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Messages - finkel (727)

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 61
General Discussion / Re: Elements opening music
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:28:43 am »
Yeah. It's annoying. I just hover my mouse right over where the "Settings" will appear and click quality and sound right away before even logging in every time.

« on: July 16, 2010, 04:27:51 am »
6 light nymphs and hopes would be nice, seeing as you have a LOT of creatures without abilities :)

you only need 45,000 to upgrade a 30-card deck ( I've made over 100,000 electrum in my time playing this game so far O.o), so you could build one in teh trainer and upgrade in in-game. Speed rainbows are ridiculous. 28/32 in pvp2 so far with mine.

General Discussion / Re: I'm a nymph deleter.
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:38:47 pm »
Yup. I lost 6 miracles and morning glories (up to 4 total miracles a 1 glory now) due to computer lag, and didn't know about the refresh tip. It's saved me a couple times since :)

Deck Help / Re: Aether Death Giant Bone Vultures.
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:35:50 pm »
Why the dim shields? PUs would be much more useful (for duplicating your buffed vultures), especially with the bone walls. 5 sparks and fractals is more than enough. You could even go with 4 sparks, since once you fractal you can just leave one in your hand, though 5 is probably the safest. In my RoL-Hope deck I have 6 rays because sometimes I can play a hope before fractaling, or play a ray while keeping one in my hand against a god with CC, but here there's no reason to have 6 sparks. with 6 fractals, you'll often have 1 cluttering your hand early on.

-dim shields
-1-2 spark(s) and 1 fractal
+some combination of graveyards, bone wall, and/or PUs (graveyard would be nice if you have 2-3 fractals, so you fractal once without it, then again once or twice with it, filling your side with skellies in addition to super-vultures and bone wall. If your opponent kills them, all the better for you, and if he has a dmg-reducing shield, your bone wall should stall plenty long for your vultures to do their dirty work.

Try to cut it down to 30 cards. Since death cards are cheaper, mark of aether may work better to allow you to drop your aether pillars to 8 (or more with PUs) and add in some bone pillars.

You only have 3 vultures and 2 bonewalls, even thought you need at least 1-2 vultures and 1 bonewall for your combo to work, so you only have 1 extra of each O.o I'd say 3 bone walls is a must, in order to give you a good chance to draw one while it'll still be helpful (lol) and 4 vultures would be nice to help you draw one or even two.

To summarize: More vultures and bone walls, drop the dim shields, less aether pillars. I've seen at least 2 previous (albeit upped) versions of this deck before, so search around for them to help you fine turn yours.

Nice job, thanks for posting, hope this helps!

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: [POLL] Nymph Exchange?
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:20:46 pm »
Interesting ideas, thanks for posting!

Forge Archive / Re: Cryostasis | Cryostasis
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:08:02 pm »
After playing pvp some, I have to say this card would be insanely overpowered in some decks. There were plenty of situations where had my opponent been able to stop all my damage and just let his creatures/poison hit me for 2 turns, he would have won.

Imagine this in a death+physalia deck. lay on the damage, wait until you're almost dead, then just ride it out. It would be somewhat hard to chain these, since you'd need 5 water towers out, but with SoG or any sort of healing (miracles, for example), you could easily ride it out.

On that note, this would synergize beautifully with miracles. Some light dragons and toadfish for damage, these for end-game stalling, and miracles to help chain them. BAM.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: [POLL] Nymph Exchange?
« on: July 15, 2010, 07:50:36 pm »
Nymphs are, should be, and were designed to be ungrindable.

Scorpio / Re: Scorpio is getting stronger and stronger.
« on: July 15, 2010, 07:32:54 pm »
@Retribution: Extremely well :D

Trial of Air / Re: Sign Up Here
« on: July 15, 2010, 06:41:36 pm »
1. Score=20623
2. Posts=560
3. ???
4. Profit

Forum Game Archive / Re: Build the ultimate Creature by Zac333
« on: July 15, 2010, 05:40:42 pm »
I'll play! Heads-up, though, I'm fairly bad at drawing, but I can make it humorous ^_^

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:47:06 am »
I just played Elidnis and Osiris and didn't draw a single electrocuter or hope, respectively. Against Osiris I decided to risk it and just start spamming dragons. Beat Elidnis with EM, beat Osiris with 8 health left :D

( ( (

Elidnis used all his :life on bonds, and didn't draw a single saphire tower, hence, he has one creature in play ^_^

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