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Messages - finkel (727)

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Forum Game Archive / Re: Corrupt A Wish!
« on: August 18, 2010, 08:44:17 pm »
It does, but it doesn't.

I don't wish.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Clash of Worlds by Bloodshadow
« on: August 18, 2010, 08:43:36 pm »
Forum Name: finkel

Color: #FF8080

Character Name: Sil'fur Oxymort, but almost always referred to as "Silver" or "Silvermort"

Element:  :darkness/ :death, but :darkness comes first.

Gender: Male

Race: Drow

Age: 68 (stopped aging at 25, so appears that age, but is now an adolescent)

Appearance: Black skin, silver hair, right eye is a deep crimson red, the left a brilliant ivy green, both are large and piercing and can see well in total darkness. 4' 2" (short for a Drow). Slim, lithe, and graceful. Exceptionally strong, far beyond what one would expect for his size. Long, slender, sensitive fingers. Large pointed ears, very acute sense of hearing. Sleek and sharp nose, fairly bad sense of smell (on par with humans). Moves as though a ghost without disturbing the air or making any noise with a graceful quickness. He repels attention and seems to absorb all the light that lands on him, making it difficult for most people to make out his features, especially because he has an innate aura that makes it uncomfortable to gaze upon him for most people/creatures. Blends into the shadows and seems to melt away when he steps away from a light. Wears magical boots that leave no trace, absorb the force of even a tremendous fall, and weigh nothing, indeed allowing him to psuedo-levitate and barely touch the ground while wearing them. A fine hooded cloak that is only the slightest bit tastefully loose. It keeps him warm in the cold and breathes to keep him cold in the heat, but most of all changes in appearance to help him blend in with his surroundings and passes through the air without disturbing it, allowing him to pass directly past somebody without them noticing in the slightest. Finally, he wears a fine mesh armor armor on his chest that covers down to his waist, up to his neck, and a couple inches down each arm from the shoulder.

Personality: Painfully charismic (most human females swoon with the feeling of attraction and would follow him to the ends of the earth after hearing him utter but a sentence). He can alter his demeanor and voice to blend in or make a particular impression, but at his most relaxed he is very relaxed and smooth. He's rubbed the wrong way by people discussing some insignificant trifle at length, and prefers to dwell on the larger and all-encompassing ideas and philosophies such as discussing the experience of witnessing the northern lights. He is extremely sensitive to bright light, and is temporarily blinded by it (he often wears simple slim black sunglasses to prevent this when he wanders into lighter areas, as well as to disguise his eyes and prevent somebody he's at odds with from recognizing him), but can adjust for short periods. He becomes sour and irritable after being in a lit area for a prolonged time, and procures an aching headache and general uneasiness. He's a thief through and through, and cannot resist stealing things. He lifts wallets and such trifles habitually and is never caught. He usually just pulls out the cash or valuable part(s) (such as a diamond from a ring) and throws the rest out of sight into a bush, fountain, or garbage can. He loves sweet and succulent fruits and foods/beverages with an intense flavor and spice, but doesn't care for spicy-hot food. He  generally abstains from altering his mental state, but greatly enjoys a vintage wine or fine cigar, and can be bribed with such items. He's a sucker for younger Drows, especially ones with as dark a complexion as his (he's attracted to females with bright red or rose-colored lips, and especially those that dye their hair red; being clad in slim, alluring clothing, especially leather, doesn't hurt either), but occasionally spots a human girl that catches his interest, but only very occasionally, and he always prefers a decent-looking Drow to any human. Of course, female Drows are superior to male Drows, but female Drows often find him appealing for his almost childish face and romantic charm. He adamantly refuses to believe in the existence of any god, and has gotten into a fair bit of trouble because of this (gods don't like being told they don't exist). He loves covert adventure, especially if it involves a prize; i.e.: stealing things. He enjoys stealing things from humans because they're comically bad at preventing him from doing so.

Abilities: He carries a variety of slim, extremely sharp (with the help of magic, atoms are no restriction) multi-purpose knives strapped around his waist. Most of these knives are tipped in some sort of poison, ranging from ones that cause total paralysis almost instantly to those that cause a magical curse to infect the victim's body and rapidly possess, corrupt, and disintegrate it. He has a superb resistance to all forms of magic, but is also trained in its art, so he is able to channel it into his weapons and use it as such. He uses direct magic only as a last resort, as it causes his defense against magic to drop significantly, and in the case of more intense/stronger spells, nearly completely disappear. He hides a small crossbow loaded with a dozen poison-tipped darts in his left sleeve which he can draw and fire in a fraction of a second. The poison causes unconsciousness in nearly any creature within a matter of seconds, and slowly sets and causes prolonged unconsciousness for several hours (ranges dramatically depending on the target - humans get knocked out for ~16 hours, other Drows for around 4) without an antidote.
Now onto the "official" abilities:
-Vanish: Silver can instantly disappear from view at will in all but the best-lit adornments. Without his cloak this requires a mild amount of manually-applied magic which slightly lowers his defenses, but with it he can channel its power to provide a fortified defense tailored to his foe while he vanishes from view. As this happens all the light in the room bends towards him and an area a couple of inches all around him becomes completely black as he absorbs increasingly more light. This ends after a fraction of a second, and the light then reverts to normal and passes through him as though he wasn't there.

-Stealth: This is an innate skill, even without his boots (though in this case he is vulnerable to the terrain - he can step on a nail without puncturing his skin, but it is unpleasant and requires concentration). He is completely undetectable in the shadows.

-Levitate: Without his boots this requires a fair amount of magical exertion which progressively lowers his defenses and endurance. With them, he can channel their power to levitate off the ground. Height is no barrier, but he can maintain "flight" for longer closer to the ground, and even longer if he can contact a surface that leads to the ground, such as a brick wall. He could stay aloft touching his fingertips to a wall in such a manner for about an hour before his reserves were exhausted, and about 45 minutes without his boots. However, after any sort of lengthy levitation (greater than a minute or two) causes him to feel exhausted and weary, and makes it difficult for him to focus. His attention increasingly focuses on staying aloft while levitating, so ending it shatters his mental state and causes disorganization and general confusion which is proportionally greater the longer he levitates and the higher he is (takes more concentration). He cannot fly, however, which means that he can sustain only a meager forward motion while levitating, but cannot use it to much advantage (he could levitate up and then forward a few feet onto a roof, but not across a lake). He can, however, use this ability to augment his physical abilities, allowing him to, for example, push off a wall and stay at a constant height for a great distance whilst maintaining his original velocity which slows down over time.

-Communication: He can communicate with other Drows through a silent, imperceptible language consisting of hand gestures, body language and posture, and other slight expressions (such as shifting his weight). He picks up languages easily, within days of hearing them, and can learn to speak them fluently within weeks.

-Nightfall: He can cause pure darkness (absolute lack of light) with the barest exertion, though rarely does so since it attracts attention and causes fear and panic. His powers are stronger in the darkness, so he will often use this ability when facing a difficult opponent to both blind them and strengthen himself. This ability is very versatile, since it can be used to, for example, snuff out all the sources of light in a house, allowing only the moonlight to enter and cause an eerie horror-movie environment where he can stalk his prey.

-False Flame: He can summon harmless flames. He can surround a target in flames to make it visible if it is using invisibility, use it to help confuse an adversary (summon the flames in his general shape and use them to distract the opponent and allow Silver to attack him from behind), or to illuminate an area (useless to him, since he can see best in pure darkness, but can help an ally). Since the flames are mere illusions, the require little effort on his part, but greater exhibitions, such as making a house appear to roar with fire, causes significant concentration and focus.

-Ball (of) Lightning! lol, jk: He can summon spheres of light to distract, illuminate (for others, like allies), or blind (he is immune to the light, but can increase its intensity to the point of literally blinding others). This ability drains him and lowers his magical defenses as long as he is using it.

-Agility: Innate ability. He is extremely deft and swift as well as graceful. He can lift a wallet while maintaining the illusion of pressure and prevent the previous owner from ever feeling a thing. He can alternatively effortlessly evade the path of a blade being wielded by the swiftest of opponents, and frustrate them to no end as their sword seems to pass through him time and time again.

-Corrupt/Enslave: This ability takes a good deal of time (12-24 hours of on-and-off use to turn somebody enough for them to feel allied with him), but increases in effect over time as well. It allows him to fill somebody's soul with darkness and turn their love and hope to hate and fear, and use this to turn them into his puppets and slaves. He can start with a young innocent boy and end with a warrior that can see only blood that will fight to the death at the drop of a hat or point of a finger.

-Charm: Drows are unaffected, and Elves not much more, but nearly all other races find Silver simply irresistible and cannot help but do what he asks. Unlike in Star Wars, strong/weak minds have nothing to do with it, and the power of his charisma depends on much different factors. It works best on females that are attracted to males, less on lesbians, worst on straight males, and better on gay males. The less sensitive to person/creature is, the less effect this has, however, for example, he can use body language and appearance to charm a deaf person. After learning only a few key words, he can use his charm to make somebody believe that he speaks their language fluently, while in fact he first heard it 15 minutes ago. Intelligence does play a significant role, for nearly all Earthern Animals would respond vehemently to him (he can ride any horse, ride a dolphin and never have it dive, sit inside a crocodile's mouth, etc.), but this sort of charming requires him to extend his charm more in order for it to work on creatures that are not focusing on him. He could wordlessly use this innate ability in conjunction with another ability such as Ball Light to cause a guard to wander off in a dreamy trance towards a light that moves with him.

I wore myself out writing too much on the last parts, so I'll finish the Background and World Description later today or tomorrow, as soon as I've regained my will to do so.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Recycle Doctrine | Recycle Dogma
« on: August 18, 2010, 06:51:54 pm »
Really good idea, +karma

Trio & Quartet / Re: Mindgate
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:56:23 pm »
@OP: I found that 4 eternities and some (5-6) time towers and the rest phase shields+mind gates+aether towers worked the best (pendulums were near-impossible to balance, didn't work well) with this strategy:
When you mindgate a pillar/tower, reverse one of his creatures at the end of your turn, then keep mindgating that pillar until you can reverse a creature and mindgate that the same turn, then spam it.

I would like to apply for Competition Organizer. I'm extremely creative, and check the forums several times a day, so keeping a new and exciting competition going at all times would not be a problem.

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Shard l Shard of Mercy
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:38:30 pm »
I don't really see the point of this card. I think just the +1 hp would be enough, the time bubble makes it close to useless for most purposes, especially since you don't usually do exactly enough damage to kill a creature (except for cards like fire lance and lightning - they correspond to many creatures' HP).

General Discussion / Re: Max Deck Experiment?
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:36:30 pm »
Very interesting idea, but you can only have 12 flying eternities (6x eternity, animate weapon, twin universe) unless you want to gamble on pandemonium doing exactly what you want it to, which goes against the whole point of it, lol.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Shard|Shard of Purity
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:31:55 pm »
I like this one a lot. Very original. I imagine a deck with dune scorpions+momentums (+quintessences?) and these that accumulate 20-25 poison counters on the enemy (especially against a false god!) and then play this shard to stay alive before continuing the carnage.


Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sheep | Sheep (+)
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:24:27 pm »

Competitions / Re: Card Design Competition: Shard Madness!
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:20:32 pm »
Where do you get the picture for the unupped shard? (of the right color, specifically...)

I can't figure out what's available or not, so here are the ones I have ideas for, can somebody please tell me which (if any) are available?:

General Discussion / Re: Max hp experiment
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:45:59 pm »
Make two teams, and give all the players on the first team the first deck, and all the ones on the second one the second deck, then have them all enter pvp2, and wait until a person on one of the teams meets somebody on the other team, then see how far they can go, and then see how much electrum the guy with 10000 hp gets when he wins. That would be so epic O.o

You could make, like, a LOT of electrum this way! *hmmmm....*

The quantum pillar/tower art seems really out of place. I liked the old one. I don't know why, but they just seem so....simple, out of place, inartistic compared to the other new ones. I like the new ones, but I feel like before the pillars+towers seemed more on the same plane of art as the other cards, and now they're all like super-duper-artsy-fartsy and look so much prettier than the other cards that the other cards look worse than they should, or something, iunno, unicorns are pretty.

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