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Messages - fede91 (48)

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Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact | Chaos pact
« on: November 14, 2011, 11:41:58 am »
We think that pacts can:
1) Destroy previous pacts when played.
2) Last 3 turns (all pacts, I have to radically modify druidic pact and night pact (I think I would delete night pact and create a new one)). Also upgraded version.
3) They can say "whenever you play a (matching element) creature, you can...". Pact is destroyed if you play a creature of an other colour (its ability doesn't activate): this eliminates fractaling photons or spark (there aren't  :light and  :aether pacts). Therefore, this favours mono-deck colours (like mono time, for example). We wanted to use old abilities because pacts can take the place of spells in hand: the innovation (we thougt) is that pacts activate ability when a creature is played (there aren't cards of this type). I think that this modify can make pacts better cards, and also suits with the idea of a pact (I promise you that I play only creatures of your colour and you give me an advantage for several turns). What do you think?

Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact | Chaos pact
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:22:47 am »
Fractal does make balancing these cards more difficult. However it is still possible.

Fractal triggers pacts more often than non fractal methods.
Make the effect triggered less useful to fractal decks than it is to non fractal decks.

The quanta absorption per creature played is a rather inelegant solution but it works. A more elegant solution would be preferred.
We thought about creating the passive ability "Pact": pact destroys previous pact when played, absorbs 1 quanta of matching element when a creature is played, and if you have no quanta of that type it would destroy itself ad would do 15 damages to its controller. In this way, it seems to be a real pact: infact, if you broke a pact, you will pay a "penality". Why do you say that it's no much elegant?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Druidic pact | Druidic pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:00:54 pm »
Upped version is OP
I was modifing it! Now it's modified!   

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Death pact | Death pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 05:45:40 pm »
I think the cost is too high. There are situations where this is powerful, but I think a cost of 7|11 would be good.
it could be 8 :death / 12  :death

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Death pact | Death pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:49:53 pm »
Pact modified!

Forge Archive / Re: Chronos Pact | Chronos Pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:43:25 pm »
Pact modified!

Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact | Chaos pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:37:36 pm »
Pact modified! Is it ok?

Forge Archive / Re: Chronos Pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 03:29:38 pm »
please fix thread title to say Chronos Pact | Chronos Pact

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Night pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:18:38 am »
I will modify it: it will drain  all :darkness quanta, for avoiding fractal on a darkness creature. You must fractal a death creature, so you have to do a tricolor deck

Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:16:34 am »
Yeah it seems a good nerf to it. Moreover it make the fractal death scorpion deck maybe viable but anyway very funny :p
So with this modify it can be playable? I will modify it!

Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:13:48 am »
Becuase if your opponent have say 3/4 creature on the field just playing the pact and a fractal or just creatures from your hand will totally kill your opponent
if it lasts 3 turns?

Forge Archive / Re: Chaos pact
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:09:25 am »
The time seems still a bit OP.
night pact can be really stupid.. If you fractal a death or darkness creature every copy will give +1/+1 to every other.
Thanks!  I agree with you about night pact, I will modify it. Why do you think chronos pact is still OP? Also with modifies (lasts 4 turns)?
and if night pact drains all  :darkness quanta? you have to play a death creature, and you have to have a tricolor deck..

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