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Messages - finkel (727)

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False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:38:10 pm »
I was wondering what happens with that deck when queen/golems/fractal/quintessence is at the bottom of your deck, since there are so friggin' few of each.

Where's your fractal? I don't see lots of destroyers, and you don't have it in your hand O.o

I have a few screencaps of my beating FGs with a speed rainbow (....yeah)

Forum Game Archive / Re: Chain Reaction!
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:17:57 am »
Award Karma

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:08:29 am »
nobody's commented on what they do when the queen doesn't come up, or they don't draw quintessences until very late-game. How do you get enough damage out to kill the FG then? With rol-hope, for example, the rays provide enough quanta that even if your dragons or remaining fractals are last in your deck, you can still fractal=>kill in 1-2 turns, but here fractal doesn't work until you get queen, so if the queen is buried or you can't quint a destroyer until late-game, can you still win?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Fast-Forward Turn Option
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:39:32 am »
What do you guys think about this:
A checkbox next to "Done" reading "Fast-Forward: Skip Opponent's turn's animations" that does the following:
When you end your turn, the game pauses as the AI figures out what it's going to do, and once it's processed that information, it shows the new field and starts your next field. No intermediate animations, no indication of which cards it drew, played, used, etc.

Because So often against false gods and occasionally other AIs I'm set up to win and the only thing left to do is wait to draw a card or wait for the end of the game. Being able to skip watching rainbow click all his hourglasses and creatures etc. etc., especially near the end of the games, would shorten the games considerably.

What if your opponent kills you his turn, or something equally horrific?
You die. This option would be best used if you knew there was (almost) no way your opponent could kill you his turn, but a lot of the time it would only satisfy your curiosity, and there's no need to see the card. You'll see the result of his turn, so you can tell basically what he did. The whole point here is to speed the game up, so if you use the option and then realize you have no idea how something just happened, just react to it, curiosity killed the cat, and this would be an option, it would have no effect on people that didn't want to use it.

I'm tired of waiting for my opponent to click all his cards and he AI to show all the animation when it really doesn't matter. Examples: Against Seism, Miracle, and Divine Glory, with my RoL-Hope deck, once my hope is at the right level, they literally cannot do damage to me (except blessings, but that's only 3 damage), so all that's left to do is wait for quanta to play cards or cards to use quanta on. I spend 1-2 minutes in these games when I'm already guaranteed to win, and it's doubly stupid to sit and watch pretty animations that don't matter for that time and press spacebar 15 times.

The animations are often just a waste of time, so I'd like an option to skip them (the code exists -- spectator mode). Another option would to have a "skip animations" button, so there's a short pause after everything you do, like with an animation, but without all the lag and extra time of showing every animation (like with a field of rays, I'd rather a 1-second pause after gaining all the quanta instead of a rippling of animations across the field taking 4-5 seconds).

Please Comment!

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:25:19 am »
If people report consistently superior results with it compared to rol hope, I'll sell my rays and switch. In an hour 7 cards sounds a little low, but plenty good, and 1500 score sounds really enticing xD

@people that have been playing this deck: what's the strategy you're developing? A quick outline so I can understand how this deck plays/works would be helpful.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:47:55 am »
Only two quintessences? What if you don't draw one for quite some time? Won't it be hard to pull off the combo?

It looks brilliant, but with only 1 queen, 2 quintessences, and 2 destroyers, I'm skeptical. I assume as soon as you get a quintessence you pair it with the queen. The fireflies will draw out mass creature-control so your detroyers should survive the 2 turns required to be safe from fire storm, or just kill your opponent outright. However, it seems that you'll be hardpressed getting the quanta necessary to pull this off early enough, but I have no idea.

I already have 20/35 cards upgraded, so I could build this in a few days, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

Can somebody play a good amount (20, preferably around 50) of games and let me know how they go (what happens when you don't draw a quintessence, or queen, until late in the game? Any important notes, comments, etc.?)

General Discussion / Re: Thank you
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:18:31 am »
That is ridiculous. You do realize that you can never stop drawing, right? I mean, there are thousands of people in the world with little to no drawing ability because you have it all!

Incredible sketches, wonderful game.

SoR pl0x

owl's eyes, fahrenheits, or morning glories would be nice, too (I have very few of all of them)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Tinkady's Winged Speed Rainbow 1.24
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:38:25 pm »
only 2 of your creatures would survive maxwell's demon, lol. Just pointing that out.

does discord do much later in the game? There shouldn't really be a "late-game" with this deck, but I mean after the initial rush is underway.

I'm not a big fan of thunderbolts. I've found that a congeal+basilisk blood stall as long as you need with this deck. If you really like killing creatures as opposed to stalling them, gravity force is the cream of the crop.

interesting version, I like it. I'll farm FGs until I have 15-20k to work with, then tweak my deck to something between everything I've seen.

Wings works wonders in this deck xD

Duo-Decks / Re: Fun AI3 Farmer
« on: July 12, 2010, 03:30:30 pm »
No, I mean - It's a good idea, sure. But I think none will use it if it's fully upped. After all, ai3 is what you grind to turn into a upped deck.

Ai3 is arguably the best place to farm for score. With a really good deck (speed rainbow, life rush), you can win in well under a minute, and gain much more score over time than any other AI. you can lose to top 50, and losing score offsets your gain by a fair amount. AI5 and FGs take too long and you lose against FGs too often to make it really profitable (even with EMs every game -- I tried).

Life / Re: Forest Scorpion | Scorpion
« on: July 12, 2010, 03:27:57 pm »
Adrenaline on dune and forest only triggers the effect twice per turn.

With both this and dune, I sense a wonderful adrenaline-time-life synergy going on :D

I tested a deck with a few of these, unstoppables, epis, a few bonds, and deja vus, and it's really interesting. early unstoppable adrenalined dune to slow down/screw up your opponent's strategy by destroying needed cards and making him play whatever he draws right away, and deja vus are for da damage and healing. With this, 2 cards destroyed, 2 damage per scorpion per turn....yum!!

Humor / Re: I love dogs, hate cats
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:09:37 am »
My feline friend was walking with me one day, and we encountered our neighbors with their Newfoundland. The cat glanced at it skeptically, then hissed tentatively. The dog looked back at it half-curiously, half-fearfully, and all adorably. The cat then made a throaty growl and slapped the dog on the nose. He went running away behind one of his owners.

I like cats, because I can respect them. You can't own a cat, it does whatever it wants. It sleeps all day, so you can't help much be jealous of it. It can catch it's own food and is evens so thoughtful to bring you some. I've yet to meet a cat trained to roll over, play dead, shake paws, or any such silliness. They recognize bullshit and refuse to partake in it. They're independent but also wonderful for snuggling. Cats, unlike dogs, have a built-in miniature muffled car engine that revs quietly and fantastically in your arms. they're great for cuddling up with in bed after a long day, and love to be scritched and scratched and are much more relaxed. Dogs are generally too hectic for me, though fun. I like playing with a dog at the beach, but long-term prefer the sanity of a cat that doesn't blindly do whatever it's told to and is loyal to whoever provides it with food and kisses.

but yeah, dogs are cool too.

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