough damage to kill her without her taking it into account (unless she takes growth into account, iunno), or just spam them once you can kill her with them. When you have fractal against Miracle, use it! Play a little dmage, then the rest all at once to pwn her. Nice, though.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: July 29, 2010, 01:31:12 am »
Just got a time nymph...yeah, not very useful. I suppose it's useful in a frack-you type deck or one that protests having permanents, but in both cases I think either precogs or houglasses would be better. Still, it's a decent enough creature for me to use it as such (6|8 for 9), and it would be great in a mono-time, though unfortunately mono-time isn't all that great, though with my 4 shards of readiness I feel the urge to experiment with sharded flying eternities >:D

UPDATE: And today (day after I posted this) I got a fire nymph :D lol-tastic. It's too bad I'm saving my electrum for the trials, or I'd upgrade a cremation-destroyer deck :( @Drunkdestroyer: you should make a deck with purple+green nymphs so you can adrenaline antimattered enemy creatures xD

Crucible Archive / Re: Falcon | Sky Falcon
« on: July 29, 2010, 01:14:12 am »
@bojengles77: Scarabs don't gain attack for other scarabs on the field, and he specifically says:
Untamed is to prevent fractal and PU abuse.

Duo-Decks / Re: Devourer Obliteration
« on: July 29, 2010, 01:11:31 am »
@Boiler: that's why the version with vampires is so much better, especially since it has a chance against speed rainbows (the heal makes a huge difference - allows you to buy enough time to beat down rainbow, especially since vampires are airborne).

General Discussion / Re: Best Nymph?
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:57:35 pm »
Just got a golden nymph. Put it in my speed rainbow just to show it off in pvp, but it's really not that useful. Dammit. I have a turquoise and golden nymph, and neither one have any place in any of my decks or decks I can think of >.< GAAAAH

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lockdown: Weapon Style
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:40:03 pm »
Why 3 extra weapons?

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